Fantastic New You! An Introductory Guide to Achieving an Astonishing Transformation in Your Weight and Appearance by Mark Ellison - HTML preview

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6. Additional Guideline

Two Additional Guidelines To Ensure Your Amazing Transformation

So far in this eBook you’ve learnt that millions of dieters across the world fail to reach and stay at their target weight because…

1. They don’t have a truly compelling target weight, or…

2. They don’t believe they can and will become their ideal weight, or…

3. They don’t have an effective way to lose their excess weight.

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved. Page 108 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

The next major reason why so many slimmers fail is because they chose a weight loss program that is NOT right for them in one of the following 2 ways. Their weight loss program either…

i) Does NOT suit them, their preferences, or their lifestyle, OR...

ii) It’s NOT fast enough to keep them inspired.

Have you ever tried to follow a weight loss program that did not suit you or your lifestyle?

Perhaps it was a very low carb diet, or an approach that included tons of exercise?

What happened? How long was it before you gave up?

Or have you ever tried to stick to a diet that was depressingly slow? Have you ever got on the weighing scale day after day only to find you haven’t lost a single pound? How demoralizing was that?

In either of these cases, if you are like most people, you ended up stopping the diet, and then tucking into some very tasty fattening food, and putting on even more pounds. And your response was completely understandable.

In order to successfully lose weight, slimmer’s need a weight loss program that…

i) Suits them, their preferences, and their lifestyle, and...

ii) Is Fast Enough to keep them inspired.

Here’s a quick overview of all 6 Characteristics of an Effective Weight Loss Program…

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved. Page 109 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

All 6 Characteristics of A Highly Effective Weight Loss Program

1. It Creates a Calorie Deficit

2. It Keeps The Metabolism Boosted Ongoing

3. It Powerfully Maximizes Fat Burning