Hydrogen Peroxide Medical Miracle by William Campbell Douglass - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

The Farr Experiments

Charles H. Farr, M.D., Ph.D., has done a benchmark experiment proving that, contrary to established opinion, oxygen given in the vein isn't dissipated in the lungs. The inset on page 21 shows a simplified version of the circulatory system. (It helped me get through medical school.) It was said that the oxygen released by H2O2   when given in the vein would somehow be lost, presumably in the expired air. Certainly some of it may be lost this way, but there was no logical reason to think that it would all be lost. And that's what Dr. Farr set out to disprove.

Patients were given H2O2   in an arm vein. Using high tech instruments, Dr. Farr proved: (1) The metabolic rate was significantly increased; (2) dilation of the small arteries of the body occurred; and (3) oxygen from H2O2    infusions did, indeed, remain in circulation and was not lost  in expired air.

The test subjects reported increased mental alertness, increased visual acuity, increased brightness of surroundings, and a feeling of relaxation. Farr and his associates reported significant improvement in many acute conditions, including infection, allergy, and influenza.

The Farr group is now experimenting with combining  H2O2     treatment  with  EDTA chelation  therapy.  The two agents cannot be mixed, because serious reaction can occur if H2O2   is mixed with other active compounds. Doctor Farr is inviting other qualified chelation therapists to participate in a nationwide study of this combination, called Chelox therapy. Both lay persons and physicians from across the United States and several foreign countries have formed a nonprofit organization to promote and support further research in this new field of bio-oxidation. The organization is called the International Oxidative Medicine Association (IOMA). For more information on this wonderful organization, please see Appendix I.

Hydrogen Peroxide and the Immune System

Dr. Charles Farr made an astute clinical observation that after patients received a series of treatments with intravenous hydrogen peroxide, a sensitivity to pollen and food allergies clinically improved. He also noted improvement in allergic bronchitis, asthma, and chronic sinusitis. Those observations led him to investigate the effects of intravenous hydrogen peroxide on serum antibody titres and immune globulin fractions. Other investigators have reported that both Tand B-cells are stressed when exposed to hydrogen peroxide and that the surviving T-cells become resistant to secondary oxidative stress, while the B-cells remain fragile.1

In confirmation of this, Farr had previously reported studies of patients receiving intravenous hydrogen peroxide who had an average of 55 percent reduction of their null cells. Null cells are precursors, or baby cells, that branch out in maturity to various cell types such as Bcells and T-cells. The reduction in null cells is probably due to an increase in their differentiation into T-cells and B-cells which are found to be increased by 20 to 35 percent within 24 hours following the intravenous hydrogen peroxide infusion. Although the original (preinfused) population of T-cells and B-cells is reduced following the oxidative stress of hydrogen peroxide, there is a rebound which leads to a net increase as mentioned above.

Tand B-cells identify antigenic (foreign) substances and produce the necessary antibodies in response to this recognition. The mechanism by which intravenous hydrogen peroxide relieves allergy symptoms is not understood, but it is probably due to the young, virginal Tand B-cells not having been exposed to previous antigens, causing them not to react against the antigens.

Patients demonstrating allergy symptoms or autoimmune diseases were randomly chosen for these studies from Farr's clinical population. Immune globulins IGG, IGA, IGM and IGE were measured before and after intravenous hydrogen peroxide treatments. The clinical improvement observed indeed corresponded to the reduction in these immune globulins.

Next, Farr studied Ebstein-Barr virus (EBV) and candida antibody titres, which were measured before and after intravenous hydrogen peroxide treatments. The patients usually received 20 weekly treatments administered as follows: one treatment a week for 10 weeks, no treatments for 30 days, and then repeat another ten-treatment series. Antibody titres were measured at the beginning, after the 20th treatment and then again at three months and six months. Clinical improvement again paralleled a reduction in antibody titres in all patients studied. The EBV patient group (chronic fatigue syndrome) had a significant improvement in energy and endurance, with a reduction in complaints of fatigue. The candida patients also were clinically improved, relative to the reduction of their candida antibody titres, by intravenous hydrogen peroxide.

