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Change and Development

The Existence Trilogy: Book 2

Richard Clark

Copyright©2020 by Richard Clark



Please Note:

I am not a Doctor or Physician, Scientist or medically trained in any way.

I am not a therapist or trained in any therapies, complementary or alternative.

Nothing here in this eBook is meant to be a replacement for proper medical diagnosis and care by your Doctor, Physician or Health Care Professional.

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To everybody, everywhere who pondered and wondered why


Cover and internal photos by Jake


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Hello and thank you for downloading this eBook which follows on from Life and Sentience available on this site.

Life and Sentience looks at how and why life on Earth appeared developed over billions of years and how and why that life was shaped and developed.

This development brought what would become humans to a certain point using the suns energy to make working, physical human forms, but to progress further humanity needed to be more independent from the process that had brought us into existence.

Being independent would allow humans to develop in a more unique way making us more useful to Life and Sentience through fulfilling their purpose for us and for humans to move towards gaining Personal Life.

Life and Sentience made physical life to fulfil their purpose which is for humanity to continually become more complex and to gain understanding.

Through this the Life and Sentience of this universe could flow through humans into the Life and Sentience of previous universes.

Life and Sentience shows how humans were developed to advance us and this eBook looks at what came next and where and why it all went wrong.

Previous Life and Sentience used energy essence, which is an energy program that controls the way energy works to form systems and processes in males.

Viruses were brought into existence to develop males and bacteria were brought into existence to develop females to advance pre humans to what would become modern humans and to where we are today.

Energy essence was used to form immune and nervous systems and advance brain and mental development and viruses were used to supply that energy essence which is the power that makes systems and processes work in humans, which are based on electricity.

The problem with the energy essence used was that there was no energy essence available as it was all in use.

So the energy essence of a previous universe was used as physical life couldn’t advance without it, but as it came from another universe it didn’t work well in this universe, giving rise to defective functioning in humans especially in the immune system.

Viruses were used to receive streamed ideas from Previous Life, the storehouse of data obtained from previous universes, into selected males to advance them.

Bacterial energy was used to improve the immune and nervous systems and brain cells in all females, which were passed on to children and bacteria were also used to give females additional abilities.

Looking at viruses and bacteria we mostly see the harm they do and we miss how viruses and bacteria have been used to develop and shape humanity into what we are today in an ongoing process.

Bacteria in females also harvest and recycle energy from males and other sources and recycle it into children, becoming the main factor in human development.

Once modern humans came into existence through the recycling of energy through children the next step was programming males through ideas, which is permanent and exterior, and the advancing of females through their brains accumulating data, information and knowledge which can be temporary and interior.

Males supplied data or ideas and used it to form structure and societies and females used the same data or ideas to benefit the people in those societies through education, health, socially and so on as males are more interested in things and females more interested in people.

This book covers a period of hundreds of thousands of years up to the present time and is a brief overview touching on the main factors behind change and development in humans to gradually introduce the main ideas.

So let’s get started.

Thanks for the download, enjoy the book and good health x.


Richard Clark

Bedford, UK

December 2020





1 – Modern Humans

2 – Energy Essence

3 – Viruses

4 – Soil Energy

5 – Programming Ideas

6 – Male Violence

7 – Soil and Bacterial Energy in Females

8 – Female Expression

9 – The Female Energy Network

10 – Bacterial Energy

11 – Settlements

12 – The Male Personal Self

13 – The Female Personal Self

14 – The Male Intellect

15 – War and Disease

16 - Afterword


1 – Modern Humans

The focus of this eBook is between 200,000 and 300,000 years ago up to the present time.

This eBook is about energies and how they were used to advance and develop what would become humans, called Homo sapiens or modern humans and how and why those modern humans continued developing into what we have become.

Life and Sentience showed that humanity was on a journey where the physical body was developed by the Physical Sentience of this universe and when that development had reached a certain point, that is where a brain started to form, Brain Sentience took up residence in that brain and took over the process of advancing human systems and processes, energy and mental development, effectively advancing humanity.

All physical life up to modern humans had been developed by the Physical Sentience of this universe passing blended energy from the sun into cells it had put together producing different forms of physical life with a developed body and basic systems, but not much more than that.

To continue development modern humans had to emerge filled with content: passion and drive, ideas and the ethics, virtues, skill, talent and everything else needed to advance humans by making us more complex and capable of advanced understanding.

Previously energy essence, which controls the way energy works, was passed into very early human males eventually advancing the immune and nervous system, forming pathways in the brain and the senses and laying down the basic framework for all the electrical systems in the male body.

