Fighting Type 2 Diabetes - HOPE by Lukas Grumlik - HTML preview

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Since I have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in 2014 till June 2018, I have been living in denial. At every single diabetic review my medications have been increased, but the one in January 2018 was different(the one that scared me the most). My DN(diabetic nurse) told me that if I don't do anything about it, the next step to manage type 2 diabetes will be insulin(ultimate weight gain, injecting and more scary things) that I would rather avoid. That was the kick in the butt I needed, all thanks to my DN. She was apologising to me when I told her about it, but I assured her, that it was what I needed and thank her.

I started researching for an answer to my problem with type 2 diabetes. At the end of May 2018 I found it. Applied all the findings(wasn't easy at the beginning) and in July 2018 at my next diabetic review, I have seen that it works. There has been a change in my HBA1C test result(January 2018 - 87 mmol/mol and July 2018(one month after applying the findings) - 64 mmol/mol. DN seemed to be happy with the positive change, but she told me( I have your insulin ready for you, here) anyway. She was almost certain that I would fail, so she had it ready. I have been given another three months without insulin, just to see the real effect of the findings I did applied to my lifestyle.

In October 2018, at my next diabetic review I was 12KG lighter and my HBA1C had dropped to 35 mmol/mol. I can't explain the reaction of my DN, it was like WHAT? , HOW? IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE? She started asking questions and we had really good chat about it. My medications have been lowered and in January 2019, at my next diabetic review, expecting nothing less than coming off of all medications. As of 16. January

2019 all my medications for Type 2 Diabetes have been discontinued. Current weight loss 21KG and HBA1C - 37 mmol/mol. 10. April 2019 still without medications for type 2 diabetes. Weight loss stalled at 21KG and current HBA1C – 40 mmol/mol. If the next HBA1C test in July 2019 is still below 42 mmol/mol, then I will be officially marked as in REMISSION. My name is Lukas Grumlik - Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in 2014, living in small town of King's Lynn, Norfolk, United Kingdom. My journey of Fighting Type 2 Diabetes to a complete REVERSAL using informations written in this eBook.

Examples of Intermittent Fasting


ImageIn this example we will have a closer look at 16/8 TRE (Time Restricted Eating). It is one of the easiest fasting protocols, as it requires you to skip breakfast only. I have never been a fan of breakfast, so the 16/8 TRE was quite easy for me to start with. The 16/8 protocol is held daily and only water, black coffee or unsweetened tea is allowed, while following a healthy low carb way of eating at all times.


From my personal experience, the best time to start fast was at 09:00PM (21:00) and breaking my fast at 01:00PM (13:00) the next day. That gives your body 16 hours rest and before opening 8 hours eating window. Eat normally as if nothing happened. Do not binge.

Alternate Day Intermittent Fasting (3x36 hours)

In my next example, we will look at Alternate Day Intermittent Fasting protocol. Also mentioned elsewhere as 3x36 hours per week. This is a very powerful fasting protocol, great for weight loss, improving fasting blood glucose levels and insulin resistance. It looks more difficult than it actually is. Some people don’t have any problems to jump straight in and start fasting, but some people may need some training and start with the shorter fasting protocols. Let’s have a look at the Alternate Day Intermittent Fasting protocol a bit closer.


As you can see, this requires you to skip an entire day of eating. Same rules applies, only water, black coffee and unsweetened tea is allowed, with following a healthy low carb-high healthy fat -way of eating. At the beginning, a teaspoon of double cream/ heavy whipping cream in the morning coffee is allowed to use to get you through the fast or you can drink bone broth when you start to be really hungry and ready to give up. Also, and this is very important, you need to keep yourself hydrated. You will also need to add salt to your water to replace all the lost electrolytes. One to two teaspoons per full fasting day is recommended. This might seem as disgusting way of keeping you from having headaches, but it works well mixed with ACV (Aple Cider Vinegar) with The “Mother” It is very refreshing drink after you get used to the taste and smell of the vinegar.