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This energy network is physically replicated as blood vessels.

In this way all the energy from the different pre modern human males could be harvested gradually and recycled into children when born, slowly contributing to the appearance of modern humans.

Females became the means for internal development and content which makes females more real and authentic than males as males don’t use any bacterial energy directly, they only receive the benefits of it from females, but the energy essence used by males isn’t alive and comes from another universe so it doesn’t work very efficiently in this one.


8 – Female Expression

Females are the expression of soil and bacterial energy in a defensive, circular way that spreads out in all directions, which is the action of bacterial energy and there are thousands of different bacteria with a few basic shapes which contribute slightly different energy to female expression.

Females express themselves emotionally in their actions and use feelings to access their surroundings and other females and males like a kind of sonar making them very aware of their personal space, who is in it and who is approaching it and what their intentions are.

Females feel things through their feelings and respond with emotions and have a more enhanced nervous system than males, making females sensitive to the feelings, emotions and intent of others.

Responding with powerful emotion to a situation is the female form of self defence and is particularly effective against males who have no meaningful, real emotions which are needed to defend against this form of attack especially when the female emotions have become powerful through contamination and poison making them abusive.

As female emotional power is defensive females like to provoke other females into emotional conflict, not physical, which escalates to where both sides are attacking and defending enjoying the expression of female power and trying to break another female’s emotional power.

Females do this to sharpen their claws, or strengthen their emotional response, release emotional pressure, evaluate and attempt to break other females and have the pleasure of damaging or destroying an adversary.

Females enjoying stabbing people in the back and slipping in the knife, especially when protecting their children and only confront head on, face to face, usually with an emotionally weak male, when victory and destruction is assured.

Females prefer destroying a person emotionally rather than dominating, which is a male way, as females find it more satisfying and permanent, making it impossible for a destroyed opponent to challenge them again.

Females are dangerous in all situations, but especially so when cornered and have no problem in shifting any blame for their appalling actions onto the nearest toxic male without any regret and will give up almost anybody, if facing a prison sentence, to save their own skin.

Females seeing that males are defenceless to female emotional power use it initially to control and manipulate males as females with damaged emotions see males as providers, supporting females while they have children, which is more avoidable in recent decades due to reliable birth control reducing the need for male support along with, in more wealthy countries, state funded support.

The expression of female power, which is the expression of damaged emotions, began with the control and manipulation of individual males, in the developed world, after the war ending in 1945 and gained momentum with the arrival of the birth control pill, meaning that sex could be used as a weapon even more so than before.

The war in Europe required females to do, up to then, male work and the pill arriving later gave females more control over having children, but they only opened the door to female choice, having nothing to do with how females express themselves which comes from female power accelerating over decades to become in recent times, full blown mental and emotional abuse.

Females having emotions is natural and has been engineered by Life and Sentience for females to have them, but emotions become a damaging power when the well that females emotions come from becomes poisoned, a situation also engineered by Life and Sentience, just like wars, to break up societies that have stopped developing and advancing.

Just like wars changing the balance between males and females, due to the death of so many young males allowing females into the workplace, the expression of female power in a society will break everything up as females pay back, as females see it, centuries of male dominance, rules and abuse by males for sidelining females from participating in life turning females into wives and mothers there for male pleasure, again a situation engineered by Life and Sentience.

Resentment has built up in centuries due to this treatment passed on from mothers to daughters and experienced by those daughters against males and the male patriarchy, the attacking of which has become the focal point and focus of female power, which only exists due to the emotional content of females becoming damaged, corrupted and polluted, turning females from being supporters and changers of an unbalanced society, to its destroyers, by bringing down males who made it in order to gain vengeance.

So we have violent males and emotional and mentally abusive females with a scorched earth policy at war with each other which isn’t going to end well unless things change.


The female brain is a generation more advanced than males, due to females receiving a constant supply of bacterial energy during their lifetime making fine tuning and improvements to the brain and other systems, some of these improvements concerning functionality of systems, are passed on to males through children, but improvements concerning the female relationship with emotions and feelings remain exclusively female.

