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Exercise For Back Pain: Adolescent Back Pain

Back pain is the most prevalent condition existing in the US. Back pain attacks everyone irrespective of age.

Young adults suffering from this chronic condition is on the increase. This article would brief you on the reasons for back problem and the solution to counter attack this problem.

It is really surprising that young bodies have to face this problem at so early an age. Young children are so engrossed in their routine way of life, their life being shuffled between home, school and several extracurricular activities that very little time is at their disposal to spend at home.

This has an adverse impact on their eating schedule. They often fill their tummies with the junk food available outside which results in unhealthy consumption of food and the resultant back pain. Junk food contains a high proportion of fat material, which makes you obese. Over weight children often complain of back problem. Your choice of food should enhance the strength of bones but children never bother to consume healthy food, which could make your bones strong and hence the back pain.

Exercise and its positive effects on your body cannot be disputed. In the earlier days children used to spend major part of their time playing outdoor games and this used to lead to perfect fitness regarding physical health.

Back pain was a rare occurrence. Now the advent of Internet and several interesting games on the video has depleted their interest in outdoor games. They prefer spending time on the computer.

Lack of proper physical exercise and continuity in same seating posture for a long period of time has consequently led to the rising back problem among adolescents. Outdoor playing canalizes the flow of oxygen to the blood in such a manner that they benefit your muscular cells and minimizes the chances of getting a back problem.

The weight being borne by young people to their respective educational institutions enhances the back problem. Many a time they often carry games and clothes apart from the books.

This increases the burden on their back as their posture gets affected adversely due to the additional burden carried by them in back packs. A wrong notion is encouraged among children that all the items stuffed in a backpack are easy to carry whereas that is not very ideal for them.

This increased weight on their back consequently leads to severe back pain among young adults. Weak bones add to the severity of back pain.

In short young adults should go in for a perfect combination of food and exercise to keep them strong and healthy. Keep your bones strong by opting for a healthy style of eating and liberate yourself from the back problem that is constantly on the rise especially among young children.