How To Be Healthy During A Pandemic by Kevin Nnochiri - HTML preview

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There is something very humorous about the lockdown. Most persons went into the lockdown looking like models, all fit and muscular, and by the end of the lockdown, they could not even describe how they looked. For some who looked for every opportunity to flaunt their biceps, post lockdown was all covering their clothes and keeping it simple. The secret to the change in people's physical appearance is simply tied to their diet. As simple as a plate of cake and a cup of ice cream or a plate of Kentucky Fried Chicken, it could decide how appealing, comfortable, and ultimately healthy look. Eating is the most pleasurable human activity that is available for all age groups. Unlike sex, which is restricted to people within the age of consent or, in simple terms, people whom the law recognizes to be adults, food is open to everyone at any age.

The first thing a person is given when they are born is food. It could be natural breast milk or something else, but the human body and food have this relationship that continues until a person's last day. This age-long human companion wields so much power over one's health, the human body and mind that most persons are not aware of.

Food, the key to health

The debate over what constitutes a healthy life has been ongoing for quite a while until recently when it became generally agreed that there is a relationship between food and health. Health experts have attributed many health concerns faced by the elderly to the detrimental choices they made in their 20s and 30s as it concerns their diet. Sad enough, not everyone realizes the magnitude of power that proper eating time holds. Probably if everyone realized this, some trips to the doctor would probably be spent at the spa or somewhere more fun. The phrase "you are what you eat" has been around for over a century, and it has done its best to open people up to the power their choice of diet holds over their health. During the 1800s, a similar phrase was used in French and Germany to imply that food controls a person's health.

Thomas Edison, the great American inventor, gave a quote, "We are digging our graves with our teeth, which was actually revised in late 1600 by the English physician and naturalist Thomas Moffett: "Men dig their graves with their own teeth and die by those fated instruments more than the weapons of their enemies." Our health is a product of what we decide to put into our bellies. "You are what you eat" implies that what you choose to eat impacts your body and overall health. In a recent statistic published by The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention on the causes of death in America, the result showed that many nutritionists and health experts believed that eight of the top 10 causes of death on that list were directly related to people's nutrition and lifestyle.

The pain of pleasure

While food is a pleasurable activity, it is not primarily meant for pleasure. For instance, most healthy meals and balanced diets might not be as pleasurable to consume as eating your favourite French fries or KFC. Studies have shown that most regular 9-5 workers indulge in the unhealthiest lifestyle regarding their nutrition. Some persons rely all day on coffee and sometimes exceed the daily dose of caffeine. Lots of fries and takeaways alongside soft drinks and ice cream. Out of pleasure, some people eat what their body and health do not need. Our bodies rely heavily on a balanced diet consisting of more proteins, vegetables, water and a little bit of fat and carbohydrate. Most persons overindulge the body in drinks highly dosed with sugar and food heavily soaked with fat because they feel nice to eat. Eating your favourite dessert is pleasurable, but it is important to watch and ensure you are not exceeding the daily calorie limit. Else, you might sure be digging your own grave with your nice set of teeth.

All part of you

Eating goes beyond filling up a hungry stomach or doing something to pass the time. During the lockdown, most people ate to pass the time than to quench their hunger. During every lockdown, it is important to note that the excessive time available will leave you hungry, and sometimes, you stand the chance of overindulging yourself in the wrong diet. Most persons have experienced alarming weight gain and emotional fluctuations. These problems in emotions have been traced to their diet. Eating affects every part of you. You are indeed what you eat. In case of a lockdown, it is important to note that how healthy you will be during and after the lockdown is based on how healthy you eat. Food affects every part of you. Your physical appearance, your mood and emotions and even how you think are results of the things you feed on. To experience health in all these areas, eating right is highly recommended.

Food and your appeal

The goal of some people is to look "young, rich and attractive." Now, while it is not scientifically proven that food will make you rich, it has been medically agreed that your diet can help you stay young and also make you physically appealing. Have you ever gone to your closet and discovered that your favourite trouser no longer fits? Is your preferred shirt looking like a crop top? Then you must have added some pounds. Those pounds did not come on their own. They came with the plate. Exercise is not the only thing that shapes your physical appearance. What you slide into your stomach is even more effective in determining if you will have your dream figure or you will have to keep dreaming for a while.

Eating the wrong diet will result in weight gain and this weight gain changes how we look. The face adds more flesh. The thighs grow bigger. The stomach seems to protrude and expand. These changes in the body boil down to the fact that the body has taken in more calories than needed. Most of these calories come from fatty foods. These fats become stored up in the body. The World Health Organization said that overweight and obesity are results of energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. Exercise will help burn off these unwanted fats but eating right will keep the body in the right position. It is important to state that no single food has the sole power to make you excessively fat, but eating the wrong diet and not exercising will leave us experiencing an unwanted change in our body. Processed foods high in added fat, sugar, and salt are very well guaranteed to do the job of making you look bigger or fatter than you would like to.

Weight in the lockdown

The primary cause of weight gain during a lockdown has been traced to overeating or a sedimentary lifestyle.