It has been proven that stress and anxiety can cause the more frequent reoccurrence of sores and blisters. Green tea can combat these psychological conditions as well. It contains a chemical compound called L-theanine, which stimulates the production of serotonin in the brain. This gives green tea natural anti-depressant properties without the dangerous side effects. Simply speaking, this product can make you more relaxed, relief your tension and improve your mood. As a result, it can protect you from herpes out breaks more effectively.
The daily consumption of green tea is highly recommended to all herpes sufferers. You can also use the brewed beverage to make compresses and put them on the affected areas. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, green tea can complement the work of the topical medications you are using. It will provide for the quicker removal of the sores and blisters.
Green Tea – Every Girl’s Best Friend
You have probably heard that green tea is good for you. But how can it help you exactly? The reality is that this natural product has an extremely wide range of health benefits that every woman will find invaluable. It can be safely said that you will have a much better life, as long as you consume green tea regularly.
Scientists have discovered that green tea has ant-cancer properties. The studies reveal that it has a particularly strong preventative effect against breast cancers. There is even evidence that this natural product can reduce the risk of the disease by 50%. Other studies show that the antioxidants in the plant can aid the treatment of breast cancer as well.
Green tea promotes cardiovascular health and can effectively protect you from heart attack, which is becoming more common in women. It can protect your brain as well. One study has shown that caffeine, which is just one of the green tea antioxidants, can reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease by up to 80%.
Perhaps the most appreciated health benefit of green tea is that it aids weight loss. All girls want to be slim and elegant, but this is often hard to achieve. Not with green tea. The antioxidants in the leaves of the plant boost the metabolism, which in turn provides for the faster and more effective burning of the fat deposits in the body. In addition, it promotes the dissolution of fat that has not been deposited yet.
You can also rely on green tea before and during your menstrual period. The antioxidants in the plant reduce bloating and gas, which are common symptoms of PMS. Green tea offers great relief from menstrual cramps thanks to its anti-inflammatory and soothing action.
Scientists have discovered that green tea can also stimulate fertility. One study has found that women who consume only half a cup of the brewed beverage per day have 50% higher chances to get pregnant. The embryo is also more likely to develop properly, as long as the mother consumes green tea.
Women are more likely tan men to experience anxiety and depression. Green tea can help you with these too. The natural product can effectively improve your mood and make you more relaxed by stimulating the production of serotonin in the brain.
Green tea has excellent anti-aging properties. This makes you healthy and has a rejuvenating effect on your skin. Thanks to the antioxidants in the plant, you will have a smoother, softer and more elastic skin. In addition, green tea promotes hair growth and reduces dandruff. It strengthens your nails as well.
Green Tea - The Perfect Supplement for Gorgeous Hair and Healthy Scalp
Your hair is negatively affected by a large number of factors. The air and water are full of harmful chemicals, which ruin the hairs. The products we use from the hair gels and spay to the hair dyes weaken the hair significantly. In some cases, the hormones are responsible for hair loss as well as for it turning white prematurely. What is the solution to all these problems? The answer is one - green tea.
This plant is packed with vitamins and nutrients, including antioxidants. These have an extremely beneficial effect on the hair. Vitamin E, which is particularly abundant in green tea, can effectively restore damaged hairs and control the amount of water in them, so that dryness is avoided. Vitamin C nurtures the hairs and protects them from the harmful sun rays that destroy their structure. There are other vitamins which have various actions. Some soften the hair and give it the elasticity it needs. Others can prevent the formation of split ends.
The health of your scalp is also promoted by green tea. It is beneficial in a number of ways, apart from nurturing the skin. Green tea has an antibacterial action. This makes is particularly effective for the treatment of dandruff and psoriasis. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory action of the plant, the scalp is less irritable. The soothing of the skin offers great relief to all who suffer from dandruff and psoriasis.
Green contains chemical compounds, which are beneficial for hair growth. Green tea is particularly rich in catechins. Various scientific studies have revealed that one of these antioxidants, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), can promote hair growth. This chemical compound inhibits the production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF). This molecule is responsible for hair loss, among other things such as cancer. When you consume green tea, TNF will not affect you and you will enjoy the dense and beautiful hair that you have always wanted.
Men can benefit from green tea even further. Its consumption leads to the increased production of a specific hormone. This hormone naturally attaches to testosterone, which is known to promote hair loss when in high levels. When the two travel together through the blood stream, the negative effect of testosterone is avoided.
