Miracles in Water: Healing Journeys with Kaqun by Dr. Robert Lyons - HTML preview

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Chapter 4 - Hypoxia

When people think about hypoxia, they think of mountain climbers at high altitudes. But how is hypoxia relevant in everything we do?

If you don't have the energy for your cells, mitochondria are not working right; you have a dysfunctional mitochondrion. So that's dysfunctional or powerless cells.

So more powerless one's cell is, the harder

it is for the cell to eliminate toxins or

restart new life. And that's a major problem.

And the other problem is we don't

experience or feel it immediately as we do

when we hold our breath.

But your cells will not tell you that they need oxygen; they're just starving.

In what situations is hypoxia involved

You may be yawning, but don't know why you feel tired. Your elbow, knees, hips, back, and neck start to hurt, and you think that's because of some nerve issue. But that's all because of inflammation, which is driven by hypoxia. So again, if you have a digestive problem and always feel bloated, that always leads to inflammation. And anything that drives inflammation is hypoxic. You can put some cream on it. You can take some medication for it, but the hypoxia will not disappear. As soon as you stop the medication, the pain and redness return.



Almost everyone in the age group of 40-45 years has some hypoxic issues. Till 30 or 32, they are generally okay. But after that, hypoxia starts to kick in if you are not active and not watching your body, especially the mouth and the teeth, which control the digestive system.

The second part is tissue hypoxia. It's very common to see a lack of energy. You have difficulty even lifting your arm; instead of jumping up and turning a switch off, you try to kick it off. That could be because of chronic inflammation, which could cause pain. Finally, there could be cellular hypoxia.

When the oxygen does not get to the cell, there is little sign until the trouble begins. And also, there's mitochondria dysfunction. If your mitochondria are not exchanging CO2 with O2, the energies are much more depleted, and then changes called epigenetic changes happen.

It changes your genes and hence your activities—nothing happens in your body without your genes. So to have one health change, you need to have three or four genes opening and closing, whether good or bad.

And when you start to drink this liquid, 300 to 600 genes change immediately.

When oxygen arrives and goes through the seven layers of the cell, there’s mitochondria producing CO2 . They hit each other thereby producing energy.So that’s what this water does. It can change hypoxia to normoxia.


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Hypoxia and aging

Science shows us that if a baby is measured

through the skin and the oxygen partial

pressure is 96 or 97 mercury millimeters high,

the baby's skin is beautiful, flexible, and full

of life. But when you see a hundred-year-old

man, who has much less oxygen to the cells, you see them with dehydrated skin and very off of energy. So the oxygen partial pressure drops to 60 mercury millimeters for older people.

When you're born, everything is perfect. Every cell wants to perform. So, every cell needs energy for that, needs lots of oxygen.

So the only difference between a newborn baby and an elderly person is the mercury millimeter reading. So if somehow we can raise it from 60 to 70 or 72 mercury millimeters or even 80 mercury millimeters, there's your antiaging solution.

Your skin, indeed, shows your age. So by measuring the skin, it's possible to tell one's age. So if this measurement can be pushed back somehow, then you will see in 14 days you get really ten years or even 15 years younger.

The old-time Chinese people had these special herbs. They soaked in these after they went to war and were bruised. So they stayed there, and the blood circulated to bring more oxygen. And that's the way they recovered much faster than the others.



A 103 old man with severe hypoxia - a lot of wrinkles, dry skin, very low oxygen partial pressure of 50 mercury millimeters - usually doesn't get enough oxygen to the cell.

On the other hand, a baby is different because it is young, very flexible, has smooth skin, and has 97% oxygen saturation there. And there is a 96 mercury millimeter, high oxygen partial pressure.

So, when oxygen declines, you can feel it; your energy loss and cognitive functions slow down. You cannot get everything done on time when they want it. It affects reproductive organs and tissue repair; you don't heal quickly. The immune system is affected. You have inflammation, attacked by bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. If you have the right amount of oxygen and tissue, this cannot happen. And the chronic disease is hypoxia.

Dr. Robert Lyons discovered this as a physiologist 18 years ago. He went to China to learn Kung Fu. He learned that Kung Fu is just one part. One hand is healing, and the other is hurting. So naturally, when you are young, you are more interested in the hurting side of Kung Fu.

But then, if your master is good, he will tell you that martial art is not just fighting. It's a way of life. He had learned from the original source in the Shaolin Temple, and they showed him the healing part of Kung Fu.

And that's when he started getting into Chinese medicine, which has five elements, and one of the elements is water.


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He learned Chinese medicine for eight years and was a Chinese medicine doctor for a long time. So he had a chance to work with some of the best ones. He then got his Ph.D. on the hypoxia issue and became a scientist.

And now he's doing presentations all around the world. He also became a board-certified natural medicine doctor.

Hypoxia research and some of the advances

In August 2017, two Belgium professors came out with a very interesting 36-page study published in the prestigious medical journal, Nature.

Three thousand tumor cells were taken out of a patient, and they measured them with two probes to determine how much hypoxia was in them. They found two things; every type of tumor, no matter what, started with hypoxia.

And because of that, the patient didn't have a strong enough cellular immune system.

So that's why it's vital to see the hypoxia level, which can be measured. It's called HIF 1 alpha or hypoxia dose factors. And we measure the cel ular immune system.

