Green Tea the New Fountain of Youth, Myth or Truth? by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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* The more green tea you drink the better. This is another common myth about this brewed beverage. As you know well, too much of anything can be dangerous. This is totally applicable to green tea. You might get more caffeine than is good for you and this can lead to increased pulse, high blood pressure, greater irritability and sleeping problems. Green tea boasts with various vitamins and minerals, but when the latter are in greater quantities they can have a harmful effect on the body. Hence, you should consume green tea reasonably. For optimal effect, you should consume no more than 3 to 6 cups per day. Once you get used to the beverage, you can increase the number to 10 cups per day.


* Green tea can help you lose a lot of weight fast. This is definitely a myth. Green tea has an extremely beneficial effect on those who want to lose weight. It speeds up metabolism and stimulates the more intensive burning of fat. However, you cannot expect your body to work as a machine, even though it is additionally stimulated to get rid of fat deposits. Hence, you can expect to get the desired slimming results after consuming green tea for some time on a daily basis. It is also important for you to rely on healthy diet and exercise. Green tea can help you with the latter too. It can boost your energy to help you exercise longer.


Now you know all about the most common myths about green tea. Overall, it can be concluded that the consumption of green tea will certainly bring you health benefits without causing side effects, when it is reasonable. You should not hesitate to drink the brewed beverage and even use it as mouth wash. You can also apply cotton balls dipped in green tea to your skin to sooth it and nurture it. The overall effect will certainly be great.



Nutritional Value of Green Tea - What the Green Tea Nutrients Can Do for You


There is a lot of buzz about the healthy benefits of green tea. You have certainly heard or read that it can protect you from heart disease and cancer, along with aiding weight loss and rejuvenating your skin. The medicinal properties of this herbal product are actually much more. The question is – where are all of these superb properties coming from? The answer is simple - from the nutrients contained in green tea.


Green tea contains various antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These are all beneficial for you in a number of ways. It should be noted that the nutrients contained in this herbal product are in very large quantities, compared to the ones present in other healthy beverages, such as black tea. This is because of the way in which the leaves for green tea are processed.


The catechins and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), in particular, are the most powerful antioxidants present in green tea. These chemical compounds protect the cells from harmful molecules called free radicals. Thanks to this property, catechins can inhibit the growth of tumor cells. This gives green tea anti-cancer properties. In addition, it can aid the treatment of cancer patients and prevent reoccurrence of the disease.


The catechins provide for heart health. These antioxidants together with the flavenoids make the blood vessels more flexible and prevent atherosclerosis. In addition, they provide for the lowering of LDL, the “bad” cholesterol in the arteries. These powerful antioxidants regulate the blood pressure and can prevent hypertension. They can also keep your blood sugar levels within limits. The results from these beneficial effects are many. You have a lower chance of suffering from heart attack and stroke. Your risk of getting diabetes is also significantly lower.


The green tea catechins have even more health benefits. These antioxidants have antibacterial and antivirus action. Simply speaking, these chemical compounds can protect you from all types of infections caused by bacteria and viruses. Green tea can be used for the more effective treatment of gastrointestinal bacterial infections, yeast infection and even acne. There are studies which have revealed that the catechins along with flavenoids in green tea can inhibit influenza viruses, the herpes simplex virus, the human papillomavirus and even HIV. Generally, these powerful antioxidants can act as immune system stimulants.


The green tea antioxidants have an overall anti-aging effect. This means that they can protect you from diseases which are associated with aging. There is evidence that catechins and EGCG in particular, can protect you from tissue damage. This means that you will have a smaller risk of suffering from diseases such as cirrhosis, Alzheimer, Parkinson’s disease and arthritis.


The catechins in green tea have slimming and beautifying properties as well. These antioxidants boost metabolism and aid weight loss. They can also aid for the prevention of excess fat being deposited between your muscles and skin. Thanks to their antibacterial, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory action, the catechins make your skin healthier, softer, smoother and more radiant. There are studies which have revealed that EGCG can even promote hair growth.


Green tea is rich in Vitamin C. This vitamin has antioxidant action as well. It is extremely beneficial for the boosting of the immune system. It nurtures your skin, hair and nails excellently. It is also known to reduce the stress levels. Vitamin E is another powerful antioxidant. Apart from fighting the disease causing free radicals, it can protect your eyes and skin form the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays. Green tea is packed with all the vitamins form the B group. They can boost energy, aid digestion, protect your nervous system and improve skin, hair and nail health. They can fight bacteria and infections as well as stress and anxiety.


L-theanine is abundantly present in green tea. This amino acid has an extremely beneficial effect on the brain. It results in greater relaxation and increased alertness. L-theanine can help you fight stress, depression and anxiety. This amino acid stimulates concentration and learning ability. It can even aid for the improvement of your mood and your night sleep.


