Generally, the antioxidants in green tea protect the cells of the body, including the brain ones, from the so called oxidative stress. By fighting the free radicals in the body, these chemical compounds promote better health. This is also beneficial for better sleep. You will fall asleep more easily and you will not wake up tired.
The general belief is that green tea can prevent healthy sleep because it contains caffeine. It is true that you will not get the desired beneficial effect if you drink tea or take supplements right before going to bed. However, if you take consume green tea in moderate amounts throughout the day you will certainly improve your sleep at night. It is essential for you to turn this into a habit in order to get the best results.
Green Tea for Brain Protection - How You Can Avoid Dangerous Conditions
You should take good care of your health and the best way to do it is to rely on natural methods. The drinking of green tea has been popular in Asian countries for centuries and now the western medicine is discovering all its amazing benefits. The scientific studies come with more hopeful results every day. The researchers have found that the chemical compounds in green tea can protect the brain from various conditions.
The antioxidants in the leaves of the plant prevent atherosclerosis – the hardening of the blood vessels. In addition, they reduce the levels of LDL, also known as the “bad” cholesterol, in the arteries. In turn, the clogging and blockage of the blood vessels is reduced substantially. This means that more blood is reaching the brain. In turn, it functions more effectively and the headaches are less common. More importantly, the people who consume green tea are less likely to suffer from stroke – the cease of blood flow to certain parts of the brain.
Recent studies have revealed that green tea can offer protection from Alzheimer as well. When plaque builds up in the brain, it damages the nerves over time and causes memory loss. The researchers have discovered that one antioxidant in green tea - epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) can prevent the formation of plaque. EGCG inhibits the production of the beta-amyloid protein, which is responsible for the formation of this substance. One particular study performed on mice revealed that the animals, which had Alzheimer and were treated with EGCG, had 54% less plaque in their brains after the treatment. This gives hope to scientists that they will be able to cure this disease with the help of green tea.
Various studies have come up with the conclusion that green tea can be effective for protection against Parkinson’s disease. This condition is characterized by the lack of dopamine, an important neurotransmitter, in some parts of the brain. The polyphenols in green tea stimulate the flow of dopamine from one part of the brain to another. They are also effective for inhibiting certain neurotransmitters that damage the brain tissue. It turns out that caffeine, which is contained in green tea, is the most powerful antioxidant for Parkinson’s disease prevention. Its regular consumption can reduce your risk of suffering from this condition by up to 80%.
The antioxidants in green tea fight the free radicals that damage the brain cells. This also has an extremely beneficial effect on the brain and can protect you from the dangerous diseases even more efficiently.
Green Tea for Cellulite
You have gained some weight and now you have to deal with the consequences. The fat deposits under your skin make you look chubby, but the sight is even more unpleasant given the protuberances on the skin itself. Cellulite is quite common. It affects the thighs, hips and the lower abdomen of women experiencing weight gain. The condition can be treated and now you can do it naturally and effectively using green tea.
There are several ways in which green tea promotes the reduction of the fat deposits under the skin and its smoothing. The powerful antioxidants in the leaves of the plant and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), in particular, increase metabolism. This allows for the transforming of fat deposits into energy naturally. Basically, by consuming green tea, you will get rid of the fat that causes cellulite.
There are other green tea antioxidants that remove cellulite when they are topically applied to the affected areas. Theobromine and caffeine stimulate the release of the stored fat “on the spot”. When these two antioxidants work together, their combined effect is even greater. This makes green tea even more effective for cellulite reduction. You will see the fat melting away and your skin gaining its natural smoothness.
Green tea has an anti-inflammatory action as well. It reduces the inflammation in skin, soothing any irritation. This makes the skin even smoother and much softer. The plant is also rich in various vitamins which nurture the skin and protect it form the harmful effects of the environment. Vitamin C enhances the reduction of collagen, which makes the skin more elastic, softer and smoother. Vitamin E protects the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. It is effective against aging and can provide protection from skin cancer.
You will get a smoother and more nurtured and protected skin with green tea. But this is not all. Its antioxidants can prevent the formation of cellulite as well. The polyphenols contained in the leaves of the plant stimulate the production of a liver enzyme. In turn, this enzyme prevents the excess nutrients consumed with food to be stored as fat deposits.
You should definitely consume green tea to get rid of cellulite and slim down. You should also use appropriate solutions for topical application to get the most comprehensive results. You should not miss to take advantage of all the benefits green tea offers and improve your looks and health.
Green Tea for Cleansing
Your body is negatively affected by almost everything that surrounds you. The air and water are full of pollutants. The foods we eat are full of harmful chemicals, with which the plants and animals are treated. Stress has an extremely negative effect on the mind and body. How can you protect yourself from all this? The answer is simple - through green tea cleansing.