Through mating children acquired these advancements especially females who don’t receive energy essence directly as it only goes to males and has a pioneering, advancing effect.

Males and females would receive different upgrades from different sources such as energy essence and viruses for males and the energies of and from different bacteria for females and these upgrades would pass on to male and female descendents through children.


Over time physical life developed becoming the forerunners of modern humans, but the problem was the suns energy couldn’t deliver the energy needed to advance these forerunners of modern humans any further.

The sun’s energy could not develop those pre modern humans to have content such as drive, passion, emotions, ethics and virtues, intellect, advanced mental functions and a personal self leading to complexity and the ability to gain understanding that Previous Life and Sentience required from us.

Using the suns energy Physical Sentience had developed physical life to about the level of primates, but couldn’t develop life any further.

So Brain Sentience took over the development of humanity through a program of selectively breeding those forerunners of modern humans of long ago recycling their energy to accelerate their development.

Brain Sentience exists in all mobile physical life that has a brain and is an extension of Previous Sentience which it is still connected to like a power socket in a home is connected to a power station.

This new system would move the development of other mammals forward as well, but not too far bringing them to the point where they have today gained some basic emotional and mental content.

In the background to this also driving human development would be Brain Sentience which has moved humanity to where it is today and is still working expressing itself differently through females and males.

Brain Sentience used energy essence from previous universes, passed into males through viruses, to lay down essential systems and processes in pre-human males, also improving them physically and then the power in the soil and soil bacteria of this universe were used to advance females.

Energy essence had to be taken from previous universes as it’s only recently that the energy essence of this universe has become available to use through using The Therapy, but the energy essence from previous universes doesn’t work that well in this universe causing problems, but it was all that was available at that time.

Power in the soil was passed through soil bacteria and then transmitted into soil bacteria in females and energy essence is passed through viruses into males and this basic method was used to advance female and male pre-humans, with personal selves being added to females and males and received ideas passed into males later.

The two were kept separate although both viruses and bacteria act as receivers.

Only males received energy essence and virus energy through viruses and only females received power from the soil and bacterial energy from bacteria.

Receiving energy from different sources developed those pre-humans in different ways with females gaining emotional content and males more intellectual and abstract.

It also allowed the Brain Sentience in each a different expression through them with females becoming internal, emotional and more self focused and males becoming more external, detached and physical.

Programming ideas received from Previous Life were expressed through males by programming food energy enabling males to build and construct making less emotional males more interested in things and structures, but that all came much later.

Females gained feelings, emotions and life experiences through bacteria making females more interested in people, living things and having emotional content.

Females also gained the energy of bacteria linking them to nature, the beauty of the world around them and improving the way their internal systems worked.

During the transformation that produced modern humans bacterial energy was used to improve the immune and nervous system and the brain in females with these improvements being passed on to males children.

These systems improved in humans were already in place formed from and by energy essence and adding bacterial energy to them added to their abilities and functions especially the immune system and brain.

The arrival of the personal self about 6,000 years ago changed the energy content of humans from active to violent with males expressing that violence physically and females expressing it emotionally.

This violent energy was the result of corruption, damage and distortion done to received programming ideas in males, violent energy which would be passed on, indirectly, to children.


2 – Energy Essence

Energy essence is a programming power, not energy.

The energy essence of this universe couldn’t be used by Brain Sentience to form new systems to advance humans and other forms of life as it bonds to different energies in the sun as they appear as hydrogen melts programming those emerging energies giving them abilities making the energy essence once bonded unusable as pure, unbounded energy essence is needed.

Once energy essence is bonded Brain Sentience is unable to program it to form systems in humans, but it can be programmed by the energy it’s bonded to forming a programming loop that continues to program the energy essence it’s bonded with.

When energy is released from hydrogen burning in the sun it’s programmed by Physical Sentience which is also emerging from the burning hydrogen at the same time with energy essence also emerging to give the emerging energy properties so they interact and work with matter, especially the matter of the Earth.

For example Inferred radiation produces heat in matter; light energy produces sight in living things, radio energy produce communication skills in advanced life, not just humans, all of which is an expression of the properties or abilities of different energies programmed into them by energy essence able to produce systems through which processes work in humans and all life.

Energy essence is used to do this rather than Brain Sentience doing it directly because if brain Sentience programmed energy directly it would tie humans to it for as long as humanity existed ending one of the long term purposes of Life and Sentience that of producing Personal Life independent of it, a creative force in the universe, so flawed energy essence was used from a previous universe by Brain Sentience.

Once advanced physical life reached a certain point in development just before modern humans appeared, energy essence was used to program energy in the physical body by Brain Sentience.

