CARB CYCLING (Healthy Eating Weightloss guide) by Shelby Starnes - HTML preview

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Chapter 6 - Normal Side Effects to Expect

Don’t worry. The side effects are nothing remotely dangerous. Consider them as minor symptoms that may cause some discomfort.

Any disruptive changes in diet or exercise routines may have some temporary side effects. It's like when you work out after a period of inactivity. Your muscles will ache for a couple of days afterward. But you know it's a result of your workout.

Some people starting the carb cycling plan have reported experiencing some side effects. These should pass or decrease significantly within a week or so.

1. Water weight gain. Expect to see some water weight gain especially on high carb days. This is because your body stores four times more water for every gram of carbs you consume. This should normalize over time.

You will notice less water weight gain on low carb days. So, rest assured that you are not gaining real weight.

Exercising on high carb days may also help with this issue. Note: Despite this water weight gain, you still need to drink lots of water throughout the day.

2. You may feel more tired and lethargic than usual during the first week or so. This is normal. You will regain your usual energy – in fact, you will notice increased energy - once the carb cycling kicks in.

3. You may experience constipation or bloating. This is due to your high carb intake, especially more starchy foods like potatoes and rice.

Herbal teas, especially chamomile, is a wonderful cure for this. You can also replace your fruit intake with stewed fruit until your digestion improves.

4. You may feel irritable and experience mood swings. This is a normal complaint.IT could be that for you, the carb cycling plan is restrictive What does that mean? If you are used to eating more carbs than the quantities prescribed in this plan, then you are restricting yourself. This deprivation may cause some irritability and moodiness for the first few days.

5. You may experience cravings due to the switch from unhealthy carbs and fats to healthy ones. Willpower and the cheat day will help you overcome this.

6. Your body may crave more carbs on low carb days.

Other than the above, the harmless side effects, there is no real danger in following a carb cycling diet. However, always listen to what your body tells you. If these side effects last for more than two weeks, then the carb diet may just not for you.