In other studies of autoimmune antibodies (thought  to cause Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Sclerodermia, etc.) Farr found in all cases studied, autoimmune antibodies could no longer be detected after a series of 10 or more intravenous hydrogen peroxide treatments. These findings support the concept that intravenous hydrogen peroxide does reduce circulation Tand B-cells, but the new population of virginal Tand B-cells derived from null cells, which have not been tagged to produce specific antibodies, modify the amount of circulating antibodies quite significantly. The modification of the circulating and immune globulins, that is, the decrease in those globulins, correlates with the clinical improvement seen in the patient.2

Treatment with H2O2 

Some Amazing Cases from the Farr Clinic


One of the most discouraging maladies that doctors have to treat is bronchiectasis. Bronchiectasis is basically pus pockets within the lung. These patients constantly cough foul-smelling phlegm, are short of breath, often blue in the face, and are greatly debilitated and weakened by constantly having to fight for breath. Farr reported the case of a 67-year-old woman who had suffered from the typical picture of cough and shortness of breath for about 15 years. After 20 treatments with peroxide, the patient's cough substantially subsided, and she was no longer producing bloody sputum. She was also breathing with much less difficulty.

Hardening of the Arteries—Heart Disease

Mr. J.H. was being treated at the clinic of Dr. Charles H. Farr in Oklahoma City for heart disease. He had received 11 treatments of chelation.

On the way to the clinic for his 12th treatment, he developed signs of a stroke. His speech became slurred, his vision blurred and there was drooling from the side of the mouth. When Dr. Farr examined him at the office, the patient was confused and disoriented. This 71-year-old gentleman was obviously in serious trouble.

Very few doctors would have had the courage to do what Dr. Farr did next. Rather than packing him off to the hospital and turning the responsibility of the case over to a neurologist (who would have had nothing definitive to offer the patient), Dr. Farr immediately started an intravenous infusion of H2O2 .

Within 15 minutes, the patient's mind cleared and his speech improved. Within one hour, his symptoms had gone away entirely. This case was phenomenal.

The following case can only be described as miraculous:

J.O. was a 67-year-old man with severe blockage of the arteries to his legs and extensive blockage of the vessels in his heart. He had endured bypass operations on both legs and a four-vessel bypass on his heart. This was  a terminally ill man ravaged with arteriosclerosis. All of his tissues were literally starving for oxygen.

His surgeons offered little hope. He had gangrene, a rotting of tissue due to lack of oxygen, and the surgeons said an amputation of the left leg below the knee was necessary. If he refused the surgery, they would have to operate later and take off the entire leg—fix it now, or pay more later.

J.O. had been taking chelation therapy from another physician in New Jersey, who referred him to Dr. Farr. The results had been disappointing. Pain in his big toe was excruciating and constant. Willing to try anything within reason, J.O. agreed to let Dr. Farr try daily intravenous H2O2    therapy.

Twenty-four hours after the first treatment his pain had decreased, and by the fourth intravenous, had almost disappeared. The inflamed tissue cleared rapidly, and he put away his crutches. Eventually, he did lose a toe, but his leg was saved.

Temporal Arteritis

You may have never heard of temporal arteritis, but if you ever get it, you'll never forget the experience. It's characterized by severe pain and tenderness to touch at the main superficial artery of the temple. If it is not diagnosed promptly, it can lead to blindness.

M.G., a 71-year-old woman, developed temporal arteritis in 1960. She suffered for years before the condition was properly diagnosed. Fortunately, she did not go blind, and with cortisone treatment, she got relief.

But, as with most drugs, cortisone is a two-edged sword. She developed ulcers, an inflamed pancreas, and colitis. She had traded one terrible disease for three.

M.G. was given chelation therapy and her symptoms gradually cleared. She did well until 1985, when the dreaded headaches of temporal arteritis returned. She needed cortisone again, but that was obviously out of the question because of her severe previous reaction to it.

Dr. Farr recommended a trial of H2O2    therapy, because peroxide had proven of value in many inflammatory processes such as pneumonia and asthma. Temporal arteritis is an inflammation of the temporal artery, so, he reasoned, H2O2    should be of value.

She was started on an intravenous drip of peroxide, and, within a few hours, she was considerably relieved. After a second infusion a week later, she was completely well.

Shingles (Varicella Zoster)

I have seen patients in such severe pain from shingles that they had contemplated suicide. Shingles is an inflammation of the nerve endings caused by the chicken pox virus. Ugly and painful blisters appear on the skin along the distribution of a nerve from the spine. Many treatments have been tried for this debilitating condition, most of them unsatisfactory. The pain of shingles may go on for years, ruining an otherwise happy old age.

Dr. Farr treated a 69-year-old man with severe shingles on his neck, shoulder, and right arm. Three days after the H2O2    infusion, he was noticeably better, and in one week he was pain free. The ugly, bluish blisters were rapidly drying up.

Dr. Farr remarked: "We have treated shingles with many different therapeutic modalities with varying success. Using H2O2   as a therapeutic tool in this case brought about resolution two to three times faster than any modality we have previously employed." It doesn't always work.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

COPD is not curable. Ask any lung specialist. The treatment is largely a garbage collector's operation and a continual fight to keep the bronchial tubes open. The garbage. I refer to is the mucous and pus that constantly threatens to block the respiratory passages and kill the patient. Scarring, as a result of the chronic inflammation and spasm of the bronchial passages, adds to the problem.

