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4. It is Very Nutritious and Healthy

5. It Suits The Slimmer, Their Preferences, and Their Lifestyle

6. It is Fast Enough to Keep Them Inspired

If weight loss programs don’t follow these 2 additional general guidelines, then it is entirely unrealistic to expect slimmer’s to stick to their programs and get slim.

Who’s going to keep following a program that definitely doesn’t suit them?

Who’s going to keep following a program that doesn’t inspire them to follow it?

Without these 2 additional characteristics, failure becomes inevitable, no matter who the slimmer is or how strong minded they are.

Let’s quickly go through both of these 2 additional general guidelines and clarify what is needed in order for you to rapidly become as slim as you’d love to be.

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5. In Order to Become Your Ideal Weight a Weight Loss Program Needs to Suit You, Your Preferences, and Your Lifestyle

How can we possibly expect slimmer’s to stick to programs that DON’T suit them? We can’t.

And yet again and again slimmer’s attempt to lose weight with programs that are NOT right for them, and don’t fit their lifestyle.

There are typically 3 main ways of losing weight...

a) Diet

b) Exercise

c) Diet Supplements

There’s no one approach that is right for everyone. People have different amounts of weight to lose. They want to lose their weight at different rates, and they have different amounts of time to put towards losing it.

Some dieters have to cook for a family, whereas others are cooking solely for themselves, and some are eating out.

Many slimmers prefer to use mostly a dietary route to lose weight, whereas others like to lose excess body fat through exercise, and some even want to lose weight with the help of diet supplements.

Hence, there is NO one single way to lose weight that is right for everyone.

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In order to work, all weight loss approaches have to be carefully tailored to each person individually. That’s vital.

In order for a person to become their ideal weight it is ESSENTIAL that their weight loss program is carefully tailored to their aims, their preferences, and their lifestyle.

What chance is there of the typical slimmer succeeding when not only are they missing a compelling target weight and the belief they will reach it, but on top of that, their weight loss approach is incompatible with their preferences and their life?

Not much at all? And yet some slimmers try to lose weight with methods they literally hate. It‘s highly unlikely they are going to stick with an approach they dislike so strongly.














The more a weight loss program suits you, the more likely you are to become as slim as you’d love to be.

It is unlikely that you will find a weight loss approach that will suit you in all the ways it needs to in a mass-marketed, one size fits all diet book.

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To get a weight loss program that you’ll be happy to stick with and that will work really well for you, it’s best for it to be tailored to you, your lifestyle and your preferences by someone who knows the full range of effective ways to lose weight that are available.

And the best person to do that is an expert weight loss coach, who can identify an approach that fits your needs really well.

How good would it make you feel to have an expert help you identify a weight loss approach that was just right for you?

Many dieters don’t realize that a good weight loss coach will undoubtedly know of ways to lose weight that are far better than the ones they themselves have heard of from their friends, from magazines, and from the TV. What if there were far better ways you could lose weight than the approaches you currently know of?

So many slimmers fail to lose weight, not because they aren’t fully capable of becoming slim, but because the program they tried to follow just wasn’t right for them, their lifestyle or their aims. It was a very poor fit.

If a person is to follow a program all the way to their ideal weight, then that program needs to fit them as well as a tailored suit.

If you take the time, and get the right help to identify an approach that is right for you, then you will find that you stick with your program far longer and become a lot slimmer.

Now that you know the 5th characteristic of an Effective Weight Loss Program, let’s move on…

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In addition to suiting you and your lifestyle, your program needs to be fast enough to keep you inspired.

6. In Order to Become Your Ideal Weight a Program Needs to Be Fast Enough to Keep You Inspired

Whilst it is true that slimmer’s need weight loss programs that do reduce their excess weight, they actually need programs that do more than that. They need an approach that reduces their excess weight fast enough to keep them inspired. For many people, losing only half a pound a week or experiencing plateaus week after week is not inspiring enough for them to keep going.

One of the biggest reasons that millions of people prematurely stop their diets is because their rate of weight loss is so slow it wouldn’t inspire a flea, and they very understandably become demoralized and give up.

In order for you to choose a weight loss program that will inspire you enough to stick to it all the way to your target weight, then we need to expose one of the most destructive dietary myths.

Slow Diets Protect Health?? Oh Really??

If you haven’t got too many pounds to lose, or you do feel happy with and inspired by a slow rate of progress, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with losing weight slowly. If slow weight loss is right for you, then that’s a perfectly good way for you to proceed.

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However, as you are about to read, slow diets cause many slimmer’s to give up, get even fatter and become less healthy. If that’s true for you, then we need to dispel a very common dietary myth put forward by well meaning but mistaken “experts??”

Again and again we are told that we must lose weight very slowly. The reason this message is preached by so many weight loss consultants, fitness instructors, and Doctors, is because unhealthy, mal-nourished crash diets can cause detrimental effects such as health problems, sagging skin, and rebound weight gain.

That’s true, but unhealthy crash diets that cause problems are NOT the only way to lose weight quickly.

