Miracles in Water: Healing Journeys with Kaqun by Dr. Robert Lyons - HTML preview

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Chapter 3 - Oxygen into Water

You may imagine that to be just bubbly water

that sparkles and makes you burp.

If you put high-pressure oxygen into a bottle

and close it down very quickly, the oxygen will

not come out. But as soon as you open it, you

will have this hissing sound, and you don't have

any more oxygen in the water, or at least in 20

minutes, it's completely empty.

So that's not a very efficient way to bring oxygen to the cells.

The different methods of getting oxygen to the cells are pressure, magnetic field, virtualiza-tion process, or pump on high pressure. You can put oxygen into the water; it depends on how quickly you close the bottle to store the oxygen in the liquid.

Kangen or alkaline water mainly works on pH Y; some oxygen saturation is higher than normal water. But we need to get something much higher than that to motivate our cells to accept this oxygen. So it would be best if you had pressure.

What do people say about getting oxygen into water

First, they don't believe it. The first test was the fish test. Because if the fish are happy in the water, you have a good chance of not hurting anybody. So the first time Dr. Lyons took the water to the official place, they used the fish tank.


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They filled it up with this water and dropped the fish. And then, a couple of days later, he was called to the experiment site. It was daytime, and he noticed a black tar paper on the fish tank. Dr. Lyons thought the experiment was a failure and the fish must have died.

But surprisingly, it was just the opposite. When the tar paper was taken off, he saw the fish just standing still in the water like they were sleeping. But soon as the lights hit them, they started to go, slowly at first, and then they started to go very fast.

The officials said that they had never seen fish behave like this before. They were so happy and so powerful. They ate twice as much food as usual because they had more energy. And if you don't put the black tar on them, they will go all day long.

So the mitochondria were functioning, bringing energy to the cell to revive.

Dennis Yu, the CEO, and co-founder of Blitzmetrics, remembers the first time he drank Kaqun water. He was late for his flight. The flight was in 30 minutes. So when he got dropped off, he ran to the furthest gate and made it. And he'd never run that far in the last ten years.

Usually, he's out of breath after running

for 10 seconds. But he was not out of

breath even after running to the furthest

gate for two minutes. Finally, he realized

it was because of the water with the



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Kaqun Technology

In the case of Kaqun water, oxygen is not coming from an external source. Changing the

oxygen-hydrogen relationship with each other results in 8-10 times higher oxygen partial pressure. This water has much less hydrogen than oxygen. Part of the hydrogen is taken out in such a way that it is still water.

It's mineralizing the oxygen molecules from O2 to O4, O8, and down to O128.

And it stays stable even if you heat it or freeze it. Every time you heat it, the oxygen goes out of it. Not entirely, but some percentage comes out of it, but as soon as you freeze it and melt it again, it returns to the same state.

If you don't open the Kaqun bottle, it stays for 12 months; if you open it, you have three days.

The oxygen stays the same even when argon gas is put in it for nine minutes. However, if you do the same with regular water, it immediately takes the oxygen out.

This water has no chemicals, coloring, metals, or anything else; it's pure. It has lots of oxygen bound in a different way than normal.

If you think about it, the oxygen is higher because of less hydrogen. But, on the other hand, your cells are full of hydrogen, and when you drink the water, it's like borrowing hydrogen back. The hydrogen immediately turns back into normal O2. So, the body can absolutely use it.

Video: Breathing Isn't The Only Way To Get Oxygen To The Body


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