There may be hope for these miserable people—if the following case turns out to be the norm.

C.G. had a long history of COPD. When seen at the Farr Clinic she was rapidly deteriorating. She was constantly coughing up yellow phlegm and had bluish lips— a sign of serious oxygen deprivation. These are the cases you hate to see come in the office. It's enough to give even a doctor humility.

She was started on intravenous H2O2 , which, in a few minutes, precipitated severe coughing and the expelling of yellow mucous. This coughing and mucous production could be turned off and on by simply turning the H2O2 drip off and on.

Dr. Farr terms this effervescent debridement. The oxygen seeps into the air pockets under the mucous layer and literally bubbles the mucous up the respiratory passages. The rising mucous irritates the bronchial passage, causing a cough which acts as a booster rocket, and so, out comes the junk. That's Farr's theory. It makes sense to me.

This patient received additional dividends from the therapy. She had suffered from chronic diarrhea for over two years. This promptly cleared, as did her migratory arthritis and muscle pain.

The Yeast Syndrome

It seems that everybody who goes to the doctor's office these days thinks he has candida. A large percentage  of them are right. Most respond to nystatin and candida extract injections. But some are very difficult to treat. Nothing works.

P.M. had received repeated treatments for chronic polysystemic candidiasis over a period of five years. Her story and her symptoms are classic for the yeast syndrome.

The symptoms started after prolonged treatment with antibiotics for lung infections. She had chronic vaginal yeast infection, intermittent diarrhea, fatigue, acne (although she was 34 years old), arthritis, headaches, and difficulty concentrating.

She had been tried on all of the known therapies for yeast: diet, nystatin, acidophilus, caprylic acid, homeopathics, herbs, yeast extract injections for desensitization, and ketoconazole (Nizoral). She would improve temporarily on each treatment and then the symptoms would return.

P.M. became incapacitated and totally dependent on her mother. She became so debilitated that she could hardly dress herself.

After two intravenous H2O2  treatments administered by Dr. Farr, she reported a significant improvement in alertness and ability to concentrate, and she had an increased feeling of well-being. Her acne improved rapidly, as did her strength. After eight treatments, she was free of symptoms for the first time in eight years. When seen two months later, she showed no signs of candidiasis, and her allergy to yeast was markedly diminished by skin test.  For the tough yeast problem, it looks like H2O2  therapy  is the answer.

Flu Syndrome

Probably the condition for which H2O2    will find its greatest use is with flu and other acute respiratory infections.

A 67-year-old man came to the Farr Clinic complaining of fever, chills, sore throat, cough and aching in the bones for 12 hours; a typical case of viremia, the flu, or, in popular parlance, the crud.

He was placed on an H2O2   drip. His temperature was 102 at the beginning of the treatment. The next day his temperature was down to 101, and another treatment was given. Before the infusion was finished, his temperature had returned to normal and he was completely free of symptoms. The following day he returned to work and remained well.

One of my patients, a beautiful model, was scheduled to go to Dallas in two days for an assignment. She came  in with red eyes, a runny red nose, and a fever of 101. Things did not seem promising for her trip. Models are  no longer models when they have red noses and red eyes.

She was started on a peroxide drip and given 10 mg of Coenzyme Q10 by mouth to help the oxygen delivery. The next morning she was 90 percent well, and the following morning, the day for departure to Dallas, she was completely well.

We could relate many similar "flu stories," but it would be monotonous reading: first day sick, second day 90 percent well, and third day back to normal. I have never seen anything like it.

Can you imagine the millions of lost man-hours (woman-hours, too) that will be saved if this treatment becomes popular? (Nyquil and Bayer Aspirin Co. aren't going to like it.)

Most of the previous work done with H2O2   used the arterial route, the blood vessels carrying oxygenated blood to the tissues. (If confused, go back to the diagram on page 21.) It was postulated that giving H2O2    in the vein, i.e., the blood vessels returning blood to the heart and lungs, would cause all of the oxygen released by the H2O2 to be expelled by the lungs. Some previous studies appeared to confirm this hypothesis.

Fortunately for the sick and dying of this world, Dr. Charles H. Farr questioned this hypothesis, even in the face of the experiments that appeared to confirm it. How could he be getting such good results, if all the oxygen was being expelled by the lungs, he reasoned.

It had been noted in many previous experiments that H2O2  given in an artery, and thus delivered directly to the tissues, did not cause a rise in tissue oxygen levels until  40 minutes after the infusion. This indicates, Dr. Farr said, that the H2O2  infused into the