You are highly recommended to consume green tea for hair health, hair strength and hair growth. You should not hesitate to wash your hair with it or with a shampoo that contains sufficiently large quantities of extract from the plant.
Green Tea and Cancer
Scientists have discovered that some organic chemical compounds, known as antioxidants, can effectively combat the free radicals that harm the cells and their DNA and cause aging. In turn, these can protect you from various diseases, including cancer, which is associated with the growth of abnormal cells. Green tea is a plant which is abundant in antioxidants. These chemical compounds are excellently preserved in its leaves, because of the way in which they are processed.
That is why researchers are making numerous experiments to find out how exactly green tea can protect you from cancer. The results are not always conclusive, but more and more studies confirm that the antioxidants in the plant can be effective for the prevention and treatment of certain types of cancer.
Some of the most extensive studies of green tea have been performed on patients suffering from breast cancer. The results show that women who consume the beverage are around two times less likely to develop this dangerous condition. Patients who already have it are treated more effectively when they drink green tea.
The powerful antioxidant EGCG, contained in the leaves of the plant, inhibits the growth of tumor cells. In addition, the polyphenols present in green tea block the receipt of estrogen by the affected cells. In turn, their growth is further inhibited. This property of green tea makes it effective for ovarian cancer as well as for breast cancer.
Several studies on humans have revealed that the people who consume green tea are less likely to develop colorectal cancer. The effect is particularly strong in women. Scientists have found that green tea can protect you from colorectal cancer because its chemical compounds can destroy some of the most dangerous bacteria, which cause it.
One study done on people has found that the consumption of green tea reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer significantly, with 37% in men and with 50% in women. Other studies have discovered that the antioxidants in green tea protect the lining of the liver and regulate its production of enzymes. In turn, the risk of liver cancer for green tea drinkers is lower.
Green tea contains antioxidants which protect us from the harmful UV rays of the sun. In addition, EGCG inhibits the growth of cancer cells and has an anti-inflammatory effect. As a result, it can protect you from skin cancer effectively.
There are studies which reveal that green tea can prevent stomach, lung, prostate and bladder cancer, but the results are still awaiting larger confirmation.
Green Tea Benefits during Menopause
The termination of the monthly menstrual cycles in women is extremely stressful. The body undergoes hormonal and even physical changes. These affect the overall wellbeing, the mood and the emotional health. The menopause can actually trigger serious medical conditions. You cannot escape menopause, but you certainly can relief it symptoms and even prevent some of its most dangerous effects. The solution is perfectly natural – green tea.
The most notable benefit of green tea during menopause is its anti-cancer property. Various studies have found that women that consume the natural product are two times less likely to develop breast cancer when they reach menopause. In addition, even if carcinomas occur, they develop more slowly and are considerably smaller compared to the ones in women, who have not had green tea. The treatment of breast cancer in patients who consume the brewed beverage, or supplements with plant extract, is more effective. A study carried out on a group of Japanese women with the condition revealed that those consuming green tea are less likely to experience cancer reoccurrence after treatment.
The benefits of green tea for women in menopause do not end there. Thanks to caffeine and the other antioxidants it contains, the natural product is a real energy booster. It can help you overcome one of the most common and unpleasant menopause symptoms - the constant fatigue. You will feel more refreshed and energetic, as long as you consume green tea on a daily basis.
The antioxidants of this plant have yet another powerful function that is beneficial for women in menopause. The catechins and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), in particular, boost metabolism. In this way, they increase the rate at which your body burns excess fat. In addition, the polyphenols in green tea stimulate the enzyme, responsible for dissolving the excess fats, coming from food which are to be stored in the body. This twofold action promotes weight loss and prevents weight gain. This is extremely beneficial for women in menopause who are more likely to gain extra pounds.
Apart from improving your cardiovascular health, green tea provides for relaxation. It can also improve your mood. These are great benefits for women in menopause, since they often experience irritability and anxiety. Thanks to these properties of green tea, the risk of depression is also much lower. You will also get relief from stress, which is also common during this period.
Overall, the consumption of green tea is highly recommended to women in menopause. As long as it is moderate, you will enjoy all these great benefits.
Green Tea – Does It Help Combat Hair Loss?
Green tea is made of tea leaves that have been steamed and dried without going through the process of fermentation. Recent studies show that green tea can actually help fight hair loss effectively.
An experiment was conducted on a group of mice facing hair loss to test the effect of green tea on them. Some mice were given drinking water whereas the rest were given green tea.
The results indicated that green tea helped in stopping hair loss in all the mice of that particular test group. It even resulted in a triggered hair growth.