This is because Brain Sentience doesn’t need both females and males doing the same thing, emotions, feelings and human content are female, received ideas are male.

Soil bacteria digest and process the remains of living things in the soil, which combine to form unified data of all physical life and passed on to soil bacteria in females as data which is read and acted upon in modifying human female systems, updating them.

Females feel emotional content throughout their bodies in a decentralised way, the brain processing the data received from feelings, so the female can respond emotionally.

The emotional content in females becomes the driver of the female personal self which is a construction of the female brain formed to express female emotional content, although this doesn’t stop the brain working in an analytical way gathering and processing data.

The nature of females is to respond to feelings with emotions after the female personal self has selected the emotion to express.

Female emotions had to be expressed to relieve the internal pressure and a function of the brain is to act as a safety valve.

Decentralisation of emotional content is due to the nature of bacteria which form the energy platform and network in females which spreads throughout the female body making each part, to females, as important as any other part giving females a total presence which males don’t have.


Females are not programmed like males, but respond to feelings with emotions guiding how females respond to situations reaching a peak in the female personal self which seems selfish as it’s viewed to be self centred and vain, but it’s all females have due to female emotional content being damaged, polluted and contaminated depriving females from true emotions which blocks their way forward.

Being this way has been engineered by Life and Sentience as females have been made to express different energies to give human existence drive and content, so males trying to change females to be reasonable, logical and less emotional is trying to make females male, a disservice to females, as they are damaged and a different approach is needed.

The energy well that females draw from and express has been contaminated and poisoned and that energy well is the soil of the Earth the place where the energies of living things go when they die including the nature of their deaths and the joys and suffering of their lives added to in recent times by pesticides, chemicals, pollution and toxic insect energy.

And this is what females contain within and express in the same way that males store violent energy and express it when provoked producing adverse reactions in males wanting to control females emotionally.

Not everything expressed by females is poisoned and contaminated, but it’s getting worse.


The analytical working of the female brain and the expression of emotional content is completely separate, but female emotional content has to be processed by the brain on order for it to be expressed on the human level of physical existence.

Female emotional content exists as energy within the female and like all energy it has to be processed by something physical on the human level of existence to turn its potential actual, in order to be expressed and work.

Being processed by something physical could be a machine such as a computer or power station to produce energy that works on the physical or a brain which does the same, taking energy content and processing it into expression.

During processing the energy content communicates with the female brain what its content is which continually changes during processing which the brain then expresses through the female personal self.

When the emotional content is clean and doesn’t contain damaged emotions recycled from people who had bad deaths, or suffered terribly during life, pollution, toxic energy from dead insects, pesticides, other industrial waste and in recent years drug residue and other toxic chemicals and anything else that’s found its way into the soil, the brain can process clean emotional content, express and act upon it and stay reasonably stable as the brain has developed in females to process emotional content.

But, as the emotional content has become full of inherited, damaged emotions, pollution, contamination and all the rest, the brain becomes unstable through processing and expressing that content, giving rise to females who are expressing emotional and physical abuse in their every action, in the same way males continually express violence.

While this is a difficult time for everybody, humans are not a finished product with much more change and development to do to navigate out of the mess we’re in the first step being to use The Therapy to purge the human body of toxic, damaging energy, illness and to form a permanent filter in the skin in both females and males, but especially females, to filter the incoming emotional content from soil bacteria, purifying it, so supporting ongoing female development.

Through speech, action and simple radiating or broadcasting their toxic, damaging energy content, females have become emotionally and mentally abusive broadcasting toxic, damaging energy that human brains, both female and males, will process and express, so males absorbing this broadcast content, which includes female speech and actions, will processes and expresses as emotional and physical abuse.

So a bad situation becomes worse.

The reverse is true where females absorb the energy of male violence which flows into the female emotional content and into the energy network and brain for processing, where that male violent energy, when processed by the female brain makes the expressed emotions more powerful and dangerous, as male violent energy in females isn’t expressed physically.

