Fighting Type 2 Diabetes - HOPE by Lukas Grumlik - HTML preview

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ImageExample of 7 Days Meal Plan



As you can see, even on a low carb way of eating you can enjoy really good and tasty meals without feeling tired all the time, no headaches after carb heavy meals, no heartburns any more. You will feel full for longer, so there will be no reason to snack between meals. Most of the meals can be prepared in advance and taken with you to work or just on a day out. This meal plan can be followed as is, or it can be mixed to your liking. The main purpose of it, is to give you an idea of the foods that are eaten on a low carb woe. Also, to show that you will not by any means go hungry and I believe that your family and friends will enjoy them with you. Many of the meals mentioned in the 7 Days Meal Plan have recipes and you can view them on my website.

Recipes link:

Food Supplements and Magic Pills

I am almost 100% sure that you have came across many food supplements and so called magic pills that will miraculously cure your type 2 diabetes without any effort. Let me tell you the truth. In my opinion, supplements are not needed, except a multivitamin on longer fasts. I have never taken a single food supplement during my journey and do not plan on taking any in the future. Unless, my doctor will tells me to have some.

Now for the so called magic pills. So many people fall for this as they promise to cure type 2 diabetes without hardly any effort. Think, if one of them really exists, wouldn’t we know about it? Would doctors prescribe all those different medications, including insulin, instead of this magic pill. That would be a gold mine if really one exists.

We have come back to the root cause of obesity and type 2 diabetes again. Type 2 diabetes is a dietary disease and can only be treated by diet. All those magic pills will help you with only one thing. They will empty your bank accounts. I have come across many of them, and let me tell you, the prices for them are ridiculously high, without any scientific proof and fake reviews from unknown sources.

If you really insist on using something to help you with blood glucose levels and overall health, use natural product. I have mentioned the use of ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) with “The Mother” Here are some benefits of ACV:

  1. Keep a healthy pH balance in the body for proper digestion and function. Homeostasis or proper equilibrium is what the body is constantly working on to keep everything just right, ACV helps allow the body to do this. This process takes most of its energy during digestion and other processes in the body.
  2. Drinking unfiltered apple cider vinegar can help lower blood sugar levels. By its very nature, ACV can regulate healthy blood sugar levels in the body, which is great for those with Type 2 Diabetes.
  3. Apple cider vinegar can increase the good cholesterol so you maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.
  4. ACV works to detoxify your liver for better overall health and bodily functions. Also, it helps build a healthy lymphatic system that nurtures proper circulation of lymph. This is the body’s garbage disposal.
  5. Belly fat is reduced with regular consumption of unfiltered apple cider vinegar. If you have extra pounds around your midsection, then ACV can be a solution. Scientific documentation clearly shows that consuming apple cider vinegar can help satisfy your hunger cravings. This can keep your appetite in check, which can help reduce weight.
  6. Protecting you from harmful bacteria, apple cider vinegar helps reduce pathogens like E. Coli and other dangerous foreign entities to the body. In fact, the main ingredient in ACV is something called Acetic Acid which shows to prevent and stop bad bacteria from spreading in your system.
  7. Apple cider vinegar can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and lower the odds with its anti-cancer properties. While keeping other cancers at bay, apple cider vinegar assists in shrinking tumors.
  8. ACV can help prevent your bones from becoming brittle. Did you know that 25% of women are diagnosed with osteoporosis every year? Don’t be a statistic. Apple cider vinegar does this by strengthening your skeletal system and allowing your body to properly absorb needed calcium.
  9. It can prevent premature ageing with its powerful antioxidant abilities. In fact, apple cider vinegar will slow the ageing process and make you feel younger. This miracle of youth is played out largely by ACV maintaining your pH balance so everything operates with less friction.
  10. Free radicals are pushed away since apple cider vinegar actually harvests them and keeps oxidation stress and damage from taking out important tissues and cell membranes. Unruly free radicals can land you all sorts of problems like arthritis, immune diseases, and even emphysema. ACV helps keep the correct amount of these free radicals to allow health to come to you and stay.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar is drinking it daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar is clearly among the most healthy things you can drink daily to support your body and will help with your overall health and longevity. Keep in mind that there are no magic pills or silver bullets when it comes to your health, but apple cider vinegar can help you get there faster. Of course, exercise and diet are still the most important factors in your health and starting a fitness regimen and watching what you eat, especially staying away from sugar and processed foods will definitely help.

The effort is worth it and its important to use ACV as a daily tonic to get you your health in check and keep it there for a lifetime. Give your health a kick start it deserves.

Another one to mention here is Turmeric.

Turmeric, sometimes called Indian saffron or the golden spice, is a tall plant that grows in Asia and Central America.