For example, to lose weight quickly and healthily I went on the diet humans evolved on and are ideally adapted to. And the diet we evolved on is NOT the mistakenly popularized Stone Age Diet, also known as the Paleolithic or Caveman Diet, but something quite different.

I also conditioned my body through exercise to burn mostly fat in a way that was very different and far easier than most weight loss exercise regimes. Though to be accurate, I only started doing that in the second month of my program. In my first month, I only exercised for 45

minutes on less than half the days of that month, and I still lost 28 pounds in 31 days, and 76%

of that weight loss was fat. That’s how powerful my diet was for me.

By eating the diet that humans became best adapted to during their evolution, I actually ate a diet that did far more than just give my body a calorie deficit in order to lose weight.

My diet was far more nourishing than the food most people generally eat. In fact, it was far more nourishing than the leading “health” diets, providing optimum levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids (i.e. proteins), essential fatty acids, anti-oxidants, phyto-chemicals etc. In addition

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to that, the diet was also right for me on a hormonal level, a metabolic level, and even on a genetic level, switching on all kinds of health building processes in my body.

This is how I was able to lose weight so rapidly AND optimize my health in the process, without getting any sagging skin or rebound weight gain... I did it by following a diet that powerfully burnt the fat off my body AND was incredibly healthy and nourishing too.

As you know, at the end of the diet, I had become so healthy that there wasn’t a single area of decline in my health, only optimum improvement, in a whole battery of more than 39 blood tests.

Every one of the following health tests came back with an “Ideal” result; Blood Pressure, Fasting Blood Sugar, Long Term Blood Sugar, Full Blood Count, Liver Function Test, Kidney Function Test, Thyroid Function Test, Triglyceride Level, Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Cholesterol Ratio, and Resting Pulse.

My Doctor said the improvement in my health was “Fantastic!” So much so that Biological Age tests before and after my program showed I had lowered my Biological Age by 8 years. Not only had I rapidly reached my ideal weight, but I now had the typical health condition of a person 8 years younger than my actual age. And according to many people who knew me, I looked like a completely different person who was 10 years younger.

So do I believe it’s possible to lose weight fast and healthily?

Without a shadow of a doubt!

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Now my approach wouldn’t be right for everyone. As you read above, in order to work, all weight loss approaches have to be carefully tailored to each person individually. That’s vital.

But here’s why it’s so important to follow an approach that is fast enough to keep you inspired…

In order to help people avoid the negative consequences of unhealthy, mal-nourished crash diets, typical weight loss advisors recommend dieters to lose weight slowly, but in so doing they are making a huge psychological mistake that leads millions of dieters to fail and become even more unhealthy.

There’s no question that we must avoid any approach that is less than fully healthy, so let’s see how healthy the slow approach to weight loss really is.

Meet Bob…

He’s 100 pounds overweight. Bob wants to lose weight. In fact, he’d love to be as slim as he was in his twenties, but just like many of the other 100’s of millions of failing dieters across the planet, he’s not been able to get himself to stick to any weight loss program for longer than a few days.

Out of desperation Bob goes to his Doctor who recommends a calorie controlled diet and tells Bob he must lose weight slowly at a pound, or at most, 2 pounds a week. Now for some people that would be fine, but as soon as Bob gets outside his Doctor’s consulting room he realizes that at 2 pounds a week he’s going to have to be on a restrictive diet for 1 whole year in order

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to lose his excess 100 pounds. And at 1 pound a week, he’s going to have to be on a diet for 2

whole years.

Who on earth wants to be on a diet, missing out on your favourite foods, for 2 whole years?

Definitely not me! And I’m sure you don’t want to do that either. Even 1 year would seem like an eternity.

Just as happens for 100’s of millions of dieters across the world, as soon as Bob realizes that he will have to be on a diet for so long his motivation to lose weight plummets.

His Doctor’s advice might have been well intentioned, but psychologically and emotionally the Doctor couldn’t have said a worse thing.

The Doctor just put the price of Bob becoming slim through the roof, and it’s a price that is so high that Bob feels he can’t and probably won’t ever be able to pay it. Bob now believes that becoming slim will cost him 1 to 2 years of deprivation.

As is so typical, Bob quickly decides not to bother dieting. The reward is just too far into the future, and he will have to pay too big a price to get it. To Bob, it’s simply NOT worth it.

But here’s the real problem, and the reason why the recommendation to lose weight slowly isn’t necessarily correct.

Bob now feels hopeless and de-motivated, and instead of going on a diet, he keeps eating the same foods that made him 100 pounds overweight in the first place.

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And there’s no prize for guessing what happens next? No surprises, Bob piles on even more pounds. It’s widely known in medical and health circles that being overweight is one of the very top causes of the 3 biggest killers, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

So as Bob piles on even more pounds what is happening to his health?

Contrary to improving his health as his Doctor intended, the risk of Bob becoming seriously ill is going through the roof as he eats his way into clinical obesity and beyond.

Recommendations to lose weight slowly may make some sense from a medical point of view, but when you factor in their effect on motivation, then in millions of cases they are very unhealthy indeed.

