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Exercise For Back Pain: Exercises To Do At Home

Exercise is the sure shot cure for majority of your health problems. Needless to say, this can cure your back problem also. Just to name a few, the below mentioned exercises will go a long way in healing your back pain. A brief consultation with the physiotherapist will start you on your way to a painless back.

  • This exercise is beneficial for your abdominal muscles. Here you are expected to be in a lying posture with back touching the floor. Your feet should be kept flat touching the floor. Now bend your knees and then rise towards the ceiling. The next act is to reach your knees with your hands.

To do this move forward in such a fashion that your head and shoulders rise above the floor and then touch your knees. Remain in this posture for a count of 10. Then release yourself from this posture and relax. Repeat the above procedure for 5 times. This can guarantee the strength of your abdomen that supports your back.

  • This exercise is directly related to back as you exercise your back more here. Place your hands on the hips in a standing posture with feet at a slight deviation from each other. Move your hand in a backward position such that it touches your back and keep your knees in a straight posture.

Now slowly bend backwards towards the waist but do not bend in such a manner that it enhances your back pain. Remain in this similar posture for 2 to 3 seconds and then come back to your normal position. The back muscles will be greatly benefited by this exercise and at the same time it will also loosen those muscles which are tight.

  • You require a mat for this type of exercise. Lie with your face touching the floor and then try to lift one leg from the floor. The leg should remain in this rising position for a count of ten as this will stiffen the muscles in the leg also.

Then bring the leg back to the lowering position touching the floor. Try the same procedure with your other leg also. Keep this continued procedure for five more times and is sure to bring additional strength to your back muscles as well as your hip that supports your back.

Warm up is quite mandatory before starting on any exercise. The best warm up for your body is walking. A back pain exercise require a certain amount of warm up before the actual exercise as this warm up decreases blood pressure, assure flow of blood to the heart and makes muscles more supple.

Heat up your body minutes before you start your back exercise and say a final goodbye to back pain.