Dancing Your Fats Away by Jacob Martyn - HTML preview

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Chapter 6:

Types of Dances Associated with Fat Loss



Dancing is one of the best ways to lose weight. Almost everyone enjoys dancing; those that don’t might think of themselves a terrible dancer; therefore lacking the confidence to do it. But dancing can be done anywhere, including the comforts of your own home.

With your favorite music on blast, dancing for a good hour with high intensity can easily burn at least 600 calories; imagine how much weight you can lose if you do it 3-4 times a week. It is a fun and fantastic way to raise your heart rate.



There’s no exercise materials involved and there’s also no need to lift weights; but you get all the benefits such as strength, toning, flexibility and of course a sexier looking body! There are also different dances to choose from. Some dance styles are harder than others but if you’re set on using dancing as your cardio workout, then you can try some or all of them until you find something you enjoy the most.

Belly Dancing

Known to be a very sensual dance, every hip movement targets the strengthening of the core muscles. It also works on improving the body’s posture and can prevent any lower back problems. Arms and shoulders are also toned when doing the rippling motions. An hour of belly dancing will burn 300 calories.


This dance is a total body workout using salsa and merengue music. Like other dance workouts, zumba is a fun way to do your cardio. One of the good things about Zumba is that it’s not very repetitive. It has a go with the beat of the music kind of vibe which allows people to feel freer and less routine-like.

Hip Hop

This kind of dance is a form of aerobics but with faster movements. It is also high impact and can help you burn 350 calories per hour. Though it doesn’t help too much when it comes to toning muscles, lifting weights might still be necessary if you want to add strength to your training, it’s still a good form of exercise.

Hoop Dancing

This is probably the only dance exercise that you’d have to do with a tool which is a hula hoop. It’s a unique way to work on your core muscles. For faster weight loss, a heavier hoop should be used but if you want a full dance where you can move faster, a light weight hula hoop should be used. It’s not just going to help tone your abdominal muscles though. Hooping in your arms, shoulders, neck and legs are also done and can be learned in class.

There are more types of dance workouts to choose from. What you need to keep in mind though, for better weight loss results is that a balanced diet is always needed. Though these dances are great cardio, eating unhealthy food will lessen the chances for you to shed those extra pounds. Drinking a lot of water and limiting and eating more fruits and vegetables is the best way to go.