That's what we see. When you see the mitochondria and the cellular immune system functioning, that person will live a long, healthy life. If not, either one of them or both, usually both, then trouble begins.

VIDEO: The Impact of hypoxia cell


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Chapter 5 - Partial Pressure of Oxygen - A Measure of Youth and Longevity

Dr. Lyons is 67 years old but has a partial

pressure of oxygen of 82 mercury millimeters.

That is usually the measurement of healthy

people in the age group of 40 - 45 years old!

By night-time, the measure drops. But he

always rejuvenates himself by drinking Kaqun water, breaking down the blood viscosity so that the blood flows much easier. It's very good for your heart muscle.

When you are young and your oxygen partial pressure in your liver tissue, for example, is 60

mercury millimeters high, you need to have something higher than that to bring oxygen there. So that's why you cannot breathe and do exercise and bring extra oxygen to your liver.

It would be best if you had a partial pressure differential. Suppose you don't have that it's a problem. Let's say there's a patient with a long-term disease who is hypoxic. Nothing will happen if he breathes or even puts on an oxygen mask. That organ is still going to be hypoxic. So we need to bring oxygen to the specific cells.

Dr. Lyons has found a way to do that: to store oxygen in the water. Then, if you drink or soak inside of it, you can elevate your oxygen partial pressure.



It's exciting because people suffer from viral infections and have low oxygen, especially nowadays. So, when they drink the water, the pulse oximeter, which is at a low of around 82%, goes up to 92, 95, and 96. And, of course, it goes down again. So then you have to drink the water again.

Effect of a low partial oxygen pressure

As you get older, the partial oxygen pressure will lower. And as it gets lower and lower, diseases can settle in - chronic diseases, inflammation, and more pain factor. So, if you can bring back your oxygen partial pressure from 60 to just 70 or 72, that's very good. You went back on your life cycle by 12 years. So that means your organ's working better. You sleep better and digest better. Everything is heading towards Apoptosis, in balance.

There is a direct correlation between having a higher partial pressure and your cells being able to heal, your immune system being stronger, and your energy level being higher.

When your mitochondria are functioning, it's producing energy the right way. This energy could be used for many things, not just healing, but better running, reading, understanding, and so on.

But, the mitochondria can produce energy the wrong way too. If you don't have enough oxygen, it will try to get it from another source, such as sugar. And the energy from fermented sugar is not the same. It would be the equivalence of two ATP instead of 36 ATP.

So this is a huge difference.


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You could ask why not get energy by drinking coffee or other energy drinks like Red Bull.

Unfortunately, when you consume many of these, they all have a downside and adverse side effects. Nothing will energize your mitochondria or internal source when you drink coffee or red bull. It will not clean your cells or detoxify them. Only one substance can do that, and that's clean water. That's the only one.

The Fenton Reaction

Is having too much oxygen potentially dangerous, like oxidative stress or rust?

There is a chemical reaction in the body called the Fenton reaction. That reaction helps cells to line up for Apoptosis - a normal cell death.

The cell can die in two ways:

• Apoptosis - normal cell death.

• Necrosis - where you have inflammation.

We want to be on the first part,

and Fenton reaction helps that.

VIDEO: Replace Your Hypoxia With Normoxia


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Chapter 6 - Water and Oxygen for Peak Performance.

When you put out a lot of muscle work,

lactic acid accumulates. That lactic acid

prevents you from running faster.

Therefore, you must slow down; otherwise,

you will damage the muscle tissue. But, if

you bring oxygen to those tissues, you will

soon not have much lactic acid accumulation.

And that's the future because it's not a drug, but if you want higher performance, you better have less lactic acid.

So as an athlete, having more oxygen can increase your aerobic threshold, endurance running, and weight lifting.

The liquid is 70% of your cells and your body. So if we bring in water suitable for all your liquids, know all the distribution of that liquid, know the exchange of that liquid, it's just logical to drink the water. And if you have a chance to soak in there, so you can eliminate toxins through the skin and bring oxygen, then there is no lactic acid accumulation.

We tested this liquid during French Olympics. The committee tested it, and it is legal. It's not doping, as there are no chemicals or injections, just water.



Even bruises - say somebody hit you or you fall. So now they have to take medication to dissolve that bruise. But what if you make your blood thinner by drinking the water and soaking it in the water? You can bring oxygen to that damaged tissue, and suddenly, in four or five days, you completely recover.

For instance, a 42 years old lady, a long-distance runner who runs 284 kilometers per competition - a massive task for a human body was a world champion. She ran for 29 hours and 30 minutes. She came to us and said she would like to have some water and give the results.

She was from the University of Sports. The results were outstanding because it was 29

hours and 30 minutes of running at full speed.

Then after three weeks of that water, she ran the same distance in 27 hours and 30 minutes.

Two hours faster. Only the last 80 kilometers were hard on her.

Once somebody understands the importance of hypoxia and the relation between hypoxia and lactic acid accumulation, they start to use it regularly - they drink two liters a day, about five times, six times a day.

And before a competition, they use it a bit more.

Dana White, the president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, a global mixed martial arts organization, was taking baths and drinking the water.

A lot of people come and enjoy this antiaging process. What's nice about this is it's a non-aggressive, non-invasive therapy. So everybody can benefit from it.


