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3. Body Fat Reduction and Lean Mass Gains

Chromium supplementation has been shown to facilitate reductions in body fat and increase lean muscle mass.

Lean mass gains have been especially noteworthy in subjects taking chromium supplements in conjunction with

resistance training, in both young males and females.

However, even in older and elderly subjects chromium supplementation has produced significant reductions in body

fat and moderate increases in muscle mass compared to placebo.

Typical doses for weight loss and lean mass gains have used 200-400 mcg per day. Additional studies are

underway to determine the degree to which chromium may be helpful as a weight loss and anabolic aid.2,16,17,18

Presumably chromium is effective in these applications due to its ability to increase insulin sensitivity, thereby

lowering plasma insulin levels. Higher insulin levels tend to convert more carbohydrates into fat and insulin

resistance decreases protein synthesis in muscles and amino acid uptake.2

Dosage Ranges

1. Glucose Intolerance: 200-400 mcg per day

2. Cholesterol and Triglyceride: 200-1,000 mcg per day

3. Weight Loss and Lean Mass Gains: 200-400 mcg per day2

4. Type-I Diabetics: 500 mcg of chromium, taken twice per day has been shown to decrease glycosylated

hemoglobin, glucose, insulin and cholesterol variables19

NB: Chromium supplementation has been shown to reverse corticosteroid–induced Diabetes (200-1000 mcg).20

Side Effects and Toxicity

Trivalent chromium (nutritional chromium) has a very large safety range and there have been no documented signs of

chromium toxicity in any of the nutritional studies at levels up to 1 mg (1,000 mcg) per day.21




Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Minerals

Some patients have reported increased dream vividness and decreased sleep requirements with chromium

supplementation taken at 7:30 p.m., daily (50 mcg).22

At levels of intake between 1,200 mcg and 3,400 mcg of chromium picolinate a case of anemia, liver dysfunction and

other problems appeared after four to five months.23

Drug-Nutrient Interactions

Chromium supplementation may enhance the effects of drugs for diabetes (e.g., insulin, blood-sugar lowering agents)

and possibly lead to hypoglycemia. Therefore, diabetics taking these medications should supplement chromium only

under the supervision of their attending physician.

Doses of glyburide (a hypoglycemic sulfonylurea drug used to lower blood sugar in type I diabetics) will need to be

lowered if chromium supplementation is initiated, in most cases.

Insulin-dependent diabetics may also be required to lower their insulin dosage if chromium supplementation is


1. Corticosteroid drugs - may increase urinary loss of chromium.21

2. Insulin (Type-I Diabetics) - chromium can potentiate the action of insulin, thus affecting insulin dose requirements

(do not supplement with chromium without cooperation of at ending diabetic physician).25

Nutrient-Nutrient Interactions

1. Refined Sugars: excess sugar intake has been shown to increase urinary loss of chromium.26

2. High Carbohydrate Diet: high carbohydrate consumption has been shown to increase the urinary loss of


Pregnancy and Lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, the only supplements that are considered safe include standard prenatal

vitamin and mineral supplements. All other supplements or dose alterations may pose a threat to the

developing fetus and there is generally insuf icient evidence at this time to determine an absolute level of

safety for most dietary supplements other than a prenatal supplement. Any supplementation practices

beyond a prenatal supplement should involve the cooperation of the at ending physician (e.g., magnesium

and the treatment of preeclampsia.)

References: Pregnancy and Lactation

1. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements. Murray M. Prima Publishing 1998.

2. Reavley NM. The New Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements, and Herbs. Evans and

Company Inc. 1998.

3. The Healing Power of Herbs (2nd edition). Murray M. Prima Publishing 1995.

4. Boon H and Smith M. Health Care Professional Training Program in Complementary Medicine.

Institute of Applied Complementary Medicine Inc. 1997.




Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Minerals

1. Standard Textbooks of Nutritional Science:


Shils M, Shike M, Olson J, Ross C. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. 9th ed. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams &

Wilkins; 1993.


Escott-Stump S, Mahan LK, editors. Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy. 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders

Company; 2000.


Bowman B, Russell RM, editors. Present Knowledge in Nutrition, 8th ed. Washington, DC:.ILSI Press; 2001.


Kreutler PA, Czajka-Narins DM, editors. Nutrition in Perspective. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Inc.; 1987.

2. Fisher J. The Chromium Program. New York, NY: Harper and Row; 1990.

3. Murray M. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing; 1996. p. 194-8.

4. Mertz W. Chromium in human nutrition: a review. J Nutr 1993;123:626-33.

5. Abraham AS, Brooks BA, Eylath U. The effects of Chromium supplementation on serum glucose and lipids in patients with and

without non-insulin dependent diabetes. Metabolism 1992;41:768-71.

6. Mossop RT. Effects of Chromium (III) on fasting blood glucose, cholesterol, and cholesterol HDL levels in diabetics. Centr Afr J

Med 1983;29:80-2.

7. Rabinowitz MB, Gonick HC, Levin SR, et al. Effect of Chromium and yeast supplements on carbohydrate metabolism in diabetic

men. Diabetes Care 1983;6:319-27.

8. Anderson RA. Chromium, glucose tolerance, and diabetes. Biological Trace Element Research 1992;32:19-24.

9. Lee NA, Reasner CA. Beneficial effect of Chromium supplementation on serum triglyceride levels in NIDDM. Diabetes Care


10. Offenbach E, Pistunyer F. Beneficial effect of Chromium-rich yeast on glucose tolerance and blood lipids in elderly patients.

Diabetes 1980;29:919-25.

