How to Lose Weight & Stay Fit by Arun Kumar - HTML preview

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“Sleep is the best meditation”

- Dalai Lama

Now, when you consider the factors that affect weight reduction, sleep plays a vital role. Brain is the main powerful organ in our human body. So it is very important to know about sleep. Here I am just discussing the basics; you can read more about sleep by your own from various sites and books. Sleep is a must for any person. There is no problem bigger than sleeplessness. Ask those who suffer from sleeplessness, their life will be filled with problems, problems and only problems.

Why is sleep so important in weight loss?

At sleep all your body organs comes to rest. The blood pressure is reduced; the breathing rate is made constant and the brain takes rest. The blood in your body, when you are active, flows to all organs and less to muscles. But when you sleep, the process is reversed. The blood flows from organs to muscles. So when you do body weight exercises, the muscles are damaged. During the sleep, these damaged muscles are repaired. That’s why when you do heavy work, you get good sleep. Also when in sleep, the proteins that are needed for cell growth are processed. That is the reason why small babies sleep for hours. During the sleep the body growth takes place. There are some diseases that affect sleep. The most common diseases are Parkinson’s disease, Neurosis rheumatology and chronic pain diseases.


This is the disease that occurs for people with problem of getting a good sleep. The basic symptoms of insomnia includes…

  1. Difficulty in getting sleep
  2. Waking up often during night
  3. Waking too early in morning
  4. Feeling tired upon waking

There are 2 types of insomnia, Primary insomnia and Secondary insomnia. Primary insomnia is the sleeplessness not associated with any diseases. Secondary insomnia is the one which comes due to some diseases (cancer, asthma, depression etc.), that are already in our body.

Main causes of insomnia

  • Stress due to job loss; change of job type; death of loved ones; divorce etc.
  • Environmental conditions (noisy, too bright light, uncomfortable climatic condition)
  • Medications: Patients undergoing medication
  • Interference: People who have home near airport, transport terminals, kids playing

How to get good sleep?

For reducing the weight effectively you need to organize your sleeping habit. According to a research, the persons who are sleeping less than 5 hours have the urge to eat more, than those who sleep for 8 hours. So if you sleep at correct time then it will enhance your weight reduction program.

Tips for a good sleep

  1. Go to bed at regular time: If you practice to go to bed at 10pm every day, then on the course you will start experiencing sleep as soon as 10pm comes. Your body will schedule itself to start sleep mode at 10 pm.
  2. If you go to sleep at 10 pm don’t do any work beyond 10 pm. Instead postpone the work to next day and start sleeping. If you are an employee working during night hours, then as soon as you come home after duty, start to sleep.
  3. Since darkness will bring you sleep, try to keep the room dark by installing low bright light and installing a dark colour screen for the windows. Keep the air conditioner at an optimal temperature that is comfortable for your body condition. Try to keep away substances such as perfumes, room fresheners, which produce extreme smell inside the room. Keep all those make up kits away from your bed room. A bed room is only for sleep (Mostly!)
  4. If you have the habit of drinking coffee, prevent it. Researchers say, the effect of the caffeine in coffee, remain up to 7 hours in your body. So if you can’t leave drinking coffee, then at least prevent it during evening or night time.
  5. Whether it may be the television or computer or that music player that causes disturbance, remove it. Suppose if you want to sleep, but your wife wants to see her favourite program on television or those episodes of “How I met your mother” on the computer, then you can opt for two ways. One is either you can get her a new headphone or you can get an earplug. It is better to give her a headphone, because if you put on the earplug and go for sleep, she may feel that you are insulting her. But if you give her a new headphone, she may think “My husband loves me a lot! That’s why he has got me a headphone set.” It will be more effective if you give it on anniversary or birth day.
  6. Keep away all your worries from your mind. Most of us get these sleep disorder because we focus more on worries rather than sleeping. Listen to some relaxing instrumental music, read a book or do some meditation and bring your mind to a relaxed state.
  7. When you are travelling long distance, you can sleep during the travel.
  8. Prevent drinking and smoking.
  9. Do exercise regularly: If you do exercise regularly then you will get good sleep. Do aerobic exercises or body strength exercises with high intensity. You will get good sleep.

Be Inspired: There’ a way

 There was a king who ruled a country for a long time. People had trust in him and they would inform about any problem that existed in the country. One day, the king was asking the problems that were in the country. Many people told him that the roads were damaged a lot and they hurt people a lot during travel. The king promised that he would solve this problem.

Returning home, the king arranged for a meeting to discuss with his ministers. Many ministers told various ideas. Finally they chose an idea. The idea was to lay the leather skin of the buffalo over the roads, so that people when walking don’t get hurt. But when they calculated how much buffalo would be killed for making such arrangement, it was crossing large numbers. The king was so worried.

Then a wise man came and asked why he was so worried. The king told his problem, and   asked where he would go for such a large number of buffalos for to make the roads be covered. The wise man smiled and said that the problem is so simple. He continued that instead of killing a lot of buffalos for covering the roads, it would be wise that if the people cover their feet. The king was delighted by the idea of the wise man and thanked him. Then the king ordered for to make shoes for the people.

Every coin has two sides. If there is a problem, think in a different approach