The first thing to take into account is that the natural method for cleansing is perfectly safe, as long as it is applied correctly. You do not have to do anything special. Just turn to organic food and have a healthier diet. Include more fruit and vegetables in your meals at the expense of red meat, potatoes and fat dairy products. You should try to relax your body and mind as best as you can with the help of spa treatments, for instance. More importantly, you should consume green tea on a regular basis. This is the key component of body cleansing.
How can green tea help you cleanse your body? The leaves of this plant contain large amounts of antioxidants. These powerful chemical compounds eliminate the free radicals, which harm the cells and make them age more quickly. Green tea helps your body get rid of all toxins it contains by stimulating the liver and the kidneys. The harmful chemical substances are flushed perfectly naturally, as they are processed more effectively by the urinary and digestive systems.
As the toxins are removed from your body, each one of its systems and organs will work more effectively. You will literally feel rejuvenated. Your looks will be improved as well, as your skin will be softer and more radiant. Still, the powerful action of green tea does not end there. Thanks to its vitamins and the moderate dosage of caffeine it contains, this plant can give you the energy you need to work and feel better.
At the same time, the consumption of this type of tea plant helps for the relaxation of the body. Some of the powerful chemical compounds it contains affect the activity of the neurotransmitters in the brain in a beneficial way. This allows you to calm down and feel more relaxed naturally. It can also have a positive effect on the brain production of serotonin, which is responsible for happiness.
Overall, green tea is the ultimate solution for cleansing and body purification. As long as you consume it constantly, you will enjoy a wide range of benefits, including a protection from harmful diseases such as heart attack, diabetes and cancer.
The Benefits Green Tea for Diabetes Treatment and Prevention
Even though medicine has advanced rapidly, there are diseases for which cure has not been found yet. One of them is diabetes. The people suffering from Type I diabetes suffer from insulin deficiency while the patients with Type II diabetes have an insulin resistance, which prevent the cells from using this hormone properly. The result is that glucose, carried by the blood, cannot be effectively absorbed by the body cells, but remains in the blood which is dangerous. Even though they have not reached a breakthrough, scientists have discovered the chemical compounds in green tea can be effective for the treatment and prevention of diabetes.
A recent study has revealed that green tea can enhance the insulin activity. The tests were conducted on mice and the results were more than optimistic. The insulin activity was raised 15 times after the regular consumption of green tea. This gives hope that similar beneficial results can occur in patients suffering from Type I and Type II diabetes.
Another study carried out on humans in 2004 revealed that green tea can actually enhance the glucose metabolism as well. This means that it can aid for the better absorption of glucose by the cells, which need it. A more recent experiment concluded that green tea can actually reduce blood sugar. After drinking 6 cups of tea for 8 weeks, patients with Type II diabetes experienced anywhere between 15% and 20% drop in the glucose, present in their blood. The findings have been confirmed by several other studies.
There is evidence that chemical substances in green tea can help people suffering from Type II diabetes in yet another way. After meals, patients with this disease experience large and sudden rises in their blood sugar, which can be extremely dangerous. When they consume green tea, however, the antioxidants in it can actually slow the transfer of glucose from the small intestine to the blood. This regulates the release of blood sugar and prevents the dangerous spikes.
Given that green tea can provide for the regulation of blood sugar, it can be effective for diabetes prevention. It can protect you from Type II diabetes even better, because it lowers the cholesterol in the blood vessels. There are indications that the antioxidants can also lower blood pressure. This is beneficial, since hypertension is one of the factors for Type II diabetes.
You should definitely consume green tea on a daily basis, no matter whether you have diabetes or not. It will be beneficial without causing any side effects.
Can Green Tea Help Infertility?
Infertility is a serious problem in today’s society. The alarming facts are the percentage of women and men who have reproduction problems will continue to increase. There are various factors that affect fertility negatively, including unhealthy diet and obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption and stress. But can there be natural ways to enhance it? There are indications that plants, such as green tea can actually boost fertility and increase the chance of embryos to develop properly.
In the past, scientists believed that caffeine, which is contained in green tea, can actually affect negatively female fertility. However, recent studies reveal that the beverage actually has the opposite effect. It turns out that the powerful antioxidants in green tea can actually aid women in conceiving. A study, carried out in California, produced a shocking discovery. The women, who participated in the research, had two times higher chances of conceiving after consuming half a cup of green tea per day.
The scientists have found that the polyphenols in green tea can actually make the eggs more fertile by increasing their maturity. In addition, there are indications that these antioxidants can increase the percentage of viable embryos. This gives hope that not only conception can be made easier, but that women with reproductive problems can actually carry embryos until their full development in the womb is complete.