Females have been emotionally damaged for centuries so undamaged females have never been seen and the toxic emotional content within a female can break through from the energy network into the physical body, due to its volume and pressure, contributing to mental and physical illness.

The addition of male violence to their already damaged energy content can start to make females act like males in some ways expressing such behaviour as control, discipline, being unbending, with rigid adherence to rules, setting goals and so on and it should be noted that this damage only affects the part of the female brain that processes emotional content, the analytical side is unaffected and can continue to function well, even if that functioning is used to work out weaknesses and the best way to inflict pain on others.


Emotional content isn’t generated within females, but inherited from the soil, so there are no natural emotions just acquired energies that the brain interprets while processing them which are then expressed in emotional behaviour.

Within the emotional content of females is every emotion with most of those emotions existing as the result of damage done to ideas received by males.

Most of the emotions considered unwanted can be screened out, or not selected and applied to certain situations, so only wanted emotions are expressed such as care, kindness, consideration, manners, decency, respect and much more which come from the ethical and virtue ideas received by males to ensure the correct application of received main ideas.

The unwanted emotions, which are damaged and harmful are usually expressed by females when under stress going from small emotions such as irritation and being unpleasant progressing to anger, rage, spite, the desire for revenge and inflicting damage, resentment after and so on if pushed enough, but as the unwanted emotions are getting stronger and more powerful, especially over the last century, the unwanted emotions are becoming harder for females to hold back, becoming the normal way to act.

This is due to females perceiving themselves as powerless in situations when under pressure, so resorting to the power of damaged emotions as self defence.

Females are an expression of the power of the Earth which is its meaning that’s collected by soil bacteria in the Earth and transmitted into females, mostly human ones.

When this power becomes contaminated and containing damaged emotional content the power of the Earth is contaminated and females lose natural power, making them feel powerless and vulnerable when confronted by the violence of males and so use the only power available, that of their toxic emotional content.

When toxic emotions end, females will gain the clean Power of the Earth which will be a blessing beyond words.

One of the functions of The Therapy is that it covers the female body in an energy filter that remains after all The Therapy sessions have been done, an energy filter which stops all the contamination and damaged emotional content from entering females, but allows in Earth power, or the meaning of the Earth, empowering females and allowing them to progress.

The energy filter received from The Therapy is selective as to what energies are allowed through it because like a cell membrane, which also filters energy, the new filter is under the control of the immune system which is controlled by Brain Sentience.

The way for males to Personal Life is through the unification of all the energies within them, but for females the way to Personal Life is through the female brain processing clear, clean Earth power.

Once both females and males have become Personal Life they can then unify into Unified Life.

The function of soil bacteria in the Earth is to process all the Earth Power available to them into females and to recycle into females over and over.

Earth power is female and it expresses itself through the female part of physical life giving females an appreciation of beauty, nature and life all seen with wonder and females in the forests or mountains look part of it in a way that males don’t.

The filtering of Earth power happens as soon as The Therapy has been used from start to finish with the immune system then having a means to filter out unwanted energies, but it will take generations for human emotions to change as that starts with males who have received The Therapy and have undamaged supporting ideas and are no longer violent.

Upon a male passing, undamaged received ideas will pass into the soil where they encounter the meaning or power of the Earth transforming them into powerful emotions passed on to females.


At this time females are using the power emotional content gives them to change the society they live in rebalancing it between males and females so the society reflects female ways, needs and serves those more.

Most advances societies were built by males to reflect the male way of doing things and are set up to service males, with females being wives and mothers and not much more, but growing female power means change in ways never seen before, at least by males.

The problem is females are using the wrong power in the same way males use violence with females only wish is to settle perceived old scores seeing anything males have made as being patriarchies oppressive to females which females wish to end and have no time for.

This will involve the ending of male rules and structure to allow female expression with no regard to consequence.

Having a war with males is not the way forward and the only way for societies to rebalance without tearing themselves apart is through the fundamental change brought about in females and males through using The Therapy, which nobody, or few, will use for that reason, but many will be driven to using it through needing to end the pain and suffering caused by illness.

