If I Was Skinnier, Would You Love Me More? by Nadejda Corcimar Alexei - HTML preview

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It just means that you care more about what other people think, then about what you think

You see, once you get rid of this "block", you know...you just know it is your direct ticket to Paradise.

All you really have to do is not give a fuck about what other people think.

Once, a very smart man said "when the attitude is right, facts don't count". Do you know why this is the formula to success? Because when we say "facts", these are not really facts, these are just people's oppinions.

So most probably the only reason why you are so stubborn to keep a certain weight <it being under your healthy one usually> is because you have a standard in mind, set by some X person who, not only doesn't love you, because if he or she did, they wouldn't of ever even made a slightest comment about your phisical appearance, but they don't even know themselves they are doing the harm, because most humans don't watch or work on their actions or thoughts, simply because of ingnorance. So how can you even make some idiot's stupid thoughts and comments become your model of behaviour, or even a life target?

I'll tell you why, it is because you don't really love yourself, and deep within your heart you know it.

See, it is not easy for you because, if you have created this self made blockage of food intake for yourself, you are probably walking around hungry all day long. And you are bound to be, because you are not eating what your body is asking you to give it in order to properly function, you are giving it what YOU think is wright for it, those thoughts are borrowed from some ignorant person whome you yourself have chosen to listen to. Isnt it ironic how we are so determined to make people that do not love us our guiding teachers.And then we can keep suffering and suffering and suffering untill it never ends? So that we can later say...see, I'm not good enough for this, for that...and never sort of …move on, hanging by that self created crazy standart.

So if you are continuouslu hungry, all that you will see on the street will become appealing to you. This way you are probably noticing that even if you once hated egs,you are now ready to eat loads of egs, gallons of it. If you are feeling this regularly, you know for sure, you are seek.

But before I can proceed to explaining to you how to gradually start really loving yourself and as a conseguence, getting better, let me just tell you a little bit how you are "helped" by the government to get trapped into these type of illnesses, just to sough your pain and loneliness in this battle.

You see, all this mass production of the alimentary industry that I have mentioned in my previous chapters has always been designed to sell you something, just like almost all the rest of the things in the world, exept those given to you by the loved ones with the love intention in mind and therefore in hand. Look how tricky this is: before it was all about commercials, so all they had to do is promote the burger, and you would chose it, instead of your usual healthy salad that your grandma has just collected from her garden, just because it was so colourful and new in the TV commercial. Then, they put chemically modified powder in it in order to stimulate your appetite, so the parts resposable for pleasure in your brain remember it's taste and just keep desiring it over and over again, allways in the future. This way, whenever you get into a stressful situation, you will desire it as a pleasure releasing hormone provocator, so you will go and buy it, and as many as you can buy, the more of those acts and the more of the peolple involved, the more money they make. The industries are only becoming reacher of of you, you having it as a drug at hand, using it as a stress reliever as often as possible, funny, isn't it? This is the vortex of obesity.

And wait, see, when their game started to fade, and they saw that people started to realise their wicked games, and initiated all those healthy eating campaigns where organic food was promoted and heatly lifestyle was shown to obese people, they started thinking on a differnt, an even better plan. Bingo, let's promote a very very skinny person as a beauty role model. WHAT A PLAN!!!

So all the designers at the time, and they have to obey to the wishes and desires of the rich and wealthy bacause those are the ones that are issuing the money for their creations, surelly not the artists themselves, start promoting all their beautiful clothes on really skinny, ill, tenage boys and girls.

What all of this really did to us? All it meant was that we were to do one of two things in order to be able to achive the "modern"socialy desired look:

1. buy pharmaceuticall tables that would make us skinny (not hungry)

2. binge on the beloved and healthy needed foods that our bodying would just strive for in order to survive the self inflicted hunger, and the purge it in order to remain skinny looking, satisfing the ïndustry".

Funny enough, they win eather way. Should you decide to eat their products, you become an addict and so you buy more and gradually put on weight. Should you chose to pursue a modern role model of beauty, you are just fated to cronic hunger, fatigue, and a vicious cicle of binging and purging in order to stay thin. They won, they won, they won. And..they definatelly do NOT love you.

The Primadonna Russian singer, Ala Pugaciova, who literally posseses the entire showbizness in the former Soviet Union empire, once said: "Dear friends, if there is no one to love us, we might as well start loving ourselves by ourselves". She is a chubby 70 year old billionairess with a 35 year old husband, successfull and smart in his own wright, and boy, she has never been more loved and worshiped by the public consisting of millions of people all around the globe, living her dream life, having massive power in hand and no model, even the skinniest and most perfectly sculpted will ever reach this lady's level of wisdom and understanding of the laws of the Univers.

