Exploring Eft by Rob Wyler - HTML preview

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How Does it Work?


If you think Edison was clever inventing a way to channel electricity then you'll think your body is incredibly brilliant when you begin to understand this technique.

Our bodies have currents and connections all over the place. We conduct and carry electricity all the time. If you've ever had an electric shock on a windy day, as you've touched something metal you'll know you can carry electricity.

If you touch something very hot, you feel the pain immediately because the sensors in your hands carry the information via circuits up to your brain. The sense of pain travels as fast as an electrical current up to your pain receptors and translates as a huge “ow” as you remove your hand instinctively away from the pain.

We need these energy flows to live and survive. If you look at a people suffering from leprosy, you'll know the damage is not done by the disease, but by one of the symptoms of the disease-the loss of pain receptors. The body is no longer able to carry information about hots and colds, and pain. This means the body can suffer injury without the body letting the brain know.

We need the electrical sensors in us to live and survive. Without them we would not be able to touch, taste, smell, see or hear. We can record these electrical patterns in several ways.

Sensors can measure the electrical pathways in our brains and hearts, with an EEG (electroencephalograph) for the brain, or an EKG (electrocardiograph) for the heart. These measure the currents running through these vital organs, allowing doctors to measure and analyze their performance and health.

We need strong electrical vitals to survive and live. When the energy stops flowing we do too - we can't live.

Before the advent of machines to measure this energy, Eastern philosophers and medicine practioners discovered these pathways. Chinese practitioners developed a system of tracking the energy points of the body tracking how our energy moves through the body. These electrical circuits or meridians were then used to treat all sorts of ailments.

The science of acupuncture is about stimulating these meridian points to counter any issue that could be caused by a break down in our body's electrical circuits. Acupuncture isn't the only form treatment to come out of this. Wide range of treatments including acupressure, chiropractory, massages therapy and of course EFT uses these points to treat a vast array of problems.

You may not be able to physically see the energy traveling around your body, you that doesn't mean it's not there.

For a long time western medicine has tried to change the internal by focusing on the chemical side of health, giving sufferers drugs and substances to alter the body's chemistry. However more and more western medical professionals are moving back to investigating the benefits of eastern practices and many have implemented some of the practices as part of their treatment programme.

The science of EFT began not with a research grant and a pile of guileless volunteers in a research lab, but rather with a woman suffering from a crippling fear of water. Her therapist, a Doctor Roger Callahan had tried every method known to him to cure her over an eight month period. He had tried all conventional methods but nothing had shown any signs of even alleviating the problem.

Callahan had been reading about meridians and how they may affect our health. Almost carelessly and without a lot of though, he began to tap just under Maria's eye which is the end point of the stomach meridian. This was because she had mentioned an upset stomach and he felt it may help. She announced to her astonished therapist who had tried everything else that her phobia had gone. To prove the point she went down to a local pool and began to splash water over her face, laughing.

Her headaches, her panic attacks, her fear had all gone. She was completely free of the phobia that had crippled her, to the point she no longer had the bad dreams and nightmares she had been suffering from for such a long time. EFT since then has continued to have countless case studies attributing it to breaking through where everything else failed.