11. Press RI, Geller J, Evans GW. The effect of Chromium picolinate on serum cholesterol and apolipoprotein fractions in human

subjects. Western J Med 1993;152:41-5.

12. Wang MM, Fox EA, Stoecker BJ, Menendez CE, Chan SB. Serum cholesterol of adults supplemented with brewer’s yeast or

Chromium Chloride. Nutr Res 1989;9:989-98.

13. Roeback JR, Hla KM, Chambless LE, Fletcher RH. Effects of Chromium supplementation on serum high-density lipoprotein

cholesterol levels in men taking beta-blockers. Annals Int Med 1991;115:917-24.

14. Lefavi RG, Wilson GD, Keith RE, Anderson RA, Blessing DL, Hames CG, et al. Lipid-lowering effect of a dietary Chromium (III)

Nicotinic Acid complex in male athletes. Nutr Res 1993;13:239-49.

15. Lavie CJ, O'Keefe JH, Blonde L, et al. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol: recommendations for routine testing and treatment.

Postgrad Med 1990;87(7):36-44,47,51

16. McCarthy MG. Hypothesis: Sensitization of insulin-dependent hypothalamic glucoreceptors may account for the fat-reducing effects

of Chromium Picolinate. J Optimal Nutr 1993;21:36-53.

17. Evans GW, Pouchnik DJ. Composition and biological activity of chromium-pyridine carbosylate complexes. J Inorgranic

Biochemistry 1993;49:177-87.

18. Katts GR, Ficher JA, Blum K. The effects of Chromium Picolinate supplementation on body composition in different age groups.

Ag e 1991;14(4):138 (Abstract #40).

19. Anderson RA, Cheng N, Bryden NA, Polansky MM, Cheng N, Chi J et al. Elevated intakes of supplemental Chromium improves

glucose and insulin variables in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 1997; 11:1786-91.

20. Revina A, et al. Reversal of corticosteroid-induced diabetes mellitus with supplemental Chromium. Diab Med 1999; 16(2):164-7.

21. Anderson RA. Chromium, as an essential nutrient for humans. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 1997;26(Suppl Pt 2): 35S-41S.

22. Schrauzer GN, Shrestha KP, Flores MP. Somatopsychological effects of Chromium supplementation. J Nutr Med 1992;3:43-8.

23. Cerulli J, Grabe DW, Gauthier I, Malone M, McGoldrick MD. Chromium Picolinate toxicity. Ann Pharmacother 1998;32:438-41.

24. Healthnotes 1998-2002. Available from: URL:

25. Studies presented at the Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, San Francisco, CA, 1996.

26. Kozlovsky AS, Moser PB, Reiser S, Anderson RA. Effects of diets high in simple sugars on urinary chromium losses. Metabolism


27. Anderson RA, Bryden NA, Polansky MM. Urinary Chromium excretion and insulinogenic properties of carbohydrates. Am J Clin

Nutr 1990;51(5):864-8.




Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Minerals


General Features

The human body contains 75-150 mg of copper, with the greatest concentration found in the liver, brain, heart and

kidneys. Copper is an essential trace mineral involved in several key enzymatic reactions in the body. Copper is

required for iron absorption and a copper deficiency results in iron deficiency anemia. It is also required for

hemoglobin synthesis. Copper is required as a cofactor for Lysyl Oxidase, which is required in the cross linking of

collagen and elastin. Thus, copper deficiency results in poor collagen integrity, which can contribute to easy rupture of

blood vessels, osteoporosis, and bone and joint abnormalities. Poor copper status may also adversely af ect blood

lipid levels and immune system function.1

Copper is required for the function of superoxide dismutase (SOD), a vital intracellular antioxidant enzyme. SOD is

also activated by zinc and manganese in different areas of the cell.2

Copper is also required by the enzyme tyrosinase, which is the enzyme that is involved in hair keratinization and


Absorption and Metabolism

Copper is absorbed from the stomach and upper small intestine. Zinc interferes with copper absorption to some

degree, but can be overcome by the right ratio of zinc to copper, which is approximately 10:1 (this is very applicable to

multiple vitamin and mineral supplements). However, many experts do not recommend supplementation of more than

3 mg of copper on any given day.1,3

Approximately 30 percent of dietary copper is absorbed. Following the absorption of copper the liver stores the

mineral or releases it as copper-protein complex known as ceruloplasmin, which accounts for 95 percent of copper in

the blood. Albumin protein binds the remaining 5 percent.

The average diet provides about 2 mg of copper per day, which is considered adequate and safe.

In Wilson’s Disease, chronic copper toxicity develops due to an inherited problem with lack of copper excretion and a

decrease in ceruloplasmin levels. Copper gradually accumulates with resulting tissue necrosis (especially in the liver),

mental deterioration, tremor, and loss of coordination. These patients are treated with a low copper diet and drugs

such as penicillamine that binds to copper and carries it out of the body.1

Recommended Daily Allowance (Copper)

Age Group

Dosage (mg)

0-6 mths


6-12 mths


1-3 yrs


4-6 yrs


7-10 yrs


11 yrs and older


Copper Deficiency

Copper deficiency, if severe, manifests as anemia, cardiovascular lesions, degeneration of the nervous system,

skeletal defects, loss of taste acuity and hair abnormalities.




Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Minerals

In Menke’s Syndrome (or kinky-hair disease), there is rapid degeneration of nerve tissue, skeletal abnormalities, steely

texture to the hair, vascular lesions and subnormal body temperature. It is caused by an inherited defect resulting in

defective absorption of copper from the intestinal tract.1

Supplementation Studies and Clinical Applications