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Flat Stomach Fast for Six-pack Abs

It's no wonder that most of us walk around with a little pooch to our stomachs. With yo-yo dieting and overeating, we've caused our stomachs to distend and begin to lose their elasticity. Bloating that results from eating the wrong types of food can also distend the stomach and cause it to lose elasticity.

If one likes to get back those six-pack abs and look great in one's clothes again, try a flat stomach fast for quick and noticeable results. Fasts are generally designed to detoxify the system, get rid of water that might have been retained and help lose unwanted weight, including that tummy flab. Fasting helps the stomach go back to its normal size and prepare it for eating less food to keep the tummy flat.

Water fasting for a week is the best flat stomach fast to reduce the size of the stomach rapidly and noticeably. After the fasting is complete and the tummy is restored to a natural size, it's more difficult to overeat because one will feel fuller faster than when the stomach is enlarged from eating too much food. One won't feel the need to eat more just to fill up.

When the fast to reduce the stomach is over, one can keep those six-pack abs by avoiding a few things that will sabotage all the hard work. Avoid beer by all means - it's the worst drink to cause bloating. Coffee and carbonated drinks are also no-nos. Any type of junk food is bad for the stomach and the entire system. Try to bring more vegetables and whole grains into the diet plan and avoid processed foods.

Be aware that when one begins to add foods back into one's diet after a water fast, certain things may cause the body to bloat. High fiber foods will especially make one feel bloated and puffy - but that doesn't mean one is eating the wrong foods. It is just the body getting used to the changes in one's diet.

To cut down on some of the bloated look and feelings when one's to the point of introducing food back into one's diet after the water fast, try to include some bloat-busting fruits and vegetables such as pineapple, celery, asparagus and papaya. Adding some mint leaves to drinking water can also cut down on the bloating.

As a side note, there are lots of "flat tummy" exercises that can be found on the internet, in books, CDs and DVDs. Pilates work wonderfully to trim down stomachs, but there are many more to choose from. Exercise is a big part of any diet plan - essential for keeping those calories burned and the muscles (including the abs) more in shape.

A flat stomach fast can jump start any diet plan and flush out toxins and bacteria that make one's tummy feel bloated and distended. One will feel better and look better with the newly acquired six-pack abs.