There are indications that green tea and its antioxidants can enhance male fertility as well. Researchers have suggested that the chemical compounds in the plant can increase the sperm count, just like they enhance the fertility of eggs. It is also possible for the green tea antioxidants to enhance sperm motility, even though the evidence remains inconclusive.
You should definitely consume green tea in moderate amounts if you are trying to have a baby. Apart from its direct effect on fertility, it has a wide range of other health benefits that will be helpful as well. Green tea is known to have a relaxing effect. It can help you get rid of tension, stress, anxiety and depression. These factors affect fertility negatively, so you will certainly find the effect of the tea to be beneficial. Generally, the antioxidants in the plant make you healthier they reduce cell damage, improve the work of the cardiovascular system and boost immunity and energy.
Green tea can also stimulate the absorption of folic acid. This is great news for all women trying to conceive and those who are already pregnant. Given that folic acid can protect the embryo from abnormal development, green tea can actually aid your baby even before birth.
Green Tea for Gastrointestinal Problems
Modern day people consume a lot more food than their ancestors. Furthermore, the foods we eat contain more fat and sugar as well as artificial substances, such as different kinds of preservatives. On the other hand, we are not physically active, which affects the proper functioning of our bodies. All these factors bring about digestive tract problems. Taking medications for them is not the best solution, but is there a natural way in which the problems can be fixed? It turns out that green tea is a very comprehensive and effective solution.
The green tea plant leaves contain powerful antioxidants – polyphenols and catechins. These are responsible for the more effective functioning of the stomach, liver and the large and small intestine. The antioxidants stimulate the processing of food through metabolism. As a result, your digestion can be significantly improved, provided that you consume green tea regularly.
The better digestion brings a number of benefits to all sufferers from gastrointestinal conditions. The daily consumption of green tea prevents stomach bloating and gas. This can help people who experience these problems constantly as well as to women who have them before menstruation and during pregnancy. Green tea can also prevent acid reflux. This problem, also known as heartburn, can create serious discomfort, especially if it is persistent.
Green tea can help you get relief from constipation. By aiding digestion and improving the functioning of the large intestine, the chemical compounds in the plant can actually soften the stools. The constipation relief comes with a range of other benefits. The most notable one of them is that you can reduce your risk of suffering from hemorrhoids or get relief, if you have the condition.
By aiding your digestion and boosting your metabolism, green tea can help you slim down. It is also perfect for maintaining your optimal weight without restricting your diet and depriving your body of some of the beneficial nutrients it needs. Generally, the antioxidants in the plant improve your overall health in a number of different ways.
In order to make the most out of green tea consumption for digestion, you should have the brewed beverage with your meals. If you are taking supplements, it is best to have them some time before eating, so that the beneficial chemical compounds can be absorbed by your body effectively. The key to better gastrointestinal and general health is to consume green tea every day.
Green Tea for Headache and Migraine - Find Effective and Fast Relief
You hate it when your head hurts. The headaches affect your work, your mood and even your sleep. The problem becomes even more serious, if you have migraine. Most of us use pain killers. The problem is that they do not always offer effective relief. Moreover, they have side effects such as lightheadedness, nausea and stomach upset. The good news is that there is a natural way in which you can fight headaches. All you have to do is consume green tea.
The powerful antioxidants contained in the leaves of the plant increase the flexibility of the walls of the blood vessels. In turn, as the arteries virtually open up, the flow of blood to the head is increased. As a result, more oxygen reaches the head and the pain is effectively relieved. You will certainly feel better after having a cup or two of green tea.
Apart from getting relief, you will enjoy a range of other benefits that will certainly help you feel even better. Green tea has a very good relaxing effect. One of the chemical compounds contained in it, L-theanine, stimulates the neurotransmitters in the brain to set the brainwave frequency optimally. In addition, the production of serotonin is enhanced.
In this way, you will be more relaxed and will feel complete relief from your headache of migraine. Moreover, you will discover that your mood is significantly improved. At the same time, your alertness will increase naturally, so you will be even more active instead of getting the sleepiness, accompanying the effect of some pain relief drugs.
The antioxidants in green tea boost your energy levels as well. Its consumption will certainly make you feel more energetic and refreshed. This is really beneficial, since headaches are extremely tiring and affect your physical and mental activity negatively.
It is possible to argue against the benefits of green tea for headache and migraine relief, because it contains caffeine. However, recent scientific studies have revealed that this particular antioxidant is also effective for relieving the pain, when it is taken in moderate dosages. Hence, as long as you consume green tea sensibly, you will certainly get effective relief without experiencing any side effects.
Do not hesitate to drink green tea when you have a headache or migraine. The optimal daily consumption of the brewed drink is 4 to 6 cups per day. Those who take supplements should do it in line with the recommendations of the manufacturer.