If I Was Skinnier, Would You Love Me More? by Nadejda Corcimar Alexei - HTML preview

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The easy part


You see, one would say that there are worse illnesses out there like cancer for example, but I can tell you as somebody that had a tumor removed myself that when a desiese is kind of external, it’s like a huricane – there is not much you can do about it.

But, when it is self inflicted, and you know you are doing it to yourself with your own hand, this is when you become portruded with guilt and dispair. There is noone else out there to blame for it, so then you feel even more like blaiming yourself.


This is the ever repeating vicious circle.



And it never ends.


Untill…you eliminate the guilt factor. Never mind letting go your internal issues that are bringing you down psichologically right now. You can deal with it in the mean time. Of course you need to undesrtand that there are things in life that we can not change, like people being mean, betrayal or tragedies, but the only way out there to get healed is to forgive and let go.

But before that wisdom reaches you, you have to break the vicious circle.

Once you stop feeling guilty for something or somebody or whatever it is that is bothering you, you will find the internal power to stop abusing your body with food. You will simply not need it anymore.

How can you °abuse° with something if this is not a guilt generating thing just as / how can you feel °guilty° about something when you are not abusing of anything? You see ?

Easy to saw, but actually, try this : eat whatever you want and however much you wish without feeling guilty. Instead, I advise you this train of thought : °fuck the bastards that are bringing me down with their evil  words and actions. Let them all go to hell° and never ever feel bad about nourishing yourself with whatever or however much food there is that your body needs at that moment of time.


Just try doing it, it really is easy. Just do what you will!!!! And you will realise how this is the most beautiful and blessed thing you can do to yourself.

You see, for the anorexics, it is the fear of getting fat that is restricting you from becoming healthy. But really, lets be honest, how great are the chances that you will become obese after being a long time an anorexic? Your poor body will probably need years of reconstruction until in regains its normal structure. So again, be honest with yourself, you will always be within the normal weight.

For the bulimics, it really is the same, only that those are also using food in stressfull situations. So everytime a crisis comes in, just forgive yourself before you even thought about that binge. The magic of it is that once you forgave yourself in anticipation, you will not want all this food anymore ! You know you only want it because you restricted yourself from it! So go ahead, allow yourself that excess pleasure every day and very soon you will discover that you don’t actually desire that much chocolate or pizza or whatever there is that you liked before as much, simply because you had enough of it already.

Please, listen to my advise, eat whatever you want. You will never want more than you need if you REALLY eat what you want or as much as YOU want on a dayly basis. You body will not desire something in particular because you are having it all anytime you like, and because you are spreading out all this vast variety whilst enjoying your lifetime, food as a stress instrument automatically loses it’s power. Instead, from my own experience, try just one glass of red wine as a way to unwinde after a hard day of work in the evening, or go and buy yourself something small maybe, but nice, that will put a sincere smile on your face. Or, if you have such a blessed person in your life, give her/him a call.

Any psicologist can confirm that we only desire the things that we are restrained from having.

If you have nothing to restrain yourself from, then the problem ceases to exist.

As in regards to gaining those extra ponds, if any, I can tell you from personal experience that you will not gain any extra weight. Only in the beginning maybe a little bit, that is because you are not frowing it up anymore, but once your body has enough of eating as much as it wants whenever it wants it, you will feel like eating less, or even healthier, trust me. You body will thank you and speak to you like never before.

Once you start to actually listen to your body, and not do what some diet says, it will tell you everything that you need to know and will make you crave the exact things that you need in order to fill up with the nutrients that you lack currently.

For all the girls out there that have fuller bodies, beautifull curvy figures that I admire so much like such of Kim Cardashian, Jennifer lopez, Eva Longoria, Adell or Monica Bellucci and many others, please, keep eating up your stress!

The worst thing you can do, to yourself most of all, is feel guilty about it. We are given the body that we have from above and must be gratefull for what we have.

A Russian psichologist once did an interesting experiment with a chuby girl that was always complaining about her shape, saying that she liked absolutely nothing about her body and was always grumpy.

He placed a gypsum on every part of her body so that she can not move any longer, and then asked her again °which part of yourself do you hate the most right now? now that you can not use any of those any more, now that you lost your leg or arm or neck?°. It is when we loose something that we had been given °for free° is when when we actually start to really apreciate it. Saddly, this is the truth for all of us.

Returning to the vicious circle. Ironically, it is not the °stress° factor that needs to be eliminated in order to break the repetitive distructive and abusive behaviour. Obviously, that is because in any place or time stress is inevitably present in this world. It is absolutelly impossible to avoid stress in our lives. Even if you close yourself in a square room and never go out, °stress° will allways find you in the end, even if it has to intrude your space through a tiny ray of light. Its not easy, yet life chalenges us in order to make us stronger and to actually train us to become imune to more and more stress. So instead of acumulating the frustration and getting sick or building up cancer tumors in our budies, what we really need to do is focus on learning to release it as soon as it reaches us in any way.

Once we accept stess  as an inevitable part of our existance and understand that it simply needs to be managed just like our shower routine for example, that is a good time for discovering your personal way of managing it.

But, before you can proceed with doing that, you need to free yourself from that vicious circle, as it will eternally bring you further and further away from being happy in life.

Just as you can see in the picture, the chain makes great sence. You will instantly understand it because you are probably still living it in real life, and ohhhhh, how well can I understand you and feel you now, trust me!

Food abuse is just an instrument, it is your personal way of escaping the sad reality of things. Yet you know better then enybody else that it’s only an illusion, because just like any other type of a quick fix, it only is a very short term solution. That is why an outbreak happens over and over and over again, even several times a day. Isn’t it?

GUILT. This is the only thing that is not natural here.

Guilt is a self inflicted, distructive, vicious missproduct of your brain. Basically, as human beings, we are never born with this irrational feeling because we only have good intentions in the beginning. Guilt, as a feeling, gets installed in us as we learn about the so called °wrongs and rights° of this world, starting from what our parents teach us. Yet our parents, just like everybody else, are humans also, that have been taught by others, so….it’s really nobody’s fault, but you can probably understand it yourself: feeling guilty is a sadistic feeling.

Without getting too deep into philosophy, for some self proclaimed °moralists° might be getting at me for these words, what I sincerelly advice you to do is to stop feeling guilty for whatever you did, are doing now or even will do in the future.

You see, the logics of it is that the past can not be changed any more, and the future is unknown, so what’s the real point in feeling guilty about anything and punishing yourself psicholocically over and over again for something that is no longer there or is simply unpredictable?

Stop being a sadist to yourself! Let go of that useless parasitic thought called guilt, as it is only an awfull side effect of your own brain, and you will release a whole new world for yourself. Just try! You’ll bless the day I wrote these words, just have faith.

Once you don’t feel guilty about overdoing something, you will automatically stop obsessing about it. It will not be an object of your interest anymore: you’ll break the chain.