Are you following?"

Returning to the continuous hunger that you are carring with you all day long, every day of your precious life that is slipping through the sand watch, is it woth doing it? Ask yourself...is it worth being so unsatisfied, so misserable, and and as result so week in this life. This is how they invented a way to control you, you are now addicted, ill, powerless and as a result completely hating yourself. They won.

You are worth love. You came into this life to be full of joy and hapyness, to feel the greates joy your ineer being can give you and you are the only one that is stopping this continuous paradise from happening, you, yourself, singlehandedly.

Please, I urge you, just release this self invented prison, instead start feeling, really feeling love for yourself, and the right action will follow. It just can"t be different. If you are acting out of love, if you are really and trully loving yourself, you will uncontiously chose the right foods, eat the wright portions, feel the right results, metabolise and digest properly.

But if you will decide to keep starving yourself, there will never be a light in the end of the tunnel for you, you will just never be able to see it because you are blinded by a false ideal pushed upon you by people that DO NOT LOVE YOU, so why listen to them?

The minute you release the resistance, the minute you allow all that you really want come into your life experince, that being food or anyhting else in this world, you will see a new circle starting, that of allowance instead of restriction, and so by law of attraction all your dreams will strat comming true one after another as you have broken the chain. Please try it, just live your life the way you really want it, eat the wonderfull foods that you so much enjoy, in as big of a quantity that you like, and the extasy that will come with it will attract miracles in your life. You will see that by you strating to love yourself again in such a manner, all the people around you will rediscover you and start loving your confidence as well, and as a conseguence, your phisiscal appearance as it is.

Have you noticed how even the most beautifull people are most of the times not loved or get as little respect as you could expect in proportion to their so called beauty, or how, ironically, very good looking men are marrying very ordinary looking women, although they have an entire quew of beauty queens behind them? That is because these "normal"women are trully and profoundly loving themseves as they are, and by seing themselves trully beautiful, their men see them beautiful too.

This is the law of life, try it, it works.

Have you noticed that these people that are bulying you,the aproval and love of whome you are so hardly trying to get, even with the cost of your health, are never ever satisfied, and the harder you try to make them happy with you, their critical oppinion just shifts from on side to another. It's almost like there is no end to it, so if you become now as skinny bonned as possible, they can now see that you are stupid, or have ugly taste in clothing yourself, or have an funny accent when you speak, etc etc etc...and it never really stops.

So is the problem really in you....I don't think so...do you think so, still?

This is what I would advise you to do: start really loving yourself, with passion.

In order to do that, you have to absolutelly break the viccious cicle first, stop the hunger. Untill you stop being so hungry all the time, you will not be even capable of rationalising the real state you are in.


Can you fill the releaf? Now eat, eat again, eat what you like. Can you feel it? You feel so wonderfull, pure extasy, this is how your life was always supposed to be for you, full of contenment and joy, full of such fillings of complete extasy. Be happy, be at ease.

Once you release this block, you can proceed to really understading what was happening to you in all these months of depression and starvation, you can really evaluate how you have been kept in stand by in life, you were intentionally blocked from your real power and capacity to create in order to be kept in control and fear eternaly. In time of war goverments were doing it by blackmailing people with mass distruction or prison. Today, they just convince you that you should distroy yourself.

Search for self love, and fortune will come into your life. By depriving yourself from nutrition, you have probably been attracting all other sorts of diprivation in your life, simply by the law of attraction, so you will now be able to see money, love, sex and other great experiences pouring into your life with the same intensity with wich you are allowing food to come into your body.

And if you can not still see it manifestimg in your phisical reality, just give it some time. It took you months or even years, like it took me, to teach yourself into deprivation, so just be generous enough to to give it a few weeks for your life to start functioning properly and  attract the right manifestations in it. Really, if you can not see it yet, it just means that you are still feeling guilty about your eating, or unworthy of intaking all these bautifull foods into your body, which is normal in the beginning. But as the time will go by and you will gradually start seeing how wonderfull things start happening in your reality like the best job offer comes in out of nowhere, the loving partner that you meet at a bus stop, a great friend that gives you a hand with your loand and so on...untill you just see for yourself how much more beautiful your life could have been if you would have not fallen into the trap of deprivation.

Allow all beautiful types of food to come into your body, allow all the colourfull experinces to come into your life, all the loving and noncritical people to come into your existance. It really works like that, you will see.

And those who have been allways been critical of you and have pulled you into the dark corner in the first place, you will see how by the law of attaction they will inevitably start liking you too!

Love yourself to a degree where nothing and nobody can ever talk you out of that place of ethernal happyness and joy, and the rest will follow.