If I Was Skinnier, Would You Love Me More? by Nadejda Corcimar Alexei - HTML preview

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Food is a drug, when you choose to use it as such.

Some people use alcohol, some smoke excesively – we use sugar, lots of it.

But there are always reasons why some people can eat an entire cake, and still be skinny as a needle, and others may eat a cookie and intantly gain five punds! The reason behind it is not worms or great methabolism, it really is about the way our psichic chooses to deal with stress.

Top and bottom line of it is that: skinny people see food as...just food...and if you ask them about it, it is really something they wouldn’t care less about. The only time they remember about it is when the hunger signals get trigered by their brain, usually for survival reasons, as skinny people would otherwise forget to even eat. That’s because they don’t think about it, they never do unless their body becomes really hungry.

So when they eat, even if it is very large amounts of food, to their brain (not the body, the brain!) it really is like a big load of sand on the back of a truck, which will eventually simply be needed to get unloaded as it creates weight and strain discomfort. They will go to the toilet once the food gets procesed and look like nothing ever even happened to them. And this has nothing to do with metabolism or whatever, it is to do with their brain structure.

Please take a look at the scheme below.




People need a “drug” in order to release stress. We are human, we need to make mistakes and let ourselves go just for the sakes of it from time to time. Even the greatest askets make intensional mistakes, even just to simply remind themselves of how great it actually is to persue an ordinary, balanced life.

The question remains in the type of drug that we choose. That has a lot to do with our outbringing, the way our mothers raised us and the cultural environment.

The tool that we chose to use in order to deal with depresion always lies in our past experiences + basic phisical reactions. Please see the scheme above as it reflets things very clearly.

As you can see, us, sugar adicts, we are on the left hand side of the barier, the “blue sector”. Let me tell you why. Simply because, people that are impulsive and agresive by nature, they tend to exteriorize their feelings, and by that I mean scream and shout on others when they are unhappy, releasing their anger onto the world. Now that might not be nice on others and uneducated in general, but, boy! Does make a greart world of good to them, and to their psichic!

The problem with us, food addicts, is that we tend to hide our emotions deep inside us, close ourselves off, and that “layer” of negativity starts to acumulate inside us, and is seen and reprezented then in the layers of fat on the body.

Impulsive and energetic people through things around in anger, hit somebody or become isterical. Us – never! We would keep a strong face, stay though the storm....but then.........well, we eat the stress out, and it makes us so miserable.

The damages after an outrage are great, but the damages after those are drown deep inside pain are as disastruous. In both cases it is just our psichic trying to release the stress.

Our brain gets afected by stress in diferent sectors as well, and it indeed affects the part of it that trigers the hunger instinct. That is mainly why we want and want and want to eat without even feeling like we are “full” like we used to when we were children. This is because when we were little we weren’t able to asses stess as we comprehend it now. Not that it didn’t exist in out lives, it always does. It is just that we wouldn’t have the capacity to dramatise it to the extent that we can do now by having the capacity to understand the real situation. Sometimes I wish we could keep the child’s indiference and freedom, but this will never be posible, so the best thing to do is to at least understand why certain paterns are created in our lives.

To all those people that are now obese, I shall tell you from my own extensive experience, do not ever envy skinny people (I mean the naturally skinny ones, not those who pretend to be skinny by being bulimic or duing drugs in reality like most tabloid stars are). Skinny people suffer in many other ways, mainly with having to deal with the broken peaces of their loud mouth and agresive behaviour.

Have you ever noticed that the most successful and key feaguers in politics or just great people on this planet are always a bit chuby: Michelle Obama, Angela Merkel, Oprah Winfrey, etc.?

The main reason behing it is that these people can not affort to through a tantrum publicly, they have the responsibility for being role models so they have to watch what they say or do. That type of restrictive psichological manner does lead them to ocasionally eating up their stress. They too are human and want treats in life, so food would be the easisest and most publicly accestable guilty pleasure.

