Natural Medicine by Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover N.D. - HTML preview

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At every session of our lifestyle center we were thrilled to see lives changed to the glory of God; we saw individuals make an about face in their lifestyle, and begin their journey on the path of abundant health and happiness. At the end of every session our guests testified to the value of our program in their lives. Many of them write testimonials which are published in our newsletters. The following stories are about some of these guests who have given permission to print their stories. However, to protect their privacy, the names have been changed.





Len Dyer (not his real name) and his wife attended our 26-day lifestyle session. Len came to us with an advanced stage of prostate cancer. In the past, Len had undergone surgery, radiation and chemotherapy and there was nothing more the doctors could do except give him morphine for the pain. For the past year Len had been taking 125 mg. of morphine daily. Len's wife had contacted me by phone and I had started Len on our program while he was at home as we couldn't take him immediately.


With the skillful use of God's eight natural remedies of fresh air, pure soft water, natural food, rest, exercise, sunshine, temperance, and trust in God, Len was able to completely discontinue his morphine. Slowly his strength and digestion improved and thoughts became clearer. He still had some bad days but overall he was improving.


After his stay here, he went home looking and feeling much better. We I decided to call him and see how he was doing. It had been over six weeks since we had talked to him. He is still not using any morphine and is slowly recovering with occasional bad days. Len is thankful he had the opportunity to attend one of our sessions and learn the natural ways to good health.




Ronald Flood (not his real name) from Puerto Rico attended our 26-day lifestyle session. After hearing about our program from a friend who was a previous client. Ronald was a successful businessman and the owner of 10 jewelry stores; but now at the age of 48, major health problems brought him seeking relief to our center.


Until 11/2 years ago, Ronald had been a heavy drinker. He had undergone a gal bladder operation, and was having liver problems. He was retaining fluid, especially in his feet. His arms and legs would fall asleep at night; and he had swelling of the lymph glands in his neck. Ronald also had real problems with digestion, having only two or three bowel movements a week. He always felt tired, and realized he needed help.


Ronald was accustomed to eating lots of meat, and drinking lots of milk, coffee, colas, and tea; but he readily accepted his new pure vegetarian diet. This diet, high in fresh fruits and vegetables, permitted no meats, milk, eggs, sugar, oil, baking powder, or soda, preservatives, or chemicals.


At the end of the 26 day session, Ronald felt like a new man. He felt so good, and had so much energy, that during his stay he walked 65 1/2 miles, biked 10 miles, and helped us here with mowing the lawn, washing windows, etc. His arms and legs no longer fell asleep at night; and he was no longer retaining fluid. The swelling in his lymph glands was gone, and his digestion problems were over, He was having two bowel movements daily now instead of the previous two or three a week. He lost 91/2 pounds, and he had a blood pressure reading of 98/58, and a pulse of 68.


Before leaving us, Ronald told us that he was going to sell his jewelry stores, and possibly open up a health food store or bakery; he wanted to share with others how to become healthy.




The phone rang in the office, and we hurried to answer it. We were between sessions and already almost booked to capacity. This time the caller was a woman from overseas would I have space for her husband who was desperately ill ? As we talked with her we learned that he had been diagnosed with cancer and was very discouraged. We assured her that there was space, and thus Artie and his wife Joan (not their regular names) became a part of our next family group here at the center.


Through other calls from friends of Arty's who had attended our lifestyle sessions we learned a little more about him. Arty, we were told, used to be a robust, active man with a cheery disposition and an outgoing personality. Diagnosed with cancer, he had recently returned from attending a different lifestyle center here in the United States. He was following a good health plan, and should be improving, yet he seemed instead to be getting worse. His friends said that he was losing weight at an alarming rate.


Our first meeting with Artie and his wife confirmed what our callers had said. Artie was very depressed; he seemed fearful, discouraged, and uncertain about the program he was following. We assured him that the program was accurate, and proceeded to counsel him and give him therapy. He immediately joined our other session guests in our program of exercise and diet as described throughout the pages of this book. Artie and his wife left our center different people: Artie had gained weight; his cheery smile had returned; his painful symptoms had disappeared; and he was testifying to the goodness of God. One year later, he is still improving, and has returned to his usual program of activity, faithful y following the natural lifestyle program.