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If stressed, I recommend you take a bath because that's the best. Then, you relax for 50

minutes, you recharge your battery, and your hypoxia becomes normoxia. After that, your homeostasis kicks in, your energy level is up, and you can use it for anything you want.

Busy entrepreneurs or 40-year-old moms, when they take a bath or drink the water, there are two outcomes after getting out of the tub. First, you can get tired, which means your body is full of toxins. No matter what you tell me, how you feel and what you eat, if you get tired, that's what's happening. Later on, this changes into an energy bomb. You get more energized and powerful every time you drink it because you're just recharging your mitochondrial batteries.

So you're feeling tired because your system is healing itself, but you also get energy simulta-neously. So it's a counterbalance.

The word homeostasis implies getting into balance yourself. That's an ancient medicine, 4,000 years of Chinese medicine to bring everything in balance.

Chinese medicine also says where there is disease, there is no place for health. And, where there is health, there is no place for disease. So, when you are healthy, strong, and have good circulation and a sound digestive system, that's what you can expect.

VIDEO: How Does Kaqun Works


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Chapter 7 - How Does Kaqun Wellness Center Help

Most patients go to the Kaqun

Wellness Center with some

chronic illness. But it is made

clear to them that this is not a

medical treatment because this

is water. So they replace hypoxia

with normoxia. This makes this

therapy so successful because

there is no side effect, no pain,

no poking, and no blood drawn. But they get the results.

Cancer is a hypoxic disease. So, first, the patient needs to accept that fact. Then maybe they should start drinking the water and even soak in the water. So, you oxygenate your cells.

Of course, you have to go for chemotherapy, radiation therapy, go to the doctor, or go to an oncologist to treat your cancer. But for treating hypoxia, you should go to the Center because they can help you with your hypoxic issue.

The more advanced the stage is, the more hypoxic they are. So by bringing down hypoxia levels, they can have a quality life, more extended living, and a better understanding.


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Not only does this water reduce hypoxic levels, but it also helps make one look younger. Try this before trying it on yourself:

• Put some leaves in water and keep them in the fridge. After two to three days, the leaves get wrinkled and yellowish.

• Do the same with Kaqun water. Even after four or five days, it's still just like new.

The plant contains the cleanest water. So fruits and vegetables are recommended. Of course, you can eat meat at the right time and cooked the right way - not fried meat or chicken, because it is full of carbs and causes more harm than good. And even if you cannot avoid such food, say at your workplace, start drinking water regularly, and your cells will have a chance to eliminate toxins. So you will have better digestion and better elimination.

Lots of things change just by drinking water. For example, 50% of all the diseases in the world that we know today can be prevented by just drinking three liters of water a day.


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Lots of things change just by drinking water. For example, 50% of all the diseases in the world that we know today can be prevented by just drinking three liters of water a day.

It's a very toxic environment out there. You breathe or consume aluminum, lead, food coloring, and pesticides. And then no liquid. Some people drink maybe one cup of water, three liters of beer, one bottle of wine, and five cups of coffee. And that's it. But there's no liquid, no water in it. So how can you expect to live longer and better? How can you look young if you don't clean your cells?

It's like washing your clothes with Coca-Cola or juice and expecting them to be white. But if you use water, clean water with a small soap, it'll be spotless no matter what dirt you have Soap and water are like water and oxygen for the body, and that's it to clean it.

How long does it take to get the effects of this water?

It will first affect the skin, say of your hand, within 30 seconds of dipping your hand in the water.

Just be regular with it. Drink it because you need to drink water anyway. But think of this water as delivering oxygen to the cells.

VIDEO: They Made Me Test This


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Chapter 8 - The Difference between Drinking Water versus Taking a Bath

There is a vast difference. Drinking the water is

only three deciliters, half a litter per session. If you're taking a bath, it's 260 litter, and you have a much bigger surface area.

If you are having pain – inflammatory, arthritic,

and so on, while drinking the water will take four

or five days before getting relief from the pain,

a 50-minute chest session in the water, and the

pain starts diminishing immediately.

How do drinking the water and taking the bath work together

Drinking the water eliminates toxins from the gut and the organs. Taking a bath eliminates toxins through the skin into my organs, which is the most important part. The tub is much more aggressive than just drinking the water.

That's why this is the first big step toward homeostasis.


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Chapter 9 - Clinical studies and research

One of the most significant was a human trial study on the immune parameters. And the findings were that natural killer cells are growing. And this is very important because the natural killer cells are the ones and the T cells are the ones activated in several immune systems. And that is the most important finding of cellular hypoxia or cellular inflammation or bacteria or virus.

The medical literature says the natural killer cell has two functions: to find virally infected cells and tumor cells and to kill those cells.

Nowadays, there's a lot of talk about viruses. But unfortunately, there's no antibiotic to kill the virus. It's a huge mistake. If somebody gets a viral infection, there is only one way to treat it. The cellular immune system should be working, namely your natural killer, your B

cells, T cells, that's it.

If this is damaged, it's a big wide door, and the viral infection will affect the whole system, the whole body.

The Kaqun water actually serves as a

light Chemo therapy. During a test on

a 15-year old boy with liver cancer it

was concluded that while the water is

s toxic on tumor cells, it is not on normal

cells. Thus it can be used to kill the

cancerous cells as well as increase the

partial pressure of normal cells.