Fluoride is particularly abundant in green tea. It strengthens the tooth enamel and protects the teeth from decay. Zinc can aid digestion and boost your metabolism. Chromium helps for the regulation of the blood sugar levels in the body.


Overall, you should definitely consume green tea to get all these nutrients and enjoy all of their benefits.



The Medicinal Properties of Green Tea - Enjoy a Range of Health Benefits


The first records of green tea being used as medication date back to hundreds of years ago. The people in the Southeast part of Asia have been using the drink for its medicinal properties for centuries. Now you can benefit from green tea as well. Its medicinal properties are many and different thanks to the wide range of antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients it contains.


The dried leaves of the tea plant Camellia Sinensis, from which the actual beverage is made, contain polyphenols, with a lot of them being catechins, flavenoids and vitamins, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B-complex and Vitamin A. Green tea is packed with L-theanine, a powerful amino acid which gives the drink many of its health benefits. In addition, some valuable minerals such as fluoride, chromium and zinc are present in the leaves. All these chemical compounds provide for the medicinal properties of green tea.


Green tea is most famous for its slimming properties. It has been proven that this herbal product can aid weight loss. The catechins in the leaves of the tea plant and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), in particular, stimulate thermogenesis, the process of transformation of body fat into energy. By aiding this part of metabolism, green tea allows you to burn fat more quickly and effectively. In addition, the polyphenols in the leaves provide for the dissolving of triglyceride, the fat which is to be stored in the body. This allows you to avoid gaining weight even after you have accomplished your slimming goals.


Various studies have revealed that green tea has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well. This is beneficial in a number of ways. Green tea can protect you from all sorts of fungal infections. It can effectively prevent the inflammation of the skin and other tissues, such as the ligament of the joints. Generally, you can safely use green tea to aid your yeast infection or acne treatment. You can also use it as a mouth wash to get rid of mouth bacteria which cause bad breath.


Green tea has antivirus properties as well. A number of scientific studies have shown that the antioxidants, contained in the leaves of the plant, can protect the cells from the entrance of influenza viruses. Another trial has shown that the flavenoids and catechins can inhibit the herpes simplex virus. In general, green tea can effectively boost your immune system and protect you from all sorts of viral infections, including the ones which are responsible for graver diseases.


The anti-aging properties of green tea are widely discussed at present. The antioxidants can effectively protect you from the effect of free radicals, which damage the cells’ DNA. In turn, you will look and feel younger and healthier. However, this is not the only beneficial effect. The antioxidants can protect you from atherosclerosis, the hardening of the blood vessels’ walls. It can also reduce the cholesterol in the arteries. In turn, you will have a lower risk of suffering from heart attack and stroke.


The antioxidant action of green tea is extremely beneficial for the liver. There is evidence that this property of the beverage can actually provide for the strengthening of the bones and joints. It is suggested that the antioxidants in green tea can protect you from brain diseases as well.


The anti-cancer properties of green tea are not fully proven yet. However, there are strong indications that it can protect you from skin, colorectal, stomach, lung and skin cancer as well as from breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Various studies have shown that EGCG can inhibit the growth of tumors which gives hope that cancer can be prevented as well as cured more effectively with the use of green tea.


L-theanine gives green tea excellent anti-depressant properties. This amino acid positively affects the neurotransmitters of the brain and stimulates it to produce alpha brain waves. When you are in an alpha brain state, you are more relaxed and more alert at the same time. This makes green tea  effective for getting rid of depression, anxiety and stress. It can also help you concentrate better and improve your mood.


These are the most notable of the medicinal properties of green tea. It can boost your health in a number of other ways as well. It is effective for treating migraines and insomnia. It is also a great energy booster.



Slimming Down with Green Tea


You want to lose weight and you want to do it quickly. The question is how. You know that you have to go on a diet, but it cannot be too strict. You have to exercise, but you are too exhausted to do it. Green tea gives you the perfect solution to all these problems. It works in 5 different ways to help you slim down and get the perfect look you have always dreamed of.


One of the most powerful antioxidants that green tea contains can effectively increase metabolism, apart from having a wide range of other beneficial effects on the body. Epigallocatechin gallate, commonly known as EGCG, stimulates the nervous system and, more precisely, the centers in the brain responsible for the release of stored fats in the blood stream. In turn, these are processed into energy though metabolism. The result is amazing - you burn fat and lose weight without any effort.


Green tea contains yet another type of powerful antioxidants, which promote weight loss. The large amount of polyphenols in the plant’s dried leaves stimulate a specific enzyme in the liver. This enzyme is responsible for dissolving the excess amount of nutrients which will turn into fat deposits, if not processed by the body. By activating the enzyme, green tea prevents you from gaining more weight. This is a superb benefit for all people who cannot and do not want to starve to death in order to slim down. Basically, you can eat healthy and still lose weight without reducing your calorie intake significantly.


