Disease & Illness - The Truth Revealed & the Lies Unveiled by The Health Warrior - HTML preview

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Dairy Is A Big No!

Most likely all you have ever heard about dairy is good. That’s because the dairy


industry is a huge money making industry. Dairy is one of the biggest components


of the average Americans diet each and every year. We gorge on it, be that milk,


butter, cheese or yogurt.


Just think back to the last time you had some dairy. Not long ago?


The simple fact of the matter, without getting into too many frightening insights into


the evils of dairy products; Dairy is not good for you. It is not designed for humans


to eat or drink.


Have you ever felt that horrible mucus at the back of your throat after drinking


milk? Can you recall the last sinus problems you had? Or maybe even some


mystery allergy. The funny thing is; you would probably think that milk was the last


thing that would cause this. Well, milk doesn’t only cause sinus, colds, allergies and mucus. It also can lead to other serious health complaints like:


• Diabetes


• Cancer


• Heart Disease


• Colitis


• And a whole host of others.


This is just an insight into the badness of dairy and you must make the decision to


believe it or not; it’s always up to you remember. If you do, you can start to wean yourself off the dairy. Your health and your body will thank you.