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Commonly Abused Drugs: Hallucinogens

Hallucinogens are part of a group of drugs called dissociative drugs. Mainly, individuals who abuse the drug experience hallucinations and other changes in their perception of reality. You may see, hear or feel things that are not actually there. You have to know which cases these drugs are truly used for, as well as identify the different types, so that you can use it safely. Never take the drug independently without a doctor's prescription.

What are Hallucinogens?

Hallucinogens are the drugs that trigger hallucinations. Hallucinations are described as profound alterations in an individual's view of reality. When under the effects of the drug, individuals can see things, feel sensations and hear noises that appear very real but are not actually present. Some of the drugs can lead to quick, intense and emotional swings.

Hallucinogens trigger the effects by disturbing the communication of serotonin, a neurotransmitter and nerve cells. When distributed through the spinal cord and the brain, serotonin will affect perceptual system, behavioral system and regulatory system, thereby changing some aspects like sexual behavior, mood, hunger, body temperature, sensory perception and muscle control.

LSD stands for lysergic acid diethylamide and is the most common drug linked to hallucinogen. It is the most commonly used in the drug class and is known for being the standard hallucinogen. The effects of LSD are generally the same as other hallucinogens like psilocybin, mescaline and ibogaine.

About the Hallucinogens

Hallucinogens generally change the way that the brain works, thereby also altering the responses of the 5 senses. Some individuals will then have a hard time differentiating what is fantasy and which things are real. A number of hallucinogens stem from plants. These include certain special mushrooms. There are also hallucinogens that are created by people. The types include MDA, Ecstasy, LSD and PCP or angel dust. Hallucinogens can lead to tolerance and then dependence or addiction.

Knowing the Symptoms

A number of signs and symptoms will be displayed by drug addicts who take hallucinogens. Some of the inclusions are trembling or tremors, drowsiness, increased heart beat, sleeplessness or restlessness, feeling several different sensations at once, having auditory hallucinations, having visual hallucinations and increased blood pressur