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What about oxygen and COVID

A virus is a whether COVID-19, maybe COVID 20, COVID-21, etc. If you have a healthy lifestyle, your immune system should handle that. The best help is to motivate your killer cells, your T cells, because that gives you a long-term solution.

There are about 10 trillion viruses in anyone's gut right now.

And one of them seems to be the most aggressive, and we have already heard a lot about it.

So now you're going to try to kill that one. But there are so many. So there's only one way. If your immune system is ready and when the virus dies, there has to be an elimination from the cells to get back to normal life again.

So there is no point in dealing with one virus (or bacteria or fungus) after another because then, all day long, we have to just count for the rest of our lives.

So, we need to get the immune system right to protect ourselves.

So one of the key factors to being healthier, having a stronger immune system, and being younger is getting oxygen into your body.

If your natural killer works well, then your toxic index is fine. That means your vitamin C is high, the underlying H I F Alpha one, and your hypoxia factor is low. So, you have a healthy life. If any of this changes, it's a big problem.

VIDEO: I Published a Study In 2009, No One Listened Until 2018


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Chapter 10 - Kaqun: A Secret to Healthier Life Style

Aniko Brown is the daughter of Dr. Robert Lyons.

She has been helping many people from all walks

of life at Kaqun. She shares some interesting facts about Kaqun and wellness.

When different people come to the Kaqun Wellness

Center in Las Vegas, they undergo a quick check-up

to assess their condition and figure out the help

they will need.

She uses a device (Transcutaneous Oximetry) that measures the oxygen partial pressure in tissue. Pulse-ox measures the saturation of oxygen in the blood. So, somebody with a chronic illness could be measured at 95 to 98 to even hundred.

This machine's unique because it's actually age dependent. As one gets older, it goes down naturally. However, even if it drops below the desired level for your age, it doesn't mean you're sick. It could be because of not drinking enough regular water, not sleeping enough, or simply stress.

It's interesting to note that the levels for youths in their twenties are lower than those in their forties or fifties. That's because the latter are more relaxed.



On the other hand, Orneco has noticed that the younger community is more intense and stressed.

Somebody in their late thirties, forties, fifties, or sixties are calmer and less stressed out, and their numbers are higher. So if you start eating healthy and being preventative, it will help you in the long run when you get older.

A few years back, Orneco had an old lady come into the Wellness Center from Mexico. Her hand was damaged entirely from a horrible car accident. She couldn't bend it. Her biggest problem was that she was hypoxic.

Aniko told her to start drinking regular water. By the 14th day, she was able to squeeze her hand. She measured her hand, and it was not hypoxic anymore. She was able to grab onto things.

If somebody is doing chemo, the water in the bath turns green, and then it gets dark around their tub. That's all the toxins pulled out of the body! So if the color is light, that's healthy.

However, it's better to start the treatment then. It's never too soon. It's never too late.


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Chapter 11 - Brian Brown: How Kaqun Helped Us

Brian Brown, an electrical engineer, is Aniko Brown's husband. He and his wife

both work for Kaqun.

Kaqun has been huge for both of them. It

helped Brian's wife with her cancer of the

pancreas. For Brian, drinking the water

wasn't a big deal until he absolutely

needed it.

About two years ago, he was diagnosed with stomach migraines. The doctor prescribed him some medication, but it didn't work.

He came to know that his microbiome was messed up. So, Dr. Lyons, his father-in-law, prescribed him Kaqun drops for three to six months every morning and night with the Kaqun water.

Within a month, he noticed the difference. His whole digestive system changed. He started feeling better. He didn't have stomach pain as much, and within six months, he was completely rid of the stomach pain!

Now, through Kaqun, Brian and Orneco are helping people.


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They brought Kaqun to the States. They had one distributor when they started, and now they've just blown up.

Kaqun is powerful, and it has probiotics. Kaqun drops have 64 active probiotics that nothing else has. You can take 5-15 drops twice a day depending on how much probioteics is required to rectify the microbiome.

He says, "I don't know much about the scientific proportions, of being a doctor or anything like that, but I think it could help you as it helped us."

VIDEO: Unleash Your Body's Natural Healing with Kaqun


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Chapter 12 - Bryant Gavin Recovers from Hypoxia

Bryant Gavin is a legend in digital marketing. But he is going through serious health issues. Even

legends are human. He has Pseudotumor severity

- a massive spinal fluid buildup in the brain for

which he had to undergo multiple surgeries.

Dennis Yu– Host Of Coach Yu Show, recommended

him to visit Kaqun Wellness Center in Las Vegas

when he was actually at the last straw, willing to

do anything because doctors had no idea how to fix what he had.

He took the oxygenated water from Kaqun, which allowed his body to heal when doctors had no clue how to do anything. And his shunt installed earlier by the doctors has been turned off for over two years.

Kaqun baths and drinking Kaqun water have been a miracle for him.

Even if you have all the money in the world and be the most successful entrepreneur, without good health, it amounts to nothing. Health is wealth.



Taking Kaqun water allowed him to enjoy and invest time with his family, play with his kids and do what he is great at - work.

So for those who don't know what a Kaqun is or how it works, what can they expect? What do they need to know?

It seems overly simple and is just a delivery mechanism they patented to allow your body to get the oxygen it needs directly to the cells.

When Brian came to Kaqun for the first time, his body was in hypoxia.