Until then female life will be the expression of contaminated emotional content producing problems which are not solvable with solutions, but require compromise, adjustment and give and take.

Females are fluid without goals needing to find a life that balances emotional pressures.

Females are not seeking solutions to problems, but can change the emotional content of problems in themselves and others, so changing the problem to something that can be lived with.

Females dislike living under inflexible male rules and laws and will change them or get rid of them altogether in order to have more emotional expression and see male rules as just a means to frustrate that emotional expression, but females realise males are needed.

Winning for females involves satisfying drives and emotions the biggest of which is the gaining of money, which to females gives them the freedom to express themselves emotionally and a feeling of self worth.

Money also gives females access to power which is also emotionally satisfying, but money and power are only important to females when their emotional content is damaged, contaminated and poisoned which is painful to them so other things to satisfy them are pursued.


Brain Sentience is more open and observable with females working more directly through them than with males who are driven mostly by the brain processing and expressing received ideas, programming males during the process.

Females don’t receive ideas externally through viruses from Previous Life the way males do, so the female brain in order to function in the society it’s in self programs, or forms its own operating system, or female personal self, from available programming already within the female.

This programming is the damaged programming contained within the emotional content transmitted to females from the soil of the Earth from people who have passed, both female and male.

The programming content is filtered by Brain Sentience so it’s compatible with the times live in and so it will produce females that are malleable and receptive to ongoing change and are able to further the original purpose of Life and Sentience for females which is to recycle energy through children and to drive males to further the male purpose.

These purposes, different between females and males are fundamental to both, are part of their existence and woven into the fabric of their lives putting humans under continued pressure.

Although these purposes are very strong obeying them isn’t mandatory as in order to develop and advance freedom to choose is needed, so females using modern birth control can choose not to have children without any adverse consequences.

The female brain selects programming contained in the energy content within the bacteria forming the energy network and puts together what might be called a female personal self which continually changes and is added to although its core nature, like a river bed, remains the same.

This means that with a static core the personal self can function, but the continual adding to and changing of it from the continuous stream of emotional energy makes females very changeable and fluid on the surface, like the water of a flowing river passing over the river bed.

The female brain, being part of the energy network, connects to the decentralised personal self, also within the energy network, using it as an interface to function in the world.

The background soil energy within the energy network forms the female mind localised within the female body and is not contained within Physical Sentience as is the male mind.

The situation for females is their energy content from which their programming and personal self is derived is damaged and polluted expressed as emotional and mental abuse and the same is true of the background soil energy which forms the female mind making it dysfunctional.

As the pollution and damage increases in the soil energy changing its emotional content becoming more toxic more and more females will experience mental and emotional problems as the pressure within builds up.

Using The Therapy which will allow the immune system to filter all incoming energies into females will eliminate all the toxic energies from entering the female allowing functioning of the personal self and brain that’s isn’t harmful and the background soil energy which will form the female mind forming throughout the female body will be composed entirely of pure meaning from the soil making the mind and by extension the female extremely powerful in a way nobody alive has ever experienced or seen.

The next step would be for all this power of the female mind to join with the mind power of other females starting to extend the power of the Earth out into human life giving a greater depth and meaning to human existence become the canvas to which male endeavours are painted on.


Female programming on the surface of the static core programming lasts for a brief period of time and is temporary, somewhat like RAM in a computer.

Due to its ever changing nature female programming, which makes up the female personal self, is changeable and unpredictable with the female brain trying to make sense of it so it can be expressed, but as the programming is damaged the brain becomes unstable, or at least the part of the brain that deals with this becomes unstable.

The analytical part of the brain, which includes thought, memory and knowledge works fine and it’s this that saves females from being overwhelmed by toxic emotional content as it can be focused on processing data obtained through learning.

The emotions females experience come directly from the different energies within the female energy network along with the Present Life emanating from billions and billions of different bacteria within the female body which form the energy network.

Feelings mainly come from different foods eaten and so the energy of feelings is more physical than the energy of emotions.

