Exploring Eft by Rob Wyler - HTML preview

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What is the Essence?


All our negative emotions that can cause pain both of a physical or emotional nature are caused by a disruption in our body's energy systems. To remove the pain we need to get all the circuits working properly again.

Pulses sent down the correct meridian unblock the pathways (a little like a plunger unblocks the gunk in a drain) and balances our energy again. When we have a balanced energy we don't have the emotional intensity building up anymore as there is no blockage for it to build up against.

Our unwanted emotions are simply caused by energy disruptions. Now it's important o recognize that it's not about a traumatic memory causing the problem. This belief is at the crux of a lot of modern therapy practices where we are expected to talk over problems and issues and work through the processes to be free from them. EFT circumvents this as just clears the circuits or meridians where that negative emotion started the blockage.

You do not need to psychoanalyze your feelings to be free of the effects of them. The memories you hold and the feelings form them ay hold some keys to helping yourself be freed from them but you don't need to investigate them in detail. For this reason, EFT is a great choice of treatment for those people who are suffering from a fair amount of emotional pain.

Imagine you have a nasty bruise on your leg and you go to the doctor to have it treated. If they said to treat it you needed to press down on it over and over again, letting the pain course through your body each time would you feel good about that solution? That is a physical illustration of why consistent talking over of past hurts and pain may not be the best solution.

If you have ever done circuit making as part of science at school, you'll remember if there was a loose connection your little light bulb might not properly light up. It wasn't that all the wires weren't touching, but one of the wires may not have been properly connected and this would cause the light bulb to flicker and not work with its full intensity.

This is a little like our insides. We sometimes need something to straighten out the wires and make sure they are all properly connected.

If you can accept the logic of this and then start to really make use of it the end result can be stunning. Basically it's stopping the need to conduct an endless cycle of talking as it's short-circuiting the process, cutting into that very moment the first circuit blockage occurred and dealing with that-without needing to tread out all the accompanying emotional garbage.

The focus on talking things out is why many people often get worse when going to conventional counseling. It's like the bruise analogy again-if you keep on prodding it all you fee is more pain and it's certainly not going to make it feel or get better. If we are forced to relive a distressing memory over and over again we just keep on blocking up the same disrupted circuit and fuzzing out our frequencies.

EFT, tapping the ends of meridian points helps better because the direct cause of all that negative energy and emotion is being treated. It's why it's a faster and simpler method (and far less painful!)

This treatment isn't just for one or two negative emotions-it works for all of them. Fears, phobias, stress, anger, grief, depression, PTSD, anxiety, worry and guilt which can induce long term physical effects can all be treated to allow you to overcome blockages in your employment, relationships and thought patterns.

All of these can be treated the same way as they are all caused by that fuzzy circuit connection in your meridians.

Negative Feelings – How they Form

The first step is a distressing memory pops up. It's something that may be caused by perception rather than fact but it doesn't stop the fact it feels incredibly real.

The second step is the memory causes a fuzzy circuit or a disruption to your body's energy which then leads to a negative emotion. It you deal with the second step the third no longer has any impact.

That is why some people are more affected than others but negative experiences. If it hasn't caused a negative memory, then you don't have the end result of negative emotion caused by a problem in your meridian balance.

Seeing the steps laid out so simply it is easy to see why people often try to treat the negative emotion-all they are doing is missing out the second step and treating that instead.

This simple step process shows exactly why all the negative feelings we have stem for a lack of the same treatment process. Our guilt or grief comes through exactly the same pathways.

Instead of needing to work through a huge range of causes for your horrible feelings it comes down to just one - a fuzzy connection.

Why Tap so Many?

When your car goes into to get a tune up a good mechanic knows he or she needs to check more than just the spark plugs. Though frequently they get filled with dirt and grime and affect the running of the car, left undone for a while and the rest of the car's engine starts to have problems too.

It's like that with our bodies. If we have a blockage in one meridian our clever bodies will try to cope with the problem by moving more energy through another meridian. Our body is constantly trying to keep us balanced and working and this can cause strain on the other electrical circuits.

So when EFT is used to tap the blockages away, it taps on all the meridian points to relive any other auxiliary issues. By doing this the likelihood of resolving the issue greatly increases. The vast majority of people can have their issues resolved in this manner.

Basically, even though to you and me the treatment process seems simple and painless, it is actually overkill. It targets more than you need to get better. Which, when you think about the simplicity of it’s really rather amazing.

EFT practitioners call this the Basic Recipe. It can be applied to fine-tune your whole body, treating a raft of problems in one session. It's a process that takes a few minutes of your time for some long reaching results.

Because we often don't know which meridians are fuzzy connections EFT asks you tap all of the ones that are known to cause problems. Overtapping is not a harmful practice. It's just being thorough.

It's important to carry out the basic recipe in order just as if you were cooking a batch of muffins. You need to follow the order in a recipe as it's been constructed to give you the best chance of high, fluffy and sweet muffins to eat. An EFT basic recipe is no different. You need to follow the order to get the best results.

It can take a bit of explaining and time to learn the recipe but once mastered it can be applied as needed in under a minute. That's better than muffins!

Once you've mastered it there are some shortcuts you ca take, but like cooking where it's best to master muffins before you attempt the seven layer pound cake with three types of frosting….starting with the basics is a good move.

There are four steps in the EFT recipe. Two of these are the same-repeated to complete the process.

These are:

  • The Setup
  • The Sequence
  • The Nine Gamut Procedure
  • The Sequence (again)

So let's get started …