The antioxidants in green tea aid the regulation of the blood sugar levels. This is great news for all who are on a slimming diet. When your blood sugar is in tact, you will not feel hunger pangs and cravings. In this way, you will not have the urge to grab a bite of fattening foods, such as sweets and junk food.


Green tea aids digestion. This will also help you slim down faster. In addition, you will be less likely to experience bloating. Apart from the comfort this will give you, you will also get a flatter belly, which is the dream of all people who want to lose weight.


Last, but not least, green tea boosts your energy thanks to the vitamins and caffeine contained in it. This will allow you to work out more effectively and accomplish quicker slimming without experiencing fatigue. 



Super Effective Weight Loss with Green Tea


You want to slim down and you hear all sorts of recommendations on how to do it. Most people need to aid the weight loss process in some way. There are different substances that promise to accelerate the slimming, but the reality is that not all of them are effective. This is not the case with green tea. Its weight loss benefits are proven. It actually works in a number of ways to aid the slimming process.


Green tee boosts metabolism effectively. The plant contains a variety of chemical substances that increase the natural metabolic rate of the human body. Caffeine and epigallocatechin gallate, also known as EGCG, stimulate the nervous system to prompt the transformation of fats into energy. In this way, the calories are released from the body in the form of heat. As a result, you burn fat more effectively and lose more weight. Generally, both caffeine and EGCG stimulate metabolism, but when they work together the effect is times greater.


Green tea can help you get rid of fat in yet another way. When you consume food, all the nutrients you intake are processed into a single substance called triglyceride. It is then transferred to all the cells in the body through the blood stream. When the entire triglyceride is not used by the body, the reaming quantities are transformed into fat deposits. However, this is not the case, if you consume green tea. It contains polyphenols in sufficiently large quantities. These chemicals stimulate the enzyme responsible for the dissolving of the excess amounts of triglyceride.


This allows you to avoid gaining weight. This is particularly beneficial in a number of ways. Firstly, you do not have to go on an overly restrictive weight loss diet. You can stilly have healthy meals and lose weight effectively. More importantly, even after your diet is over, you will be able to keep the results, provided that you consume green tea.


Generally, it is best to have a healthy diet with less fat and sugar in order to make the most of consuming green tea. The powerful chemicals in it will also help you exercise more effectively. The catechin polyphenols contained in it boost your energy. This allows you to work out for a long time without feeling fatigue. In addition, you will feel refreshed and have a better tonus.


Overall, green tea can help you lose weight by stimulating metabolism and the burning of fats. It also aids you in exercising longer. With all these benefits, you can lose more weight more easily and quickly.



The Most Beneficial Antioxidants, Vitamins and Minerals in Green Tea


You want to stay in perfect health and look and feel great. It might be surprising, but green tea can actually help you achieve all this. The leaves of the plant are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are excellently preserved in abundant quantities, even after processing. Read on to find out all about the benefits that this herbal product can give you.


The catechins in green tea are extremely powerful antioxidants. They combat the free radicals that are released by the body as part of the oxidation process. In turn, these chemical compounds protect the cells and their DNA from damage. This gives green tea an excellent anti-aging effect.


The catechins and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), in particular can protect you from various medical conditions. You will have a smaller risk of suffering from heart disease, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, liver damage and cirrhosis and brain diseases, such as Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease.


Various scientific studies have revealed that EGCG can effectively inhibit the growth of tumor cells. This means that green tea has anti-cancer properties. Clinical tests on humans show that the antioxidants of this plant can prevent breast, ovarian, pancreatic, colorectal, skin and even lung cancer.


Catechins in green tea have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect as well. This makes the natural herbal product effective for the prevention of bacterial and even viral infections. Thanks to these properties green tea can be used for the treatment of skin problems, including acne and for the keeping of good oral and dental health. The antioxidants in this plan can boost the immune system and protect you from cold as well as from influenza viruses.


The antioxidants in green tea increase metabolism effectively. They promote the burning of fat and digestion and, in turn, aid weight loss. This makes the herbal product extremely beneficial for slimming.


Green tea is rich in Vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and fights depression. Vitamin B1 and B2 help the absorption of nutrients by the body. Vitamin E has excellent anti-aging properties and protects the skin and eyes from the harmful effects of the UV sun rays.


L-theanine is an extremely beneficial amino acid contained in green tea. It has a positive effect on the brain and promotes relaxation. L-theanine can help you get rid of stress, anxiety and depression. It aids the optimal functioning of the brain. It improves the concentration as well as the learning ability.


Green tea is rich in fluoride, which strengthens the enamel of teeth and prevents the formation of cavities and tooth decay.


Overall, you should consume green tea on a daily basis in moderate quantities to get all its benefits. 



True Health Benefits of Green Tea - How Green Tea Can Help You


Ancient peoples in the Southeast part of As

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