The group of mice which were subjected to drinking water continued to face hair loss. Needless to say, humans are different from mice and we might react differently to substances. Whether or not green tea is as suitable for human beings in fighting hair loss is still not clear.
A reason why green tea is considered effective is because it contains "anti-inflammatory" properties which are beneficial for both men and women who are facing risk of losing too much hair. It also has an impact on body hormones.
An increased consumption of green tea results in rapid production of a hormone called Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) in our bloodstream. SHBG prevents the conversion of testosterone into another hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
DHT helps promote increased hair growth in children. But according to the studies conducted by AMA (American Medical Association) some men and women respond negatively to DHT at a later stage in life which can be a gene-attributed problem.
So green tea might help in combating hair loss by releasing increased levels of SHBG in the bloodstream which prevent formation of DHT.
Green tea is also considered very effective in curing dandruff which is one of the prime reasons for hair loss in children and adults alike. It also helps in curing Psoriasis which is a chronic disease where in the scalp gets infected with lesions and red dry patches.
Green tea regulates Caspase-14, a protein which is responsible for cell multiplication. This property is beneficial when it comes to regulating Psoriasis.
Dandruff can be cured by using a green tea shampoo or alternatively you can use green tea with your regular shampoo. Since regular shampoos may also contain some elements which can potentially tend to be carcinogenic its always better to see if your scalp condition improves after only using green tea.
Even if you find many references online explaining the benefits of using green tea, there are some who feel that it has no apparent impact on their hair condition. White tea seems to be favored by many in such cases.
Others feel that a heavy consumption of green tea and fermented soy beans does wonders for your hair. With a variety of proofs and sources available online it might be difficult not to believe that green tea provides some help when it comes to fighting hair loss.
You have to remember that not all types of hair loss are alike and not all of them can be cured in the same manner. It is always better to consult an expert fist before you decide to try anything new or different.
Green Tea Diets - Can You Really Lose Weight?
Maintaining a healthy weight is extremely important. Obesity can lead to heart disease and increase your risk of heart attack and diabetes. Clinical research has shown that obese people are more likely to get certain types of cancer. Being overweight is dangerous for all organs in the body as well as for the bones and joints. In addition, the chubbier people usually have lower self esteem and are more likely to experience depression. Given all this, it is perfectly natural for you to want to lose weight and look and feel better. A slimming diet is the most obvious choice. How about a green tea diet?
Anyone can go on a green tea diet. It does not involve starvation and drinking tea alone. Quite the opposite, you have to consume healthy food in moderate amounts together with green tea. There are no meal plans or exact eating schedules involved. You have to base your nutrition on healthy foods, avoid the fattening ones and be careful not to overeat. The key to successful slimming is the daily consumption of green tea. You can choose to take it in all sorts of forms. You can brew the drink or buy it prepared. You can also take dietary supplements made from the dried tea leaves. The important thing is to take the right dosage of green tea in order for it to be effective. You can readily drink between 5 and 10 cups of the brewed beverage to get the desired slimming results.
The green tea diet seems fine, but is it effective? The more precise question here is - can green tea really help you lose weight? The short answer is yes. You can slim down with green tea, but you have to be aware of the scale to which it is effective for weight loss.
The main slimming benefit of green tea is that it speeds up metabolism. More precisely, the antioxidants contained in it stimulate the nervous system to release larger quantities of fat into the blood stream. Then this fat is transferred into energy through a process called thermogenesis. In turn, the energy is released from the body in the form of heat and water. Simply put, green tea stimulates the burning of calories.
Various studies have been carried out to determine the scale of this effect of green tea on the body. Some researchers have found that the metabolic rate can be increased by 4%. Other scientists have discovered that you can burn 70 to 80 more calories per day, as long as you have 5 cups of green tea every day. You might say that this is not a lot and you are right. However, if you are on a slimming diet and are not obsessed with getting instant results, you will certainly find the effect of green tea to be more than beneficial.
Green tea has yet another weight loss benefit, which you should consider as well. When you consume more food than your body can use up as energy, the excess amount is transformed into triglyceride, or body fat. The antioxidants in green tea can prevent the excess triglyceride from being deposited in the body. These chemical compounds stimulate the production of a specific enzyme, which is responsible for the dissolving of triglyceride. The effect from this is excellent for slimming. You can eat healthy meals, without starving yourself and depriving your body from the nutrients it needs. At the same time, you will keep your optimal weight without gaining extra pounds.
Apart from helping you burn calories and get