Detox and Heal Your-Self by Brett Elliott - HTML preview

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These testimonials are unedited and were received from actual users of the Ultimate Herbal DETOX . They have been submitted online by anonymous users, so we don’t publish any names .

You can view the latest testimonials at


“I had been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and was at the worst stage where I’d had been in bed for 3 months. At that point in time all my body’s energy was going into growing hair and fingernails. I decided to do Brett Elliott’s Ultimate Herbal DETOX for 10 days. By the end of those 10 days I was up and about, on my feet. I know it was the Detox that started my recovery. I have since completed 2 Detoxes and am now onto Brett’s Ultimate Herbal SLIM.

My husband has noticed such a change in me that he wants to do the SLIM as well. I’m really grateful for the opportunity to thank you personally for enabling me to make this amazing change in my life. I wish I could tell everybody about this product!”


“My Husband and I have been taking the Detox ‘n Slim protein drink as a meal replacement with our busy lifestyle. We have found that our cravings have decreased, we have not felt hungry and best of all for me is that the bloating I felt in my stomach has been reduced dramatically. Thanks Brett, this is a wonderful product and we will continue this as part of our new eating regimen.“

img51.png HEAPS BRIGHTER :

“Great explanations of program, ingredients, and simple to follow instructions. My mind and body felt so unclogged, and energetic. I was heaps brighter and found the food I was eating was much healthier and less processed.

I actually wish I could use it everyday! I also found that the fat deposits around my middle reduced and that in itself was a great feeling!”

img51.png  SO MUCH GUNK :

“Dear Brett, I have just completed the 10 day detox and feel great & grounded plus more clarity in my life. On the 4th day I hate to admit, but I had to have 2 goes at flushing the toilet, as there was so much foreign gunk like I’d never seen before. Thanks again, now I have some direction in life. My Husband now wants to do it.”


“My husband who has high cholesterol that he was due to go on medication for, went in for another cholesterol test after finishing the 10 day detox. We have just received a phone call from the nurse stating that his results were amazing and what had he done. He now no longer needs medication for high cholesterol as he is back in the safe range and only has to have yearly check ups. He now has a healthy weight, is sleeping through the night and no longer craves unhealthy food. I have also had great results. I no longer have IBS symptoms, I feel alert, energized and am also lighter. I urge anyone who is thinking of doing this to take the plunge and stick with it as its only 10 days out of your life and the results have been life changing for us. Get inventive with the food. I created an aioli out of yoghurt, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil which was lovely on salads and veggies. There’s nothing much that I would improve. It’s quite hard around day 3 to 4 and you just have to hang on in there.”

img51.png  SKIN AND HAIR :

“I loved doing the detox. I felt like I needed to do it for a very long time. I waited for my partner to go away on business to do the detox because I thought it would be easier when I was on my own. I was ready for it! It was so much easier than I expected. I am a huge meat eater and am one of those people who get cranky if I don’t eat when I need to. Therefore, I was worried I would have low energy and crave food I couldn’t eat. This was so far from the truth. I had higher energy and loved the food I was eating. I got really creative with the meals. By the 5th day I already noticed a difference in how soft and healthy my hair and skin were. I just felt great during the whole process. I have now switched to choosing healthier options in my eating since the detox. My partner even loves some of my new veggie dishes! We’re getting married next year and I plan on doing the detox a month or so before the wedding. I think I’ve convinced my partner to do it with me next time!”