Feelings don’t pass through the female energy network but through the nervous system so they don’t run deep like emotions being nearer the surface of the female body being more responsive to the outside world, able to be hurt more easily and the data from the interaction between feelings and the world and other life is passed to the brain.

The brain then interprets the data received into a picture, called imagination, which is an image of the data which is then passed on to the female personal self which selects the appropriate emotion to feel and respond to the image received.

Female response is always emotional, but it can be modulated a little if the emotions aren’t too strong, but powerful emotions being expressed just brush any brain intervention aside resulting in emotion being displayed in an outburst or continually over years, such as anger and resentment or anything in between.

Sustained expression of emotion over years is possible for females as emotional energy is constantly being streamed from the soil bacteria in the Earth.

Males also receive feelings mostly from food, but as male emotions are weaker than female ones lacking the power of the meaning of the Earth males tend to express violence and power in place of an a true emotional expression.

Females are driven by emotions and are very analytical at processing data acquired by learning able to formulate ideas based on that data, but females don’t receive ideas from Previous Life which only males do.

The two poles of the female brain are the expression of emotions and analytical analysis of data with females swinging from one to the other or being mostly one or the other.

Selecting a mate, giving birth raising children are very important to females as their purpose, along with moving towards gaining Personal Life, is the recycling of human energy through children which can stress them greatly leading to erratic behaviour.


Most bacteria in an individual female are more or less in the same energy group giving individual females a background and depth to their personal self, expressing that bacterial energy throughout life, but new bacteria appear every generation which changes the way females express themselves.

This change of expression may be seen as a revolt against those who came before, but it’s not, it’s brought about by a change in bacteria in females which then changes the bacterial energy being transmitted into females.

The industrial and technological revolution started in the West gave rise to vast amounts of toxic industrial pollution entering the soil over centuries which changed and damaged the bacteria which contribute to the female emotional and mental state.

Brain Sentience did this by supplying the ideas to begin industry to males which led to toxic industrial pollution entering the soil.

The reason for doing this was to drive progress, from the point of view of Life and Sentience, by bringing about change and to change females so females can drive males in different ways as it’s not enough to just receive ideas males need to be driven to put them into practice which means pressure.

The main pressure put on males to drive them by females was the demand to provide for females and children.

Males receive ideas and females drive males into putting them into practice in order to provide.

This doesn’t mean that females don’t have ideas as the brain can do that, it means females don’t receive the ideas that change a society for good or bad in our eyes.

Brain Sentience works through females to drive males using female emotions, supplied through bacteria, focused into males.

Males really have no defence to this kind of emotional attack finding it easier to acquiesce and comply.

It’s not going to be a defence either in the future for bad actions to be justified by saying it’s the will of Life and Sentience as The Therapy is available so humans can change and be responsible for their actions.


Female emotions form from energies supplied by billions of soil bacteria, energies which are continually changing, but these energies are not emotions, but are interpreted as such by the female brain.

For instance bacteria in females may feel threatened by the viruses in males, which are in males in their billions and have been made to attack bacteria as part of the human immune system response.

These attacks suppress or compress bacterial energy in females.

The bacteria in females will then radiate compressed energy which the female interprets as fear, being threatened, feeling unsafe and wanting to reject or move away from that male, a response not to male violence which is there, which doesn’t trigger fear in the female until expressed, but the presence of viruses in a male, which does trigger fear.

So feeling the presence of viruses in a male triggers fear in the female which is the emotional response the brain has decided to supply in response to this feeling, meaning females always have an underlying fear of males, covered over by females being agreeable and friendly.

Rejection by females can then lead to the male expressing anger, aggression, and violence and so on.

With this underlying response in place females will always respond to males in an emotional way working out a defence strategy to deal with damaged and distorted males expressing violence, anger, aggression and so on.

This is a problem as females have been designed to drive males, sometimes through provocation, even though males at this time are violent and dangerous, into expressing ideas through physical action exposing females to aggression and violence.

To deal with this females are never programmed over the long term as the programming comes and goes, sometimes in seconds, making way for new programming which can adapt to an ever changing situation between females and males.

Females also use the same driving techniques on

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