It’s not as if dieters in general find it easy to stick to slow diets month after month and year after year until they finally become their ideal weight. When over 90% of dieters are putting all the weight they lose back on within 12 months of losing it, and the percentage of overweight and obese Americans is over 60% AND RISING, the last thing dieters need is another very de-motivating recommendation. They are already de-motivated and demoralised enough!

In many cases, a recommendation to lose weight very slowly and go on a diet that will last a very long time is the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and consigns the dieter to a life of increasing obesity. Why? Because it makes them believe they will never get slim, so why even try?

I sometimes think that the so called experts who have come up with these failing dietary recommendations should actually take their blinkers off and look at the real facts about the obesity epidemic.

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In truth, how healthy are the slimmer’s who go on slow diets a year after their slow diet has finished?

It has been scientifically accepted for years that…

Over 90% of them are just as fat and unhealthy as they were before their diet.

And 30 to 60% of them are even fatter and even unhealthier with their risk of serious disease significantly increasing.

When 30 to 60% of slow dieters are ending up LESS HEALTHY, I don’t think the facts on the ground support the theory that slow diets are healthy? It’s just a non-sense.

The current set of weight loss recommendations are so poor that less than 10% of slimmers are ending up any slimmer or healthier a year after their diet, than they were before.

Do recommendations that only succeed in under 10% of cases, and actually result in 30 to 60% of slimmer’s becoming unhealthier, strike you as being good for your health?

In theory slow diets might be seen as safe, but in practice they can be just as unhealthy and dangerous for many slimmers as the mal-nourished crash diets.

No matter how much sense slow diets might make “in theory”, humans are not emotionless robots who can just be commanded to stick to very slow diets month after month and year after year.

People have emotional feelings, and they need to see that they are making good progress to their goal, or they will understandably lose morale and decide that losing weight just takes too

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long and is too hard to bear. If their progress is too slow, they’ll decide to give up, and from that point on they will get fatter and unhealthier.

If we just use our common sense for a moment and look at the very difficult position overweight people are in we will realize that a recommendation to lose weight slowly is the last thing many overweight people need, and is almost a guarantee that many of them will give up and get even fatter.

Modern life with its sedentary desk jobs makes it a lot harder than it used to be for slimmers to take exercise. Umpteen delicious foods produced by food scientists in the food industry powerfully encourage slimmers to eat fattening foods. And on top of that 100’s of food commercials each day try and persuade slimmer’s to eat lots of those fattening foods.

It doesn’t take a genius to recognize that modern life is giving people a vast number of very powerful reasons to get FAT.

And in the face of that, what do the “experts??” recommend slimmer’s to do?

Lose weight so sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly that they will hardly see any progress at all, and they will finally get their reward an eternity from now.

When slimmers are being bombarded with powerful reasons to get even fatter, does it make any sense at all to recommend a very demoralizing and de-motivating slow approach for losing weight?

In so many other areas of life “Morale” is a very high priority. In schools in the US there are pep rallies to boost the pupils’ morale. In the military the morale of the soldiers is paramount.

In sport the morale of the team is all important. In sales teams morale is vital too. And even in

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politics, each of the Political Parties spends enormous sums of money to boost the morale of their Members. And the list could go on and on.

But when it comes to slimmer’s, somehow it’s ok to overlook their morale and give them very de-motivating recommendations, and then have the nerve to turn to failing dieters and tell them it’s their fault that they are still overweight.

If you were to ask some of the most renowned people in history how important morale is in order to keep us from losing the war on obesity, what do you think they would say?

“Morale is the greatest single factor in successful wars”




34th President of the United States of America,







in World War II.

The fact is that ALL people, including slimmers, need to see that they are making good progress to their goals or they will lose their morale and give up. That’s natural.

If someone had said to me when I weighed 262 pounds that I should take 1 to 2 years to lose all of my excess weight instead of just 14 weeks, there is no way on planet earth that I would have done it. I too would have failed dismally!

Being deprived and restricted for 1 to 2 years of my life would have been just too big a price to pay, and I’d have rapidly concluded that I would never become slim again, and I too would

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have given up. And to ease my sadness I would have no doubt tucked into some very comforting food and become even more obese than I already was.

And do you think I would currently be in Optimum Health right now? Absolutely not.

When I was 262 pounds my Body Mass Index was over 33. When a person gets a Body Mass Index of 40 or above, the Medical Community considers them to be “Morbidly Obese”. Why do you think Doctors call that level of excess weight Morbid? Because when a person is that overweight their risk of getting a very serious, LIFE THREATENING, degenerative disease is extremely high indeed.

If I’d believed that it would take 1 to 2 years of dieting in order to get slim, I definitely wouldn’t be in Optimum Health right now. There’s a good chance I would now be Morbidly Obese, and have the huge risk of illness that goes with it. That’s the reality of slow diets for many slimmers who’ve a lot of excess weight to lose! Far from being safe, slow diets often lead to a much worse level of health. Just follow the typical trail of many demoralized slow dieters as they get fatter and fatter, and less and less healthy with each passing year. It’s there for all to see.

ALL slimmer’s need ways to healthily lose weight that are fast enough to keep them inspired