“Easy to use. Amazing results in very short time. No adverse effects with the recommended elimination process just prior to starting. Lost my cravings ie: my love of morning coffee, wine & nibbles. Other benefits: gaining a balance in my eating habits, I can fit the clothes that had become way too tight and uncomfortable, my skin is looking great. This product came highly recommended to me. I was feeling tired, lacking clarity of mind and feeling overwhelmed with stressful matters. A very comfortable and enjoyable transition into the way of eating, more energy, clarity of mind, taking action on the weighty matters I had at hand. Thanks for a great product.”

img51.png LOST JUST OVER 4KG :

“My husband and Ibothdida 10 daydetox using Brett Elliott’s Ultimate Herbal Detox. It was surprisingly easy to do and the salad ideas in the recipe book were very tasty. I was also amazed at how energised I was while on the detox and I put this down to the tablets we were taking. After 10 days I had lost just over 4kg and thought that I would probably put it all back on pretty quickly, but I didn’t. We also used the Detox ‘n Slim protein smoothie, which we love. I still have the odd one now. It was a little difficult for me at the start taking 20 capsules morning and night but I soon got used to it. The best thing about this product is that it’s easy. You get everything you need in the kit. The philosophy behind the product is also very interesting and is a perspective that was new to me.”


“Although I didn’t need to reduce my weight, I had come down with some unusual bowel problems after coming back from my tropical holiday. I was not responding to other methods & was reluctant to continue on with conventional medications. Just by chance I saw Brett Elliot’s product on TV. I had never heard of him nor his product at the time. But, as I was steadily getting more confused with trying to settle my problems, I decided I would give it a go. It was winter 2011, not the best time to do such a cleanse, but I couldn’t wait. I followed each instruction thoroughly. The booklet was very well written and clear to follow. I opted for the longer plan so I could have brown rice. I love my bread & this would be the first time in 30 years that I had taken myself off this carbohydrate.

To my surprise I could live without it at the time & never craved the smell of toast my partner was having. Within the first few days my body was responding well. And my energy levels were improving. Doing the three week plan was much longer, but for me was the better option. It certainly worked to get my body settled again. My only hiccup was people concerned I was looking thin. I took my food with me when socializing as I was determined to give it my best. After 6 months all is good now, I decided to use the introductory Detox & Slim sachets. They should be retitled, as they are a wonderful yummy energy drink. So for those who are not over weight, don’t be put off to try these products. We are what we eat. But we also need to clean out those long-term congestions that weaken the system. I’m certainly convinced & have recommended people try.”


“I thoroughly enjoyed the 10 day detox. I now have a healthy weight and felt amazing at the end of it! I chose to give it my all and made all my meals from fresh ingredients, which is now an ongoing habit. Homemade juices, smoothies, soups and salads are an everyday occurrence and I continue with the Detox and Slim sachets to keep me feeling good and on track. I was mentally prepared for it and enjoyed the detoxing process. I came back from holiday and wanted to lose a few kilos to get back to my ideal weight for training. With all the fresh produce and in combination with the pills I reached my ideal weight over the whole detox period. It’s been over 6 weeks since I finished and I am still maintaining the weight loss and feeling good!”


“Having everything in one pack was great, all the information was very clear and easy to understand. The menu examples were a great help. My husband and I did the detox together and did a four-day prep before starting to take the capsules. During the prep days I did feel hungry but once we started taking the capsules and making smoothies and juices the hunger went away. We got creative with veggies and were pleasantly surprised at how delicious a plate of veggies could be with a mix of spices. We are not big meat eaters anyway so cutting out meat wasn’t that big a deal for us. I didn’t think I was so dependent on bread and cheese, so again the first few days without it were hard. We drank plenty of water and herbal teas and since finishing the detox I haven’t really returned to drinking tea or coffee much at all, in-fact I think in the past couple of weeks I’ve only had 2-3 cups in total.


The mucoid plaque thing started happening and we were ‘going’ very regularly!! I had the odd times of bloating but nothing unbearable. Overall I feel really good after the detox. My hair and skin feels lovely. I am waking up in the morning now with more energy, instead of having the first thought pop into my head of “I can’t wait to get back into bed to sleep!” A few days after the detox we went to a function where I must admit I over indulged in rich food and wine, it made me feel very sluggish in the days following. I am definitely eating less now and holding back from stodgy carbs