If you're sick, with the first couple of baths, your body will get the oxygen it needs, starting to heal and repair itself.

It is incredible what it can do for you just getting your body the oxygen it needs, especially in the world we live in, the food we eat, and the crap that's in the environment. So just getting oxygen in a way that isn't customarily delivered performs miracles by allowing the body to do what it needs.

You can still be better. You can still be at a hundred percent.

Moreover, stress is one of the most oxidative things to the body. So it'll do damage just like anything else.


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In Kaqun, he was sitting in water. It's really not water. The patented stuff they have, allows the body to get that oxygen directly to the cells, rejuvenate and repair them.

Brian finds the staff in Kaqun super friendly. He loves to do three baths a day. He felt almost a bit like the flu, like draining, and it does what it needs to do. Because then you won't have the detox effects. You're going to have positive effects.

Brian was surprised when he saw a brown ring around the outside edge of the tub after his first bath. It was not dirt but toxins coming out of his system.

Brian and Dennis are both taking Kaqun-oxygenated-water and Kaqun baths. They are science-minded and factual. They realize that Kaqun is the source of oxygen to relieve hypoxia.

Kaqun-water reduces the healing time of wounds and injuries and signs of aging.

Brian realizes that most have never heard of this, but it would help if more and more people checked this out.

VIDEO: How Kaqun Gave Me My Life Back


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Chapter 13 - Kerri's Story - Cure for Candida

Kerri Kasem is a TV and Radio host and a huge

health activist. She had heard about Kaqun and the Kaqun baths in Hungary. Many of her friends

experienced the baths to get over their ailments,

and they returned cured and rejuvenated.

Kerri had wanted to do this for a long time. And

when the Kaqun spa opened up in Vegas and

Los Angeles, she wanted to try it with her long-time friend, Josh Summers, who was already involved with Kaqun water.

Also, one of her dear friends, Marie Arnold, was her first client. She got in the bath when she learned she had breast cancer. That had helped her immensely.

Kerri realized that when Kaqun could cure those with diseases like cancer, Lyme, diabetes, and heart issues, it's quite probable that this would cure the infection that keeps her feeling tired and having brain fog. When she's on-air and live, she's got to be quick and thinking on her feet.



She also had Lyme disease for the past 10 years or more and had done all these tests.

Somebody told her she had autoimmune disease. She felt exhausted, tired and even started losing my memory - brain fog. Also, pain started in her legs - weird rashes, like bursts of blood vessels all over her legs. It was literally taking her health from her and she felt sick and tired all the time.

It would be a disaster if she couldn't remember things, and there's this heavy brain fog. It would be scary getting on live television and live radio in such a condition.

She had gone through many therapies to recover from Candida. She has followed different diet plans and stayed away from carbohydrates to cure her Candida. But Candida was there with her even after many remedies.

She had already done many Candida cleanses and many parasites cleanse. But, unfortunately, though they did help, it came back. So she looked forward to seeing what Kaqun bath could do for her.

She found people to be skeptical until they got something, felt sick, exhausted, had brain fog, couldn't sleep at night, or had anxiety.

After her first bath that she had, she felt energized. The second bath, serene. She felt this calmness. Also, after drinking Kaqun water, she felt good.



Kerri found that after taking Kaqun baths, you can get rid of Lyme disease by curing hypoxia by oxygenating your body and immune system. Kaqun baths take away hypoxia and oxygenate them.

Imagine putting oxygen through your whole body and what it can do for you. She has been using the Kaqun-oxygenated gel, and her Rosacea is gone.

She has energy, and she is doing well at work as well. But it was that green juice that saved her life.

Now, people always ask her for health advice because she has fixed so many issues that she previously had. For example, doctors always told her to take antibiotics for her Candida. But, she thought, why would she take antibiotics for her Candida when Candida feasts off antibiotics, and it grows all through the body, destroying the gut and colon?

And now, she has integrated medical and holistic doctors who understand the body.

When somebody starts to feel sick or feel like they don't have the energy or are starting to get bedridden, Kerri recommends a Kaqun bath. Get them in a bath every single day.

Their quality of life becomes better. There are so many things that will get better, including mental clarity.



Kerry suggests coming down and speaking to the people involved with Dr. Robert Lyons, who know precisely why and how this water works.

So if you don't feel good, you've got an issue with yourself; maybe you've got cancer, Lyme disease, mental fatigue, exhaustion, or a gut issue.

If you are dealing with any kind of autoimmune disease, Lyme disease; you're sick and tired of all the treatments that make you feel a little bit better and then crashing again, you need to come to the Kaqun Wellness Center and get it handled once and for all.

If you want to return to your old self, call this Kaqun Wellness Center.



Chapter 14 - An Athlete's Story – Improve Performance

Josh, an athlete, got started with Kaqun about a month ago. His roommate talked to him about this miracle product that did many things for his body and helped him feel better.

It just sounded a lot like snake oil to him. Only after some research did it start making sense.

When he met Dr. Lyons, who is behind the Kaqun product, he was completely blown away and decided to try it.

Since then, his body has reacted differently. He saw improvements after doing it for 30 days.

He couldn't wait to see its potential for improvement in the next 30 to 60 days.

The persistent nagging pains in his body subsided. He had a big bump on his head which was getting bigger, and now that shrunk.

