If I Was Skinnier, Would You Love Me More? by Nadejda Corcimar Alexei - HTML preview

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A very intelligent girl once said to me: °you know, depression is actually a sign of vitamin dipravation.°

Only now I know how absolutely right she was. In today’s world it is easy to become vitamin deprived, considering that the lack of time and the poor outdoor conditions do not offer the most organic food out there. No wonder we suffer from crumps at night, have skin rushes and severe acnee. It is not a cream or a tablet that is needed to resolve the problem. Actually, what we need is to return to the basics and simply make the best choices we can in regards to what we ingest. And we all know what would technically be a better choice: fried fries or boiled potatoes? Even though an occasional treat is always wonderfull, as your life must be wonderfull just like the great taste these foods can offer you as an adition to your joy.

The really important thing to underline here is not the stupid °healthy living° crap that so called nutritioninst are preaching; what I mean is that, for example when one is bullimic, when they purge, they lose a lot of vitamins that the digestive trackt eliminates whilst you ingest the food, Potassium being the primary one. That means that your body will be not only dihidrated and deprived of basic minerals after a purge, but because you loose so much potasium you will really feel like shit. You know what I’m talking about now, for sure.

When someone is ill for a very long time (there are so many people out there you won’t even believe it!!!!! because the illness is so invisible), that person becomes cronically depressed because the illness squizes the life out of you. The body will gradually weaken and the ugly side effect of this disastruous behaviour is making you become more and more depresed, litterally drieing you up like a lifeless flower.

You can observe so many cases of anorexia in our days. Whilst bulimia is making you feel miserable and isolated, as you will tend to hide from people so that you can continue you vicious cicle, anorexia is just the straight path to death.

I have been anorexic myself. And although I started getting ill through binge eating and bulimia, in time loosing almost a quarter of my weight (I was already skinny naturaly), my skelletic body entered a completelly new eating mode.

My ginecologist, who is also a good family friend, after not seeing me for about two years, when I came for a check up and told her that my perioud stopped a long time ago, was in shock when she saw me and being an extremelly wise woman, she simply said to me at the time °your body is in the state of comotosis °. Little I new about the damage I was doing to myself.

In time, I started to have such terrible heart pain that the only thing that I could think about was that I’m probably about to die really soon. In essence, as sad as it sounds, every anorexic knows that they are commiting suicide, but because they already taught their body to live of of eating extremelly small amounts of food once every other day, their brain stopped sending hunger signals to the stomac any more. For that reason, the brain and the body, as a consiquence, lose their motivation to exist. No fuel, no speed, no car.

Such a great amount of people died from this nonsence desiese. People say that an anorexic needs help, but they always talk about an institution, a psicologist, or they are stupid enough to really think that this is something that a nutritionist can help with!

Can anybody on this earth be further away from the truth?

I sometimes wonder, do the parents of anorexic children really think that this is an external problem? Come on!!!!

Look at your child! She/he is screaming for attention and love! Your child is slowly dieing in front of you; can you really be so blind not to understand it???? Or so selfish and self centered?

Most of the times anorexia hits young teenagers beetwen 14 and 24 years old. To me, that means one thing only: real lack of parental love and care.

Believe me, there is no child that becomes bulimic, anorexic, obese or excercise obsesed if both parents confirm to him every single day, in a way or another, that they deeply and sincerelly love her or him. Whether you like it or not, if your child is sick, your have some work to do on your parental skills and most of all, parental love.

As I mentioned above, the realisation of that fact doesn’t have to inplant guilt feelings in a parents head, that’ the wrong way to go, for sure. What really needs to be done in this case, is first of all to keep your mind clean of any resentment or mixed emotions, as those will distract you from helping your child getting out of the dark tunnell. A parent needs to concentrate all their inner power and love resources on to their child. No need for doctors, no need for dieting, no need for a psichologist, as all these things will make your kid even more frustrated and closed off inside. Simply give him constant love! Give him as much love as you can, give more than you can, make your child FEEL FILLED UP WITH LOVE, and she or he will never ever feel an emptiness inside that no amount of food will ever cover. Do you understand me?

Obesity will deprive your body of the necesarry vitamins as well, because you would have never gottten chubby if you were to be eating the right foods in the beginning, isn’t it ? But because you abused it with over suggary and greasy foods in large amounts, it is now simply a carrier of excess fat and weight, rather then a well functioning °machine°.

Yet obesity has the same motives and trigers behind it, just like any other food disorder, a huge emotional gap that is eternally asking to be °filled up° with something. And because this °something° is filled with food, when in reality what it is striving for is love, the abuse will repeate itself in search for real fullfilment.

But, once your break the cicle and find love, especially the love for your own self, you will never feel empty again, and therefore will not ever allow somebody or something to destroy you.

Extreme excersising is often regarded as something pretty normal, but when you work the hell out of yourself, killing your body in the gym or running for miles like a maniac, you know there’s got to be a better way.

Pain is never the solution.