Up to then Physical Sentience has formed and developed physical life by using the suns energy directly and the blended energy from the Earth.

Energy essence is the programming power that forms new systems in living things and continually improves them and those systems regulate how all energy works in physical life.

Once the systems are formed using the energy essence from a previous universe then the energy of this universe, electricity which also gains its abilities and functions from energy essence, is also used to by those systems to perform advanced functions in the physical body which can be detected and monitored by humans.

Energy essence is undetectable and can’t work directly through the substance of this universe as it’s too dense which is true for both the energy essence of this universe and that used from a previous one, but it can programme energy to work through and to work in this universe.


Once the energy essence of this universe is bonded with electrical energy it regulates how electricity works, not what it is which is the suns energy flowing through matter.

The energy essence of this universe, once bonded into energy, can’t be programmed to do anything else, such as to produce the energy systems in living things, as the energy, energy essence is bonded to continually program it forming a programming loop locking them both together.

To be able to use the energy essence of this universe the energy essence would need to be split from the energy it’s bonded to producing pure energy essence and such a process hasn’t existed until recently as energy essence was always immediately bonded to some form of energy in the sun.

In this universe energy essence is produced from the sun as it burns bonding with all the energies given off acting as a program, giving each one a different set of rules to work by producing physical laws.

In our sun the streaming through of Life and Sentience ignites it through friction, like striking a match, as the Life and Sentience has just enough physical presence to do that releasing energy essence and energy which bonds together.

This friction process in the sun is also the reason why friction exists in this universe and this is also the origin of burning and combustion with the first spark, the first form of fire, coming from the passage of Life and Sentience into this universe.

The bonding process of energy essence to energy also sustains the suns fusion process.

Being bonded is why the energy essence of this universe couldn’t be used in the formation and development of physical life here, but pure energy essence imported by Previous Life from a previous universe could be used, pure because towards the end of the life of a universe energy essence, and the energy it’s bonded to separate.

The energy essence then becomes part of Previous Life while the energy of that universe stays behind.

Only in recent times with the development of The Therapy did pure energy essence of this universe become available.

The Therapy splits energy essence from electrical energy supplied from batteries by filtering it through putty filters, but up to now the pure form of energy essence of this universe wasn’t available.

So pure energy essence, imported from previous universes by Previous Life, was used to advance physical life here as it was close enough to the energy of this universe to work here and form the necessary systems, although it’s not fully compatible with the matter and energy here.

Pure energy essence was used in physical life here to form and program the systems of physical life such as in the brain, immune and nervous system which could then use electrical energy of this universe supplied from the chemicals here in food, but they’re not a good match and don’t work well together like trying to run an old legacy program on a new computer operating system.

Energy essence is received by males which continually improve the systems in males advancing male development.

Through mating these improvements are passed on to females who pass them on to children.

The use of energy essence from a previous universe opens the door to illness and the destabilising of humans and the systems and processes within us.

The use of energy essence from a previous universe allowed humanity to develop, but leaves humans open to mental, emotional and physical illness and needs to be replaced with the pure energy essence of this universe which is what The Therapy does making the physical systems and processes within us function more efficiently and are more robust.

More efficient functioning means the immune system is able to purge the cells of harmful, toxic energy which cause so many illnesses.

After that the processes and systems are purged of usually toxic and polluted energy such as from car exhausts lodged which when lodged deep in the systems of the back causes the back and joint pain known as rheumatoid arthritis which exists in just about everybody.

It’s instructive to watch the purging of the layers of the body once The Therapy has been used from start to finish as it’s done in sequence.

More pathways can be added to the brain with the nervous system inflated by pumping more energy down the nerve fibres making them more robust to infection and stress and allowing the nervous system up to receive more information which is fed into the brain with its newly added capacity.


Energy essence was imported from Previous Life into the pre modern humans long ago to form the systems and processes of basic immune and nervous systems, form pathways in the brain enlarging it and form any system or process in the body requiring energy essence.

Improvements were done over millennia as the brain needed thousands of years to enlarge with new pathways before programming ideas could be received and thought and memory would be needed.

Energy essence from a previous universe can’t be detected due to its place of origin which also produces problems with thought and memory making it hard for thought to work things out also producing a poor memory failing as a person’s life progresses.

The plan of Brain Sentience was to use energy essence from a previous universe to form and advance physical life and then replace that energy essence when stored electrical power from batteries providing the energy essence of this universe became available, as mains generated electrical energy is incompatible with humans.

For humans to replace the old energy essence within us with the energy essence of this universe would be a breakthrough in understanding leading to huge changes in us by having a more suitable, uncorrupted operating system, systems and processes signalling we are ready to progress.

