CARB CYCLING (Healthy Eating Weightloss guide) by Shelby Starnes - HTML preview

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Chapter 7 – Helpful Tips

Here are some sensible tips to make your carb cycling plan more effective. You may be practicing some of them already.

1. Cheat days are not an open invitation to go overboard and stuff yourself with all your favorite food. Have a slice of pizza or a Big Mac if you're really craving that. Just remember that the cheat day is there as an option and not as a mandate.

Your carb cycling results depend on how much you "cheat". If you do it every week then, of course, your weight loss will be slower. If you want faster results, keep cheat days to a minimum.

2. Don't skip breakfast and always make sure you eat protein and fiber. This is essential for beating those cravings and keeping you full until the next meal

3. Consider resistance or aerobic exercise to maintain your muscle mass and make the most of carb cycling. If this doesn’t appeal to you, any exercise you prefer will be beneficial. Walking, cycling or swimming are good alternatives.

4. If you are active in sports or work out regularly, synchronize high carb days with your high activity days. This will help you shed those pounds faster. Plus, you will have higher energy levels on those days.

5. Avoid "drinking" your calories. This includes smoothies, sweetened tea, and coffee or fruit juices. Stick to water or herbal tea. If you must have your morning coffee, try to take it black. As for tea, it doesn't taste too bad when sweetened with honey.

6. Supplements can maintain your carb cycling at an optimal level and improve digestions. Omega-3, Vitamin B 12 and probiotics are good choices.

7. Get creative with meal plans. Work with the wide variety of foods that you have, to create delicious dishes. Search online for new recipes to try and experiment with new carb combinations. Also, experiment with things you've never tried before, like quinoa, kale or hummus. You might be pleasantly surprised!

8. Get enough sleep to stay energetic and avoid stress. Give your body the rest it needs for optimal carb cycling. This is just good common sense for anyone striving for better health.