In attempt to be perfectly behaved and trying to keep everybody happy makes us do things that will eventually work in our own detriment. I would always say to people that if you DO NOT WANT TO DO SOMETHING, you don’t have to do it just because it’s your mother, it is very important for the exam, it is quintesential for your career or so on. Nothing, nothing will be working in your favor, no matter how important it may seem at the time, if you are doing it against your own will!!!

This is probably the most important lesson that us, food addicts, need to understand: we don’t have to always be nice and accepted. Sometimes its ok to say NO!.

Once you allow yourself to say no, a large stoun is shifted from your back. A natural selection will sart working in your life immediately and you will automatically learn to prioritise the things that you REALLY want to do, and the people that you really want to deal with. You will then eliminate the blood suckers from your life, which will give you time and energy to start seeing what is it that really makes YOU happy, and not somebody else.

Gaining excesive weight, eating continuously and constantly feeling hungry is a sign that stress has been by your side for such a long time that it started to affect your brain, and the longer the time that you have been ignoring the clear signs of fatigue and psichological distress, the harder it will be for you to get out of it. Not because you will have a round and heavy body, as shifting the phisical fat can be a question of sports, dieting or surgery. It is the “mental fat” that will be hard to shift. This is the main reason why most people that were big, and then lost weight, gained it back at some point in their lives.

That means that the lesson hasn’t been learned. You can eliminate the phisical aspect of your problem, but can you realy eliminate the psichological aspect of it? This has been a very vivid dilema with the bulimics. They thought they were so “smart” by finding an “easy” way out for not putting on weight, but, bulimia is a repetitive pattern because you can not full your own brain.

But you can resolve the issues that are trigerring this patters inside you. As long as you will allow external issues or bad people to affect you pshicological ballance, you will never achieve emotional stability nor a normal weight. And the only way to do it is by asking yourself “Do I really want these people in my life? Do I really want to do this?”. And the minute that you allow yourself to refuse entry to the things that are being parasites to your life and health, you will gradually start regaining your normal and natural weight, and you psichological power.

Another stupid thing that we tend to do is to try and loose the weight quickly. So we try dieting, and because we don’t see the results arriving fast, we quickly get discuoraged and bounce back to our old eating paterns. This is not the way to go!

First of all, you need to start with your head, not your body. Work on your life first, then the body will follow! Clean your life out of “junk people and things” and your poor body will not have the need anymore to show you clear signs of fatigue and distress all the time through the spectrum of those layers of fat.

How else do you expect your body to talk to its owner directly? It can’t do it otherwise, but by showing you signs, its own, phisical signs. If the body is laying fat on you, imediatelly ask yourself :why am I out of balance? What is it that I desperately need to change inside of my life in order to return to my own true self? We always know the answer, even if we often tend to deny it to ourselves.

Identify the parasitic person or environment that is distroying your health, mental and phisical, and say to it: stop!

And when you will reach that level of mental balance that will turn your body into nomalizing, please, just please, don’t push it into making miracles. Understand, it took your years to get to the size that you are right now, so how can you espect for your body to shift it all in a few weeks. Now that might happen if you completelly deprive it of everyhting, but listen: if you really came to the realization of what is it that you need from life and found the inner balance, you will never do something like that to yourself. You have been pleasing others and executing other people’s needs for such a long time that now is probably the time to use that ”time” for yourself. Take it easy, and gradually the weight will eat itself off.

Allow your body the necessary time to get used to the new “head”, to find its way though the new atitudes that you are undertaking for yourself, and I guarantee that your body will reward you in every possible way out there.

Be realistic about you normal body weight, ignore the false beauty stereotipes in the magazines that are not real and photoshoped and stay focused on what is really making you feel good and comfortable internally.

When you reach that point of stability, you will see your body shrinking as the days go by.

Still, you will remain a human being with its guilty pleasures and a long time memory of your “stressfull” past. So in order not to radically transform your body and living routine, as this will also be tough on you, and you certainly not want that as part of your “loving yourself” life, allow yourself to have a sweetie pleasure every now and then. It will put a wide smile on your face, just like it does for the greatest askets that do something wrog just to remind themselves how great it is to keep a happy balanced life.