Once humans have used The Therapy from start to finish and received all the energy essence from the sessions that energy essence will replace the old energy essence from a previous universe in their bodies so their bodies will function more efficiently.


3 – Viruses

Viruses are very significant in the development of humanity as males are virtually an expression of viruses and viruses are the expression and constructed from energy essence.

Energy essence is controlled by the immune system which is the expression of Brain Sentience.

So viruses which enable the functioning of males and give males abilities to carry out those functions do so because Brain Sentience is forming and controlling them.

Viruses, which modify males and bacteria, which modify females, act in parallel to each other.

Much of the development of physical life also acts in parallel, such as viruses and bacteria, the split in life generally into male and female, the sperm and the egg and male and female humans.

This is to keep everything in balance so one side doesn’t get bigger than the other especially in humans because physical life can only develop and advance when the two sides are in balance.

The different blended energies that form male and female bodies are passed into cells by Physical Sentience establishing the form and basic characteristics of those bodies making a template.

Male and female blended energy is passed into all cells, but where there is more male energy male children are produced and where more female energy goes into the cells, female children are produced.

This establishes male and female bodies or the sex of human bodies and is the basic human body or human template.

It’s like a new computer before an operating system is installed which is a close parallel to the way males function but females while similar are more organic with less boundaries and restrictions than males.

Human male and female bodies are defined by physical characteristics such as internal or external reproduction equipment and females giving birth and recycling energy into children, with different energies passed into male bodies from viruses and for females from bacteria.

It’s these energies from viruses and bacteria that enable humans, male and female to develop and progress as individuals and as a group.

Females giving birth and the act of conception are very significant as it happens not just with children, but also in society where females release huge amounts of energy every time an unfertilised egg passes from the female body to form a background energy supporting a settlement or society.

This is felt and terms, such as concepts, from conception and giving birth, to ideas, the energy of which supports the expression of received male ideas like a chalk board to chalk.


Virus energy, while developing systems and processes in males and bacteria giving emotional and human content in females, also establishes itself near the surface of the male body supplying it with what may be called its nature and tendencies and what’s perceived as male energies, which is the energy of the viruses.

These virus energies, which originate from Previous Life varies from male to male with some getting a lot some a little due to the energy received acting as a wave going from high to low about twelve times a year or once and month in a constant cycle.

Males also receive female energy through the birth process which will be looked at further on.

Viruses have been made to, amongst other things, pass on the characteristics and abilities of different viruses into human systems, for instance making the way an immune system works and detects making its actions hostile, attacking and able to kill.

Energy essence from previous universes is passed into male physical life in this universe through viruses which act as a gateway enabling old energy essence to form systems and fill processes with suitable energy in the male humans of this universe.

Many millions of different viruses have to be in a male body to receive a large stream of energy essence flowing into that person and the blueprints that form viruses are the product of previous universes stored in Previous Life.

Viruses are based on blueprints from a previous universe producing programs which form a local, physical gateway in the flow of energy essence which we call viruses and as energy essence isn’t alive, neither are viruses.

Energy essence isn’t detectable in humans and neither is the programming streaming within it.

Energy essence forms the physical particle we call a virus using the matter of this universe which changes the energy essence passing through it enough enabling the old energy essence to use the energy in this universe to form systems and processes in human males.

For old energy essence to stream into a male receivers and transformers are needed in the male which are viruses.

Passing the energy essence of this universe into a person through the use of The Therapy isn’t reliant on viruses being in a person to receive or enable that energy essence to work in humans and is the first step towards humans taking over human development which is necessary for humans to advance towards Personal Life.

Once formed that physical particle, or virus, can move about from human male to female, but it can also be streamed directly into males through energy essence as a program, forming a virus, or many millions of viruses within a person.

Many different types of viruses are formed, different due to their different programming giving rise to a different chemical composition and viruses are negatively charged particle and the human body is slightly positively charged outside cells.

Human cells are negatively charged inside cells which is why viruses need to enter a cell to reproduce using cell material within and the negatively charged energy to power the process.

The Therapy raises the positive electrical charge in the systems of the human body which is under the control of the immune system allowing it to allow in wanted viruses and to repel unwanted ones.

Most viruses are harmless and don’t have the ability to produce symptoms, yet they do or appear to.

The symptoms come from the reaction to viruses by harmful energy, usually polluted energy from car exhausts, already lodged in the systems of the body which over time will produce symptoms or the illness called rheumatoid arthritis, if the systems of the back and legs are filled with polluted energy and migraine, asthma and associated congestive conditions, if the systems on the front of the body are.