Detox and Heal Your-Self by Brett Elliott - HTML preview

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I highly recommend making the commitment to a multi-level detox program, firstly, to remove the build up of physical toxins from your body, secondly, to help trigger the release of emotional energy, anger, bitterness, sadness and grief, plus conquer cravings, addictions and fears, to purify and nourish your soul .

Feeding your soul

During my herbal DETOX you can flush out your intestines of several pounds of undigested build-up. This is done with our specific herbs while eating a delicious diet of pure foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables and plenty of fluids. The result is an increase in energy and a feeling of being light, clear and fresh . This is a great opportunity to become aware of the emotional connection with food and transform this into an emotional reconnection with your inner self . During the DETOX you commit to a change in eating habits, so why not also make a commitment to changing negative emotional patterns into positive ones . You can now choose to eat to “feed your soul” rather than eat to “smother your feelings” . This change causes a shift in emotional eating habits and encourages a deeper connection with nature . Instead of using food to bury our negative emotions we actually use food to support positive emotions . Consider how you feel before and after youeat food and how this affects you emotionally . This dietary revelation is one of the greatest long-term benefits and is a highlight of my Ultimate Herbal DETOX program . Herbs encourage healing on all levels .

Time out

Moving pounds of toxic matter from your body can leave you feeling elated and change your attitude towards food completely .

Some of the other toxins such as noise and negative media can be deliberately avoided, but how do we avoid negative emotions and toxic thoughts? The power of “free will” and the right of choice come into play here . Maybe turn the other cheek or walk away, since you do have the power to choose and think or react differently . You will feel emotionally and mentally stronger during your DETOX and you may like to take some time to yourself . Choosing time out from noise, offensive media and sometimes, avoiding certain “negative people” can be of huge benefit during this detox process. Nothing helps your body recover its full measure of life like a good detox, enabling clear messages from your higher subconscious self, your spirit and ultimately GOD .


The following fascinating discovery gives us an insight into exactly how powerful, improving internal cellular communications can be. Quote: “Genes (DNA) do not control our biology. Instead, DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts.”

Reference: Dr . Bruce Lipton PHD, former medical professor (University of Wisconsin) and research scientist (Stanford University School of Medicine) . From his book The-Biology-Belief-Unleashing-Consciousness, Amazon .com

CONCLUSION: “People often see the faults in their parents and choose to adjust/improve on the behavioural patterns of their genetic inheritance. This is an example of the above theory in action.”