He plays a lot of sports and lifts weights. It used to take a day or two to recover. However, when using Kaqun, the recovery time reduced drastically, and he felt much better.

He says, "My gut has been a problem since I was a little kid. And by taking the drops, my stomach finally doesn't feel like it wants to eat me. The products that I've tried are fantastic!"

He recommends that every athlete should get involved in this from the start. Drinking the extra oxygen helps performance. It reduces fatigue when you drink the water and have that extra oxygen in your system. As a result, you're able to perform longer and better.


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He had a lung collapse and didn't develop like many other kids. He was in the intensive care unit for two weeks. He started doing that part of the therapy in his first bath.

He held his breath at the start and the end of the bath. He noted that he could hold his breath for 20 to 30 seconds longer after a bath because the oxygen had penetrated the system and the blood.

By having this supplement, he thinks it's repairing and fixing many things he had been lacking his entire life.

When you have a lack of oxygen in your tissue, that's when it creates what's called a hypoxic condition. In those conditions, you can have severe problems like heart attack, stroke, cancer, and failure of organs. This particular therapy and treatment are meant to combat hypoxia and ensure you live a healthier lifestyle.

One of the other great things about this product is that it keeps you young and healthy.

The aging process is slowed or cut down significantly. Your cells need oxygen to replicate properly, but you age when they don't get enough oxygen. So, when you have the Kaqun product, you can look great, feel great and be an awesome person.

VIDEO: What Sets Kaqun Drops Apart From Other Priobiotics


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Chapter 15 - The Story of Enrique a US Military Veteran

Enrique served in the US military for 18 years. He got out of the military and,

like most army veterans, had many

issues transitioning out of the army and

health problems, mostly related to PTSD.

It was tough getting a job and fitting into


He had a lot of injuries during his time serving.

During a blast, he lost partial vision in his left eye, lost teeth, and cracked ribs from the explosion.

The other thing is everyday life and training in the military. He was a martial arts instructor for 12 out of 18 years. It was constant fighting, getting hit, getting hit with training objects, and being thrown on the ground. So, many of these things over the years have caused a lot of damage, Even if it's simply wearing boots every single day for most of your life.

And people wonder why they have a lot of foot issues, knee issues, or back pain. It is because the boots aren't designed for comfort. They are designed to get the job done, which is being ragged and sturdy, and make it last.



Many people don't take the time to care for themselves and don't even think about it.

When Enrique was in his twenties or thirties, he was fit and could wake up and go hiking 30

miles, and it was nothing for him. But, it was something that he could do as marines.

And you don't feel about it until later in life, as it decreases the quality of life, and it is something that men or women in the military don't think of until it's too late.

MI will tell you something about the veteran and military communities in general. They are massive, skeptical about everything, and don't trust anyone. They're vulnerable most of the time as they are hurting or in constant pain, especially if they have mental health issues, PTSD, or traumatic brain injury.

At some point, one has to say enough is enough. But, unfortunately, in their community, a lot of time, enough is enough means somebody is committing suicide, and that's something that has to change. But the way to change is to put yourself out there and ask for help.

Often, that help comes from mental health pills and therapy. They offer many different things; the majority are rapid to give you medication that sometimes has a lot of side effects and exacerbates or causes other health issues.

When Enrique first heard about Kaqun, initially, he was very skeptical. However, he found the process to be pretty simple. First, he was escorted into the room. Then, they explained the process, and It was pretty comfortable, and the staff was excellent.



They made him feel at ease by explaining everything, and once he was in, he felt the water was water. It wasn't slimy; it was a different texture, felt great, and never got cold. It stayed at the warm temperature through the whole 50 min session.

After the session, he said that his mind had shut down for the first time in a long time. For him, what happened on a day-to-day basis was a constant focus. From the moment he woke up, it was a continuous battle to stay motivated to do things, even to get up. It was like.

"What's my fight today?" It's tough because it's a constant battle.

In general, many veterans with PTSD, TBIs, and depression go through this. The mind is constantly running, constantly thinking. They can't shut it.

It's like they are in a race car, and it's just a constant gush of energy which means the mind is always on fire; in the furnace.

When he walked out after the session, he just wanted to sit down and enjoy his feelings.

He felt peaceful; it was quiet.

For the first time, he could sit there and enjoy what was happening around him, and it was nothing.

It was just the first bath, and he experienced that same thing again after the second bath.



And the third bath, again, was a fantastic experience because it gave him hope.

And his focus became on, "I want more of that."

For him, it was a feeling of hope, calm, serenity, and how to shut down his constant thoughts.

So Kaqun water is exciting because as you drink it, it's not water, but you are drinking the fluid that does look like water and has a texture of water, but you just feel energized.

You still have to hydrate and have normal water, but you feel more focused and vibrant.

Enrique thinks that the Kaqun Gel supplement is incredible.

He tried it a few times, and his skin felt great, refreshed. It was like having a constant splash of water on your face. So he now uses it every morning.

He now thinks that everybody should give it a shot, be open and give it a try.

He believes they will be surprised by the experience.


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Chapter 16 - The Story of a Man from Milwaukee

Here's another story of a man who grew

up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and has been

in California for about 20 years. He was

diagnosed with testicular cancer two years

back and had two surgeries.

He had not been feeling too good, both

physically and mentally. He was feeling

pretty depressed. Sometimes it was hard

to motivate himself to stay on track.

