How to Lose Weight & Stay Fit by Arun Kumar - HTML preview

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“Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit.”

- Jeremy Taylor

Mental concentration is what you call as meditation. Your mind concentrates on something and through this constant concentration, the mind is made controlled which leads to peace. There are so many advantages of meditation. Some of them are…

  1. Achievement of mental peace
  2. Tranquillity of mind
  3. Strengthen your nervous system.
  4. Deep breathing improves blood circulation.
  5. Increases the absorption of nutrients
  6. Body metabolism is tuned for better health.

Why meditation is important in weight reduction?

During meditation, the lungs inhale larger amount of air. So your body takes in larger amount of oxygen than during normal oxygen. Now this oxygen is mixed in the blood stream and it is carried to all the cells. So each and every cell receives this enriched oxygen, which increases the working capability of cells.

Simply, in other words, the cells become healthy and they do their work more effectively. So the metabolism is increased a lot making the absorption of the nutrients from the food more effectively and burning more calories during exercises. Also since meditation brings peace of mind, it becomes easier to get a good sleep at night.

How to do meditation?

  1. Before doing meditation, loosen your clothing and undo any belt if you are wearing one.
  2. Take your seat in easy and natural way. Your posture must be comfortable. If possible take the cross-legged sitting position.
  3. The body should be erect; the spine must not be stiffly straight or should be too bent.
  4. Rest your right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee.
  5. Close your eyes – not too tight nor opened. The eyelids must be closed like curtain.
  6. All the muscles must be well relaxed.
  7. Now slowly inhale the air by taking a deep breath. The breathing must be in a uniform rate. Just count numbers in your mind when inhaling.
  8. Hold the breath for 2-3 seconds and then slowly exhale it. The exhale of air must also be in uniform rate like that of the inhale cycle.
  9. Repeat this cycle for about 15 minutes.
  10. During meditation, try to focus your mind on a single thing. Say you can focus your mind on the number of breath you inhale and exhale or you can focus on the expansion and contraction of your lungs. Please don’t focus on your worries or any kind of emotions. They will destruct your effectiveness in doing this exercise.
  11. When you are finishing, inhale the air at a very fast rate and exhale it very fast. Repeat this for about 10 times. This is done to remove your excess body heat.

After doing this don’t get up, but stay at the place where you did meditation and give a good rest to your body.


At first, you will experience a lot of distractions in your mind. As there goes a saying, “Our mind is like a monkey and our thoughts are like horses”, it is initially too hard for to focus upon one thing. But, because of this don’t stop to meditate. Try and try the same meditation again and again. Say if you are counting your breath for 45 with 50 as your target, when you suddenly make a mistake and lose concentration, don’t frustrate, but focus on starting from one again. It will take some time to become good at meditation. But once you do well, you will enjoy the peace that is obtained in meditation. All you need is constant effort.