damage done by these diseases already and actually strike a blow into the
First off you have to understand that the human body is constantly rebuilding itself
every second of every day.
You are constantly renewing each and every part of your body continuously. It is
estimated that on average we each get an entirely new body every seven years!
Now that is amazing.
Just like with any building project there is a need for building materials. What are
the building blocks that you building your body from? Or what will you be building
your body from in the future?
Do you like the sound of building it with fresh wholesome foods, or do you think
that the proper building blocks for a healthy body is fast food and soda?
You are going to have to put the proper nutrition and the proper ingredients into
your body to rebuild it, free from Illness into the strong and healthy body that it is
meant to be.
The problem in today’s society is that people have gotten so used to eating all
unhealthy foods and preservatives that pack our supermarket shelves. These
foods are devoid of nutrients and devoid of all the good healthy things that a body
needs to build and repair itself.
I know you might think that you eat healthily, but the fact of the matter is, you most
likely don’t. The reason being is that you don’t know what is good for the body because of all
the false advertising that has been used to push these Food Cash Cows on us. And speaking of Cows,