It's a Skin Thing by Hanna Sillitoe - HTML preview

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Roast Beet & Butternut Squash Summer Salad

For the salad;

3 x Raw Beetroots

Half a butternut squash

50g Somerset Goats Cheese

Half a cucumber

2 x Red Apples

Plenty of lettuce & mixed leaves

Oregano & Rosemary

Sea Salt


For the dressing;

Extra Virgin Olive oil

Half a lime

A Squeeze of Manuka honey

Balasmic Vinegar

Teaspoon of dried Oregano


I absolutely love this bright, tasty and colourful, little summer salad. The delicious warming flavours of roast beetroot & squash are perfectly complimented by creamy Somerset Goats cheese and a sweet oregano & manuka honey dressing.


Peel and chop the raw beetroot into large chunks. Chuck into a roasting tin, drizzle over a little extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt & rosemary. Place in a pre-heated oven at 180oC for 30 minutes. Meanwhile peel and chop the squash into similar size chunks and add to the roasting tin (squash needs less time to soften). Shake the tin to ensure the veg is nicely coated in oil & seasoning and roast for a further 30 minutes. Remove from the oven & allow to cool a little.

Chop the apples and cucumber into chunks and add to a salad bowl with plenty of lettuce and mixed leaves. Pour over the oregano dressing and shake to ensure the salad is evenly coated. Finally, add the cooled beets & squash and last but not least small pieces of Somerset goats cheese.