How To Be Healthy During A Pandemic by Kevin Nnochiri - HTML preview

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From the first chapter of this book, we have established the idea that a lockdown presents an opportunity for most people to get acquainted with unhealthy habits such as consuming the wrong diet and not exercising. However, opening the mind to information concerning healthy eating can significantly help.

Although there is a lot of inactivity globally with no work or human activity that can help people stay healthy, it is still possible to be healthy during a lockdown against all odds. Some people might think it is an impossible task to stay fit during the lockdown, but it is a highly possible task. You can go into the lockdown and come out even fitter than you went in. It all depends on your approach towards the season.

Decisions, the trigger of power.

Just before you get the nuggets on how to stay healthy and fit during a lockdown, it is important to understand that everything starts with a decision. Just like it was stated earlier, this book is to arm you ahead of any unforeseen situation and prepare you to decide to be fit and prioritize your health no matter what, but everything boils down to your decision.

Decisions are the trigger of power. Everything and everyone works based on the decisions they have made. Decisions trigger the flow of power, human power in the area we have decided to work on.

During a lockdown, it is important to decide to be healthy. This decision will affect all areas of your life. To be healthy during a lockdown is going to highly depend on your realization that your health could be affected. Most people end up with big stomachs, an increased waistline, puffy faces and signs of excessive fat in the body because they did not decide otherwise.

Life always presents us with options. We have the option to give in to excuses and fall on the side with the least resistance, where we just take things as they come. We also have the power to decide that we will get the best. It is all in our hands. What you decide is what you experience. Just a little hint: to not make a decision is the same as deciding to let things take you unawares. If you have not said to yourself that your health is your priority, you probably will be among the countless thousands or possibly millions who complain about having health complications during the lockdown.

Decisions trigger power because it unlocks your will to work, it makes you aware, it awakens your consciousness in a particular area such that your mind gets out to work. Let's take it away from health for a while. Imagine that you decide to increase your monthly income from £200 to £1000 in a month. The moment you make that decision you automatically unlock your creative genius. You release your mind to think of ways to achieve this plan or dream. Your mind begins to think of what to do, skills to develop and any relevant training to undertake, just anything to get running. All that power has been lying powerless within you. It only took a decision, a serious decision to trigger it. The same principle can be said of your health. The moment you decide to stay on the side of health no matter what, you have set yourself to be on the safe side.


Decisions are not just lifeless. They are powerless without commitment. When there is a lockdown and you have decided to take your health seriously, the next thing to do is to figure out how to actualize your dream and commit to it. It is often said that if wishes were horses, then beggars would ride. That statement is true. Almost every person battling with an unhealthy condition wishes they were healthy but change never happens with just wishes. It takes work.

When you make a decision to be healthy, you have to commit to it. If you decide to reduce your blood pressure, you would have to eliminate soda and sugary food from your diet and exercise a bit to get your body rolling. Just saying you have decided to be healthy is not enough, you have to commit to it. Your commitment takes place every day, not just some days.

There is the temptation of flowing with the dull tone of the day and get lazy. Sometimes you will feel like just snacking and consuming unhealthy stuff and stay in front of the TV consuming all the negative stuff and filling your mind with information that makes you nervous. You have to decide that you will be healthy all around, spirit, soul and body. To do this, health must be a priority.


During a lockdown, people get to prioritize a lot of things except in areas of their health. This point is closely tied to making a decision but, in this case, health will be the top item in your scale of preference. Some people take the lockdown as a time to improve their skills, get some certifications and network, which is fine, but they don't make their health a priority. To be healthy during a lockdown, health has to be your priority. When you wake in the morning, you have to think of staying in shape. Living the whole of the day healthily and safe. Do not improve your career but neglect your health. Spending all day in front of the computer is not good for your health. Spending all day surfing the net is not okay for your health, especially if what you are reading is junk to your mind.

Prioritize your health. Let it be what predicts what you will do. When you want to eat something, the question you ask yourself before gulping it down is, "does it aid my decision to be healthy?" if your answer is no, drop it. The more conscious you are of your health, the better for you.

No excuses

The biggest enemy of change is an excuse. The lockdown provides you with the perfect excuse to forget your health because everything about life, as you know it, is altered. The lack of gym facilities or a chance to go for a walk makes some people feel like it is not their fault that they are eating wrong and not getting enough exercise. You can be healthy even while you are in your house but don't buy those excuses.

Some persons utilized the lockdown to achieve their perfect shape. There is ample free time during a lockdown and you decide what to do with it. You can decide to eat right and discipline your body to stay in shape or you can decide to allow yourself to think that it is not your fault. Excuses only harm you. We can blame the world for what happens to us, but at the end of the day, the power to respond lies solely