He had a three-month run into chemo, which sapped all his energy. This also resulted in neuropathy - numbness in his toes, fingers, and wrist. He also had issues with sleeping.

He has issues with his back as well. He has three issues with discs, and he has a fracture in his tailbone. So he was usually limping and shuffling a little bit.

He had heard about Kaqun before he had any health issues. He then got involved and has been visiting the Kaqun Wellness Center regularly since it opened.

But he was not coming down to Kaqun very much during chemo.

Dr. Lyons at Kaqun then advised him to keep bathing and drinking water. So he got in the bath and soaked. Right away, he felt good.


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Ever since he's been doing the Kaqun bath, he has been sleeping like a baby at night, and his back is not even bothering him.

In terms of his diet, his favorite food is a salad with Ranch dressing. He is eating primarily plant-based right now. He is not eating any sugar, not drinking any alcohol. Most of what he eats or drinks and the Kaqun baths have therapeutic properties.

It's an hour in the bath with an hour-and-a-half to two-hour break each time. So the Kaqun bath helped him quite a bit.

VIDEO: The Impact of Glucose!


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Chapter 17 - The Story of Ted McGrath – Enhanced Performance

Ted McGrath, the world-class speaker, and actor,

first heard about Kaqun from his friend, Carrie,

who had been using it and talked passionately

about its healing effects and how it improves

general health.

Being an actor and an entrepreneur, high

performance was super important. At that time,

he also had a play coming up in which he would

be doing a five-week run in Hollywood. So, he needed tremendous energy.

He started by drinking the Kaqun water. Then, when he took baths, initially, he didn't know what to expect. On the first day, he felt a little detoxed; he felt some detox coming out of his body.

When he saw his gut, he thought he could feel things loosening up, like muscle twitches. He could feel the muscles, something loosening them up, and the oxygen getting in there. So he started progressively noticing that.

So probably, his area of help was in his gut. That area he saw the most, but he would catch a massive amount of energy after the bath. After the first bath, his energy levels seemed to have increased by 50%, which is enormous.



He also noticed that the bath worked on his gut and helped in its healing. He was familiar with gut health as he had been taking probiotics.

It was an incredible experience. Ted highly recommends it to anybody. Who doesn't have problems today with the environment, radiation, toxins, poor food, and all this stuff? It's also for anybody looking for peak performance in their life, even if they are already in good health.

He, however, cautions against taking the water late at night as the energy level goes through the roof, and one will be unable to sleep. On the plus side, he usually used to sleep eight hours a day, but now he can sleep for only six and a half hours, and still, his energy is sustained throughout the day.

Additionally, anybody can put this oxygenated water on their face and see that their skin looks healthy. This is because oxygen rebuilds and restores the cells and produces energy.

He used to take meat but instead, he started eating more fish. But even then, he didn't have as many bowel movements as he wanted. So his digestion was prolonged, and he wasn't doing his probiotics for over seven days. However, after two days of taking drops, he noticed the bowel movements moving comfortably. He felt he was naturally washing again and again, which was good. It's healthy.

Ted's fiance was drinking it even before he got into this, and the water had more impact on her than he had because she was not as clean as him when it came to eating.



The bath is generally for 50 minutes, during which he enjoys watching TV, reading a book to get his creative mind thinking, or reading through the scripts and getting ideas for that, takes about 15 to 20 minutes to do some business emails, to reach out to his team and find out what's happening with statistics, and finally in the last three-four minutes of the bath, go under, submerges his face, holds his breath, and starts scrubbing his face, to get as much oxygen there as possible.

He gets 50 minutes of uninterrupted time working on his business and cleansing his bowels.

It's like a double productivity session.

Afterward, he applies the gel all over his face at night. He considers it fantastic for ladies. If they put that stuff on their faces, it will have oxygen effects on their face at night. It's like the fountain of youth coming to town.

He believes that even when hungry, Kaqun boosts energy higher than ever.

He observed some friends and people on the first day as they detoxed. Some people are energized. Everybody's body is different. Though everybody's experience differs, some of the success stories he has heard were miraculous stories about rejuvenating their health.

Kaqun is for anybody who wants to improve his health, better their lifestyle, and feel more energized. He recommends it, especially to entrepreneurs and entertainers. Because this is like pure energy, this is what they need because they need to fuel a lot. They work more than ordinary people. This is the ultimate solution to fatigue.



Anybody with the mindset to improve their life can use it. But, so many times, people, when they hear a new thing, are e a bit skeptical and think that this is just another thing coming out because there's so much stuff marketed out there; take this pill, and you'll never have evil thoughts.

Again, this is the real deal. Kaqun is legit, and it's so easy to understand. It's easily explainable. It's backed by medical papers.

When you ask the people around you in the Center, the experience each one has is pretty much consistent, and when you actually go in for it, you know what to expect.

People often do such things without a complete understanding, but anybody can understand this. So it's not scientific terms being thrown around. And everybody here's lovely.

Kaqun is super helpful, and the staff here is very knowledgeable.


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Chapter 18 - The Story of Tom - Genetic Skin Condition

DSAP is a skin condition

Tom has a genetic disorder of the skin known as disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP). It is a condition that causes scaly patches on sun-exposed areas of the skin. He got this disorder in his early forties. It is a genetic mutation in which red splotches can flare up on the skin when exposed to temperature or direct sunlight.