The turmeric on shelves and in spice cabinets is made of the ground roots of the plant. The bright yellow colour of processed turmeric has inspired many cultures to use it as a dye. Ground turmeric is also a major ingredient in curry powder.

Capsules, teas, powders, and extracts are some of the turmeric products available commercially.

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, and it has powerful biological properties. Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional Indian system of treatment, recommends turmeric for a variety of health conditions. These include chronic pain and inflammation. Western medicine has begun to study turmeric as a pain reliever and healing agent.

This article explores the nutritional content of turmeric, how it might benefit health, as well as some of its negative side effects.

Positive side effects

While turmeric is a flavoursome spice that is nutritious to consume, it has also traditionally been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to treat inflammatory conditions, skin diseases, wounds, digestive ailments, and liver conditions.

Anti-inflammatory properties

The Arthritis Foundation cites several studies in which turmeric has reduced inflammation.

This anti-inflammatory ability might reduce the aggravation that people with arthritis feel in their joints.

The foundation suggests taking turmeric capsules of 400 to 600 milligrams (mg) up to three times per day for inflammation relief.

Pain relief

Turmeric is thought of as a pain reliever. The spice is reputed to relieve arthritis pain as well.

Studies seem to support turmeric for pain relief, with one study noting that it seemed to work as well as ibuprofen (Advil) in people with arthritis in their knees.

Though dosing recommendations seem to vary, those who participated in the study took 800 mg of turmeric in capsule form each day.

Improving liver function

Turmeric has been getting attention recently because of its antioxidant abilities.

The antioxidant effect of turmeric appears to be so powerful that it may stop your liver from being damaged by toxins. This could be good news for people who take strong drugs for diabetes or other health conditions that might hurt their liver with long-term use.

Possibly reducing the risk of cancer

Curcumin shows promise as a cancer treatment. Studies suggest it has protective effects against pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, and multiple myeloma.


Turmeric adds flavour to food, which explains its presence in curry powder. However, turmeric can also play an important role in digesting that food.

The spice can contribute to healthy digestion as a result of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a digestive healing agent. Western medicine has now begun to study how turmeric can help with gut inflammation and gut permeability, two measures of digestive efficiency.

The spice is even being explored as a treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Including turmeric in the diet

Turmeric is a highly versatile spice that can be added to meals in a range of ways, including:

Adding turmeric into spice mixtures such as curry or barbecue rub

Making a home-made dressing using part oil, part vinegar, and seasoning's including turmeric Changing up your go-to marinades by adding turmeric.

Side effects of turmeric

While turmeric does provide potential health benefits, it creates some risks that are worth considering before consuming large amounts.

Upsetting the stomach

The same agents in turmeric that support digestive health can irritate when taken in large amounts. Some participants in studies looking at the use of turmeric for cancer treatment had to drop out because their digestion was so negatively affected.

Turmeric stimulates the stomach to produce more gastric acid. While this helps some people's digestion, it can negatively affect others.

Blood-thinning properties

The purifying properties of turmeric may also lead to bleeding more easily. The reason for this is unclear. Other suggested benefits, such as lowered cholesterol and lowered blood pressure, might have something to do with the way turmeric functions in your blood.

People who take blood-thinning drugs, such as warfarin (Coumadin), should avoid consuming large doses of turmeric.

Stimulating contractions

You may have heard that eating foods seasoned with curry can stimulate labour. Although there exists little clinical data to back up this claim, studies suggest turmeric can ease symptoms of PMS.

Pregnant women should avoid taking turmeric supplements because of its blood-thinning effects. Adding small amounts of turmeric to food as a spice should not cause health problems.

It appears that there are health benefits to including turmeric in your diet. The golden spice supports immune health, helps relieve pain, and can aid in digestion, among other things. But because of some of its side effects, turmeric may not be worth taking for some people.

It is important to use caution when deciding whether turmeric is something you need to try. As with any alternative therapy, speak with your doctor before you use turmeric to treat any health condition that you have.

The End

Diane from Manchester      Image

Hi. My name is Diane and I am from Manchester. Last May I was told by the doctor I was pre diabetic and didn't take this seriously. Then diagnosed in January as diabetic. I started to search on Facebook for diabetic groups. Joined a few of them then came across Lukas and his group Fighting Type 2 Diabetes group.

Lukas is so knowledgeable on the subject of diabetes, he shares so much valuable information that you don't receive from the diabetes team. I took advice from Lukas and now focus on low carb way of eating, trying new foods and feel much healthier. I have also lost a few pounds in weight. I have also noticed that my sleeping pattern has improved. Just recently I have also taken up exercise (which I haven't done for years). But most of all my blood sugar levels have started to come down by changing my way of eating and exercise.

I am very grateful to the support of Lukas and appreciate all the time and effort he puts into helping people with this progressive disease. In time I hope to reverse this diabetes just like he did.