Fantastic New You! An Introductory Guide to Achieving an Astonishing Transformation in Your Weight and Appearance by Mark Ellison - HTML preview

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4. It is Very Nutritious and Healthy

5. It Suits You, Your Preferences, and Your Lifestyle

6. It is Fast Enough to Keep You Inspired

Unless you have done a ton of research yourself into all of the most effective diets, exercise programs, and diet supplements, then the person who can best help you identify such an approach will be a good weight loss coach.

However you identify such a program, it’s vital that you do so because without it you are probably going to run into one of the following problems...

1. Not losing much weight, or...

2. You get demoralised and give up, or...

3. You make yourself unhealthy, or...

4. You end up with rebound weight gain, and put it all back on again.

The exceptional weight loss successes have an effective way to reach their compelling target weight that suits them, is fast enough to keep them inspired, and is healthy. If you are to achieve your own incredible weight loss success, then you need to copy their approach.

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved. Page 124 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

It breaks my heart when a very overweight person says to me, “I’m losing about 2 pounds a

month. It’s making me utterly miserable, but if I stick with it for another 8 months, then I

will reach my target weight” .

Come on!! Give a poor dieter a break!! They’ve got misery written all over their face, and they desperately need a far more inspiring approach before they decide it’s just too painful and give up.

How inspired do you think I felt when I was healthily losing 6 pounds each week, or on average, virtually a pound every day, and the Body Fat Meters were showing that it was mostly fat? I felt inspired, passionate, excited, and absolutely determined to go all the way and become my ideal weight.

These are the kind of huge advantages the exceptional weight loss successes have over the typical dieter who fails. With the Four Key Factors in place, including an Effective Approach, the exceptional weight loss successes usually...

1. Feel far better about following their weight loss program, and...

2. Feel far more encouraged by all of the progress they are making.

And those two advantages make it so much easier to lose weight, and so much more likely that they will succeed.

How much more inspired would you be to stick to a program that was significantly lowering your weight each week? How much more motivated would you be if the pounds were dropping off you week after week, and you could see yourself rapidly becoming slimmer?

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A lot more inspired, I bet, and so would millions of other dieters too.

If you are to successfully become as slim as you would love to be, then it’s important to realize that…

It’s a completely natural human response to feel de-motivated by very slow progress.

And it’s a very natural human response to feel very encouraged by rapid progress.

The phrase “Success Breeds Success” applies equally to slimming as it does to every other area of life.

The so called experts need to stop telling slimmer’s they should follow slow diets instead of mal-nourished crash diets, because as you have just read, the slow diets can be equally flawed too.

• Mal-nourished crash diets are unhealthy, and …

• Slow diets are often dangerously de-motivating for people who have a lot of weight to lose.

Instead the experts need to give slimmer’s more ways to lose weight that are both Healthy AND Fast.

As I mentioned in the introduction to this eBook, a recent study by Oxford University estimates that within 10 years 80% of all men, and 70% of all women will be either overweight or obese.

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That’s a whopping 22% increase in overweight and obese people over and above the current epidemic levels.

What does it say about the effectiveness of the current weight loss recommendations when the obesity epidemic is expected to get 22% WORSE over the next 10 years?

If you had a headache, and you took a recommended headache tablet, and your headache got 22% worse, would you think that solution was effective? No I wouldn’t either.

When the obesity problem is going to get significantly worse, the idea that the current weight loss recommendations are effective is clearly incorrect.

And if the justification for those recommendations is that “They are effective, it’s just that hardly anyone follows them” , then sadly we have to ask the blindingly obvious question “How effective are recommendations that very few people are willing to follow?”

Speaking plainly…

They are utterly useless!!

We are losing the war on obesity!! And yet the slimmers who are fighting it are being given recommendations that further undermine their morale. How absurd is that? They need more morale, not less!

Do we really have to get to the point where 100% of adults are overweight or obese before we conclude that the current weight loss recommendations are NOT working?

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved. Page 127 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

At the present rate of increase, we are on track for 100% of adults to be overweight or obese within the next 25 years. Can you imagine every person, including you, being fat, and no one being slim? Can you imagine over 40% of the whole adult population being clinically or morbidly obese?

What percentage of our Western population do you think would still be overweight now if for the last 10 years the experts had been recommending ways to lose weight that were both Fast and Healthy?

Isn’t it time for a better approach? One that is safe AND inspiring, fast AND healthy? In other words, an overall approach that millions of dieters will actually stick to and follow until they become ideally slim, instead of an approach they give up on leading to them getting even fatter and unhealthier? I think so!!

What Rate of Weight Loss Would Inspire You Enough?

As you have read above, many of the Outstanding Weight Loss Successes follow a rapid approach to weight loss, and that is one of the main reasons why they stay inspired and motivated.

When it comes to your success in becoming slim, the important thing is to have an approach that is as rapid as you want it to be, whilst being healthy. The more you lose weight at the pace you want to, the more likelihood there is of you sticking to your program and succeeding.

Clearly, if you only have a small amount of excess weight to lose, e.g. 8 pounds, then losing 1

pound a week may well be fast enough to keep you inspired. But if you have a lot more excess

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved. Page 128 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

weight to lose, e.g. 60 pounds, then you may need a faster rate of weight loss in order to stay motivated.

Only you can decide what rate of healthy weight loss will keep you inspired.

Carefully think through how rapidly you want to lose weight.

• How many pounds do you want to healthily lose each week?

• How many pounds would you have to lose each week in order to stay inspired?

• How many pounds would you love to healthily lose each week?

Whether it’s just 1 pound a week or several pounds a week, identify how many pounds you would love to healthily lose per week.

You would love to lose ____ pounds per week.

In order to stay inspired you would need to lose ____ pounds per week.

Earlier in this eBook you clarified the weight you would love to be, and now you also know the number of pounds you’d love to lose each week to reach that target.

The Weight

How Fast You’d Love to Get Slim


You’d Love

To Be

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How great would you feel if the weight loss program you were following was speeding you to the weight you’d love to be, at a rate you’d love, in a way that was healthy and suited you?

I’m sure you’d feel great and probably very excited!

If you get the correct help to identify an approach that is not only right for you, but is fast enough to keep you inspired, then without doubt you will greatly increase the probability of becoming your ideal weight.

Now that you know the 6 Characteristics that make a weight loss program effective, for a moment, let’s return to the 4th Characteristic and discuss it in a bit more detail.

1. It Creates a Calorie Deficit

2. It Keeps Your Metabolism Boosted Ongoing

3. It Powerfully Maximizes Your Fat Burning