Exploring Eft by Rob Wyler - HTML preview

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What if it Doesn’t Work?


EFT works in nearly all cases when it is applied correctly. The benefit of it is that it just doesn't hurt to try it-it's not invasive it has no harmful chemicals and it's something you can do anywhere.

It's a gentle solution, and around ninety seven percent of users say they find some if not all their relief from a pain (be it emotional, physical or spiritual) through using EFT.

If you have serious emotional of physical issues, it is best to consult both your medical practitioners and seek out someone specialising in EFT to help you work through the issues surrounding your disability.

The reason some people find far more success in using EFT is they use it in the correct way, keeping the statements specific and focused.

For some of us, we tend to see our problem as a vast and huge thing with far reaching global consequences. The label may feel specific but is actually very broad.

Examples of this can be:

“Nobody has ever cared about me”

“I'm not good at relationships”

“I'm always the one rejected”

“I've never had self control about my eating”

All these types of comments are actually made up of a huge range of smaller problems that compound together to create this central belief. If you try to use EFT on this huge snowballed problem, then you may not notice any huge changes.

While some aspects will be changed, it's a little like sneaking a few jellybeans from a huge jar-they are gone, but it's hard to notice their absence.

The way round this is to use EFT on specifics, on smaller topics within the framework of the global issue. So take a look at the big issue, and find an episode in your life that refers to it, and deal with that one in particular. If you keep on sneaking small handfuls of those jellybeans at a time, eventually the pile is going to get noticeable smaller and smaller.

So if for example we take the global belief “Nobody has ever cared about me” and we break it down to specific events we can deal with the hurt from each one and impact the large overriding event.

Instead of “Nobody has ever cared about me”, try something like…

“Even though my mum told me in front of my friend that I was stupid…”


“Even though my husband called me names on our fifth wedding anniversary..”


“Even though I was told off for crying when my dog died”

These are all true contributors to the bigger issue of Nobody has ever cared about me as they are all events that have added to your sense of not being loved.

There is a very real sense perhaps of not being loved, but really it's a symptom of the impact all these singular events had on you and how you see yourself. If those things had never happened (or whatever are the key negative events in your life) would you have the issues you do? No, because it's from these that we learn about the way things “are” whether it's correct or not.

To make the effects of the global problem disappear we need to do away of each little handful of jellybeans. When we do this by looking at specific events instead several benefits are found.

The first is you can find it easier to recognize the effects from one event have been removed. Often that event is linked to another after it that may have triggered a similar reaction so removing the power from it also removes the power from later experiences. Realising that it works on specific events increases your confidence to use it in other areas.

As you remove the power of one event, you reduce the power overall from the symptoms you are feeling. So the removal of this one event's effects makes it easier to spot other events and sort them out too.

We often have common symptoms from other events in our life so the more specific you are, the faster you can see large results happen.

The key to success is to be as specific as possible. If you are not seeing results then perhaps a change in tack in what you are using it for needs to be applied. Instead of trying to correct a large global issue, start off small. You're far more likely to see the effects you want that way.

Sometimes a symptom can be caused by a core issue that you may not be ready to sort or admit to. These core issues need to be addressed for you to see success.


Anna was struggling with getting up in the morning. She had always been a night person but with a home full of children she knew the only way to get some time for herself and find time to work out was to get up before the household started.

Anna went to an EFT specialist who took her through the EFT process, and questioned her to discover her core belief. The late nights had started when her mother was struggling to both look after her and work fulltime. As she worked late, the only time

Anna had to spend with her mother had been late at night. She identified late nights with feeling comforted and intimate. She also was struggling with the feelings of being left with sitters at a young age even though her adult self could explain that away.

The EFT practitioner helped her work through the relationship Anna had with her mother, rather than the late night/ early morning issue and after a few sessions Anna naturally started waking in the morning feeling energized and ready for her day. It was a core issue problem.

There are some questions you can ask yourself to see if your issue may have a deeper core issue affecting it:

  1. When was the first time you remember feeling the same sort of feeling?
  2. What does this issue make you think about?
  3. If there was a deeper issue behind this one, what do you think it might be?
  4. If you could live your life over again, is there any person or even you'd like to not meet or experience?

If you don't automatically know, take a guess. Our guesses sometimes circumvents our desire to protect ourselves or justify bad events as part of life, without dealing with the long term trauma some of them can cause.

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