How To Win Your War Against Back Pain by wing of success - HTML preview

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Advice For How To Get Rid Of Back Pain Now And Later

Since four out of five of us are going to suffer from back pain at one time or another, according to numerous studies, it only makes sense to learn how you can cope with the pain as well as prevent it from happening in the first place.

Though there are some cases of back pain that you can't control – accidents, traumas, pregnancy, etc. – most cases of back pain are related to the way we move and interact with the world around us.

So, if we change the way we move, we can reduce our chances of being sidelined by back pain. Here are some helpful tips that can both help you prevent back pain from being a problem, while also helping you reduce back pain if you've already begun to feel a twinge.

NOTE: If you are currently suffering from back pain and any of these tips make the pain worse, stop what you are doing and check with your doctor for further guidance.

Stand Up Straight

While most of us realize that we should be correcting our posture more, it's an essential step in preventing and reducing back pain.

Our spines are meant to be in a naturally curved position, but we need to hold our bodies in a certain manner in order to allow the body to sit in this proper position.

When you slouch, the vertebrae in your spine have more pressure put on them, causing pain and possible spinal damage when you continue to slouch throughout your life.

Here is how you can begin to stand up straight:

img4.png Stand with your feet slightly apart, about hip's distance is comfortable for most people.

img4.png Hold your head up high with your gaze forward.

img4.png Pull your chin up so that it is parallel with the floor.

img4.png Roll your shoulders slightly back.

img4.png Keep a slight bend in your knees, softening them.

img4.png Put your arms to your sides, with palms facing inward.

img4.png Bring your chest up, as though you were taking a deep breath.

You should be able to draw a line from your ear to the shoulder to your hip to your knee if you are standing up properly.

But the immediate effect will be that your body should feel more relaxed and your neck and back should loosen up.

You can also use these tips when you are sitting down, though your feet should be flat on the floor and knees bent at a ninety degree angle from your chair.

The more you practice this good posture, the more natural it will become