Sunlight is the critical factor in DSAP.

Role of oximeter in skin condition

Tom himself is a research data analyst. After a lot of research on oximeters, he found a device that assists him in keeping a record of his live oxygen rate, oxygen saturation, and heart rate. His initial diagnosis was hypoxia, in which oxygen is not available in sufficient amounts at the tissue level to maintain adequate homeostasis.

Ease of use

He wears this device permanently on his left arm. This device informs him about his live oxygen percentage and heart rate. It downloads the whole data stream into the device through the oximeter, which is worn on his thumb. It can be worn on any finger and captures heart rate, oxygen percentage, and even slight movements. It can also be used as an oxygen monitoring device while sleeping, thus proving helpful with sleep apnea.



Skin condition treatment

He started oxygen therapy sessions for his treatment. These sessions significantly reduce the number of red splotches on his skin, making it soft.

Sleep apnea is associated with the skin condition

Sometimes due to obstructive sleep apnea, or when one sleeps on one side, the chest is compressed, and one does not get much oxygen because one cannot breathe. It causes desaturation, and the oxygen levels drop beyond 90, the heart does not get enough oxygen, and one cannot wake up anymore.

Taking Kaqun water helps. And if his oxygen level drops, the device on the arm is set to a value below which it vibrates as if tapping on the shoulder to wake the person up to cause movement.

The oximeter monitors Tom's oxygen saturation

The device records even show which side the person is lying on. When they are on their left side, the chest is compressed, putting pressure on the lung and heart, and breathing slows down, showing desaturation; while shifting on the right side, the oxygen levels shoot up as pressure on the chest is lifted, and breathing becomes normal. In this way, Tom found out he has sleep apnea.



Oximeter monitor hypoxic conditions

His primary aim was to monitor his hypoxic conditions and the therapy progress. Tom was diagnosed with hypoxemic respiratory failure and severe sepsis in the past. As a research analyst, he wanted to capture this data to understand his health condition and the healing process of oxygen therapy.

Water therapy sessions

He takes water therapy and hyperbaric oxygen chamber sessions with fewer movements and a 50 minutes bath incorporating a 10-minute break for making notes. He then goes back into the hyperbaric chamber for an hour. Desaturation occurs due to the nitrogen leaving the body under natural pressure. The desaturation events are essential for him because nitrogen retained in the body is pushed into the veins, saturating the bloodstream. That is why he is taking Kaqun water, to help keep the oxygen and push it back out into the bloodstream and keep it going.

Initial Process

Initially, he was in oxygen therapy for one week. Then he used one chamber a day for 14

days. He researched that patients could take ten days off and then do another session for 14

days when he took the treatment for two more weeks. He did the water therapy first and then, according to him, all the encyclopedias of Hyperbaric Medicine show negligible chances of recovery until the 12th or 14th day of therapy.



Tom believes in statistics

Tom keeps track of his treatments by checking the saturation levels with altered sequences of the water therapy and the hyperbaric chamber so that the data collected could give insight into setting protocols for people with different conditions.

He draws his blood glucose and hemoglobin statistics on chart paper. He believes this data helps him survive and proves Dr. Lyons' findings to be true medically and physiologically.

He keeps detailed notes in the notepad about his blood samples when he wakes up in the morning, his glucose, oxygen, hemoglobin, heart, oxygen saturation, and his therapy time with dates.

He takes notes for 10 minutes before his water therapy or hyperbaric therapy and 10

minutes after his therapies. Recording all information makes it easier for him to monitor his glucose metabolism or what's happening in his body. He also writes down what he eats.

He keeps a plasma graph, which helps him set a goal for the highest sustained oxygen. He tries patterned breathing to find out how his body responds to it. Little physiological notes of the therapy process help him a lot. Blood cells in his bloodstream tell him that the oxygen is doing what medical sciences expect it to do. These calculations are not clinical studies, so any patient or user can record them easily. Tom also keeps Dr. Lyons updated on his history to seek medical assistance.



Sudden recovery of regular pulse rate

Movement affects the heart rate. Where sudden movements increase the pulse, slowing down or stopping brings the pulse back to normal.

Tom discovered that he had tachycardia when his heartbeat would not lower from 102 to 104 mm Hg. Getting in a tank full of oxygenated water or drinking Kaqun water with oxygen has dropped his heart rate to 83 mm Hg with the same exertion and in the 60s when resting.

Therapy proven-data satisfies Tom

As a research analyst, Tom collected a lot of data because he wanted to understand his body's process in oxygen therapy.

He bought a bunch of physiology literature, medicines, and a hyperbaric chamber. By reading physiology and medicine, he familiarized himself with how oxygen goes into one part of the body and circulates in the vein system. And how the blood goes through the body into the mitochondria. He gained enough knowledge to have these conversations with such a doctor, who had been doing this for years. Knowledge has created an understanding between him and his doctor and helped him get better treatment and satisfaction as a patient.



Analytics are a lifeline for Tom

Proven data-based analytics encourage 40 sessions in 14 days for an average patient. Then a 10-day gap. There will be a recovery until the 12th or 14th day of treatment.

Skin condition recovery in 14-days

His statistics infer that everything becomes smooth on the 12th or 13th day of therapy.