Exploring Eft by Rob Wyler - HTML preview

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STEP 4: Repeat the Sequence


Why do we repeat the sequence? By repeating the phrase and the sequence we consolidate the learning.

We can apply this recipe for any need we may have. It's your quick fix that we all long for and hope works, and in this case generally does! However you do need to focus on a specific problem for it to be effective. If you make it too general, then it's not going to work.

We use a reminder phrase during the sequence to remind us why we are tapping. What this does is brings the bad memory or feeling to the forefront and then deal with it. It allows us to take the power of that emotion away.

While the reminder phrase is not always necessary, it's a good idea to put it in there just in case. It's like a painless preventative measure to ensure you have the best shot of this taking and working.

There are a range of issues that can be remedied with a reminder phrase. Some examples are headaches, pain, sugar cravings, depression, and anger towards a family member, rejection and fear.

After you have done this a few times you can slowly adjust by finding any other blocks affecting your progress. After you've made the sweeping statement, repeat it by adding the words some or still. For example…

Even though I still crave sugar I love and accept myself.