Before You Detox, It's Not What You Think by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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Getting started in body detoxification

If you feel that everyday stress is taking its toll on you and your overall health, then now is the best time to get started on body detoxification.

These days, there are so many ways to detoxify the body. These options are specifically designed to suit the lifestyle and personal preferences of the people who are about to try body detoxification. Here are some of the common means to detoxify the body:

1. Body detoxification through diet change. Since unhealthy foods are one of the major causes of impurities in the body, it is a must that people who want to undergo detoxification should start eliminating foods that are unhealthy such as fast foods and packaged that have high fats and sugar content. Instead, they should shift into healthier options such as a diet consisting of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.

2. Body detoxification using juices. This type of body detoxification is some sort of a fasting for about three days and involves drinking only juices made out of fresh fruits and vegetables. Some of the juices used for this type of body detoxification include carrot juice, spinach juice, celery juice, cabbage juice, apple juice, pineapple juice and cranberry juice. Citrus fruits are strictly prohibited since these may cause stomach upset caused by the acid. Duration of juice fasting is typically one to three days.

3. Body detoxification using water. Instead of juice, this body detoxification type uses water instead. It basically follows the underlying principles in juice fasting only that plain water is consumed. Experts say that this is more effective compared to body detox using juice since water is the best cleansing agent there is.

4. Body detoxification using sauna. Since sauna uses heat, experts believe that incorporating this as a regular part of body detoxification would be an effective way to remove the buildups chemical present in persons fat cells.

5. Body detoxification through the removal of old skin cells. This is one of the simplest means to detoxify your body because all you need to do is to brush out old skin and you can pave the way for the stimulation of your lymph system by drawing out the piled toxins through your skin. Experts say that you can make use of a dry skin brush that is made out of soft vegetable bristles. You can start brushing your feet in a circular manner before you take a shower to ensure that your blood will circulate very well.