If I Was Skinnier, Would You Love Me More? by Nadejda Corcimar Alexei - HTML preview

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The hard part


If you are doing something harmfull to yourself, either through overeating, straving yourself or inflicting grueling excersise upon your body – your are hating yourself, and you know it.

Somebody who honestly loves and acceptes themselves as they are, will never ever do something harmfull to their body conciosly or unconciously.

For me, this was the hardest part to accept and understand.

Too many times or religion teaches us that we are sinfull creatures, that we do bad things for which we will get punished sooner or later. Hey, that’s all a crock of shit invented by the church in order to keep the mases controled. When one feels guilty of something, he thinks of himself as an unworthy person, and that makes him weak. When a person is weak, it is easy to control him. An entire institution has been built on this hipnotic manipulations. Don’t fall into the trap. Follow your own instincts. God is our Father, a loving father would never ever °punish° his child! A loving Father will only show the way, that’s all.

If you tend to see life’s struggles as punisment and not lessons, as those really are, then you are writing your own future - in hell. We are born to learn, lean to create, just like the Father, not to distroy, ourselves included.

If you really understand the esence of spirituality, one that really defines you as a person, then you can always feel that all is love…and love is all.

You see, the main reason for food abuse is us trying to forget, at least for that moment of eating pleasure, about our pains and frustrations. Food is an emotional escape.

Too many people are using this to make money. Big money are made on human weaknesses, like food, alcohol, drugs, casinos… Don’t let them do that, not to you.




Tyra Banks said it, and who else better then her knows all about it. She also said °In a way, me chosing not to starve myself is what turned me into a supermodel and later, a businesswoman°. Years of starving herself as a profesional supermodel obviosly gave her so much grief and pain that eventualy, through that pain she only became stronger, strong enough to understand that once you release something that is bringing you down you can finaly realise that the world is yours!

You are certainly not alone in this world. Many, many, many of us are doing the same mistake, because these food and drug magnates keep promoting their crap everywhere so that it is implemented in our brains constantly.

Even if one wants to stop using food as a drug, he can not!!!! There are so many reminders out there that you can’t even forget about it for a second.

But we can’t stop it, because it’s an external thing that is stronger then us. But what you can do, is change your own outlook on things. The only way to notice, but not realy °see° those reminders is to change the way you manage your stress.

Theres got to be a better way of releasing your anger.

Reasearch has proved that the reason why people fall into drugs or whatever is because they have had some sort of trauma when they were children, usualy from their parents that were abusing them phisically or even sexually.

Oprah Winfrey for example admited to being sexualy abused when she was a kid, in her famous show, and since then, as you have probably noticed, during the years she has been conducting it, she went from large to skinny and then back to super large again. Even a mogul like her would continue using food as a stress release, even though she could aford the best dieticians and personal trainers. That is because nobody can help us to escape from our own selves.

The mind will always try to look for a way of releasing negativity, and it will do it through you inflicting whatever drug you prefer more on yourself. And then you fall into to the old same vicious circle.




No matter how you chose to abuse your body in order to get rid of the paintfull acummulation of negative feelings and emotions, these are the easy steps out:

1. Identify the bastard thoughts that are bothering you.

Dr. D. Montagu once said: °You will get stomac ulcer not from the food that you are eating, but from whom is eating you!°

My insecurity was profoundly linked to the fact that my father abandoned us when I was very young, and the very few times that I actually saw him during my teenagehood he would always tell me that I was a failier in life for whatever reason… In esence that was the profound main reason for all my insecurities in life.

Find your true negative thoughts; identify the roots of those and cut the °blood sucker’s head°. You will be free!

2. Stop the vicious cicle.

Eliminate the guilt. It’s not you. It’s those people’s problems and frustrations that they are portraing on you. If somobody is being a jackarse, that’s because he has some problem with his own self, not you! Never make the error of convincing yourself that it is your fault, as you will fall again into the vicious cicle.

Just understand once and for all: IT’S NOT YOU!!!!!!!

3. Do as you will!

The greatest and the wisest philosophy on Earth is based on that simple sentence. God wants us to love others as we love ourselves. But.. do we really love ourselves????? How can we then expect to be able to love others? Or in that same case…them to be capable of loving us? You see?

So, when you do something that you really want and feel, you are then being absolutelly honest with yourself and with others, and that is the essence of love.

As oposed to it, when you hide and eat like a snake in your solitude, that can’t be honesty and love, not towards yourself, not towards others.

So never ever feel guilty about eating as much as you want and whatever you want in front of others, as quantity and quality is perceived differently by each individual anyway. What seems a lot to you, to somebody else might seem just right. What seems fat to you, to another human being might look like perfection.

Don’t get caught in the this world’s optical illusions. Things are too subjective to be taken seriously.

The only thing that really needs to be taken seriously is your personal well being.

4. Don’t make one step forward and two steps back.

This is especially reguarding the bulimics. Once you make the decison to do what you really want, don’t go and purge or excersise like crazy or whatever. Just let things be. If you really want to stop an illness, you will not be able to do it by going from A to B and then back to A, without ever reaching point C.

In this case acceptance is the key. Just accept that you have your little wearkness. Accept that your are a human being who is naturally drawn to looking for pleasure and that occasionally makes mistakes. We all make mistakes.

It’s how we manage them that makes us different in life. And by that I mean chosing to be -losers, or winners.

Chose to be a winner.

5. BMI (body mass index) = FGI (feel good index)

The whole body mass index, like many other statistics, is a bunch of crap. Don’t take notice of that theoretical and mathematical calculations, ther’s no truth in them.

In essence, there is no way one could calculate your ideal body mass index, that’s simply because big boned people would allways turn out as fat on that calculation , and the naturally really skinny ones that eat like horses and have a monstruous metabolism would be considered anorexic. It’s just so stupid. It’s unbelivable that those °scientists°, that are such smart people, do not understand such an obvious thing. Or at least don’t stop promoting that nonesence ecuasion.

Ignore the BMI preconceptions.

Consider the what I would call the FGI, or the Feel Great Index, in other words the body weight at which you feel great.

The body weight which really is ideal for you. The body weight that alowes you to wake up in the morning, strech your arms, the vertebral colum and feel so great and content that even the birds outside are simingly singing lowder, just for you. The just enough body fat around your belly that would make you feel just fabulous when you see those curves in the mirror and go :°God, that icecream was exactly what I needed yesterday!°.

Enjoy your life at it’s fullest. Be gratefull for what you were given, and you will be given even more, because you learned to really apreciate it.