Exploring Eft by Rob Wyler - HTML preview

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STEP ONE: The Setup


To make sure the recipe is going to work you need to get things ready. It's like making sure the oven is switched on, the mixing bowl is on the bench and all the muffin tins are ready for the batter. Without this the recipe is not going to work.

Remember how our body is a set of delicate energy systems. To set up our meridians to get them ready for EFT, we need to make sure we are ready for the process.

We can prevent it working by powering up our energy flow the wrong way. If you've ever gone to find a torch, and discovered the batteries are flat, put new ones in and discovered it's still not working then you may have discovered the problem of powering up electrical circuits wrong.

The torch is probably not working because you've slipped the new batteries in the wrong way, and the polarity of + or – is off.

Sometimes our polarity is off too. It doesn't mean that we won't work completely but it does mean that we can't fully work to our best capacity.

It's one reason why sometimes conventional medicine doesn't work even when it is supposed to. Losing weight, struggling with addictions all come from this polarity switch. It's the basis for any self sabotage or ruining of plans and preparation. It wars against our will and makes change difficult if at all.

It's caused by a wide and diverse range of negative self talk that wears the body down and destructs our ability to function at full's capacity. It tends to hinder EFT„s effectiveness in about two in every five cases. It doesn't necessarily create feelings along with it so many people are not aware it is even present.


To get rid of it you need to unblock the issue and deal with it. If it's not there, no harm is done, but if it was then you've cleared the way for change, and it will have only taken around ten seconds of your time.

All you need to do is repeat an affirmation three times while rubbing a spot in your chest area or tapping the karate chop point.

What is the Affirmation?

It's really important our affirmations contain only positive statements. To counteract any blocks we need to release a positive affirmation:

Even though I have this (place issue here) I deeply and completely accept myself.

The issue can be anything from a terrible migraine, to chronic pain, to a fear of heights, to a struggle with weight loss. Use it for whatever the chief symptom being displayed is.

The order of wording doesn't need to be identical but the positivist of the affirmation needs to be strong and consistent. You need to both acknowledge the problem and then create self acceptance in spite of it.

If you say it with a fair amount of disbelief and lack of trust that it will work it still will. The best way to say it is with feeling, clearly and with emphasis, but even if you just repeat it in a normal voice (especially if you are in public and don't want to draw attention to yourself) then it normally still works. Saying it out loud works best, but people have found muttering it or saying it in your head still has some effect.


Rebecca was sitting in a group detox meeting when the leader suggested they try some EFT for another person's stress about workloads. The leader suggested they all did the tapping to keep the person company as it didn't do any harm.

Rebecca thought it looked pretty silly and mumbled it under her breath, and tapped rather haphazardly. She forgot all about until the next morning when she woke up with more energy than she had for a long time and a clear plan of action for her day. She powered through her own work completing a week's work in a day. She couldn't work out what the reason was.

It wasn't until the next day when she experienced the same level of productivity that she thought it might be the EFT. She's since used it with the same levels of effectiveness to treat a long term addiction. She discovered saying it quietly and without power still made it work.

The Sore Spot

As you say the affirmation you also need to rub the sore spot or tap the karate chop point.

To find the sore spot move your finger tips to the base of your throat just below that soft unprotected part, resting your fingers on the bone there. Now move your fingers about ten centimeters down your chest bone and then ten centimeters to either the left or the right. You'll know when you get there because pressing down on it is…SORE. If you press vigorously there it will hurt.

Rub this vigorously while you repeat the affirmation. It's sore because this is a part of your body where lymphatic congestion can occur. As you rub it, it's like a massage, as the congestion becomes dispersed, the soreness goes away. (But it will hurt a bit first) If it really hurts you, lighten the pressure a little and relax it. It's not meant to be unbearable!

If this is an area of concern to you, such as an operation site, or a long term chronic heart condition then you can use the karate chop tapping instead. However otherwise this area is a good area to stimulate and is probably more effective than the karate chop as it is dispersing congestion.

The Karate Chop Point

That edge of your hand you'd use to break four or five bricks in one swoop is the karate chop point. It's on the outside of your write on either hand. Vigorously tap it with your dominate free fingers as you say the affirmation three times.

So that Setup ...

Now you have all the tools it's easy to complete the set up part of the process. Choose an affirmation and repeat it three times as you either rub the sore spot or tap the karate chop point. Simple!