Natural Medicine by Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover N.D. - HTML preview

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Should we take vaccinations? The answer is no! Vaccinations are not a natural way to stay healthy. Vaccinations are a disease-producing process, which results in injury to the bodyś organs, nervous system, blood stream, etc. The immunization program has been based on Pasteurś germ theory. It is frequently overlooked that Pasteur changed his thinking before his death.




Vaccine making is an ever changing and highly experimental process. Even the vaccine manufactures admit that vaccines are unpredictable in their effects, unstable in nature, and are unreliable in use, and never safe. Consequently, no one really knows just what is being shot into his or her arm, and what it will do. One shot could possibly cause sudden death, paralysis, lockjaw, brain-damage, or in some cases there may be no reaction at all for months or years. The one administering the shot never tells you what is in the vaccine. In fact, many doctors do not even know what chemicals, drugs or other dangerous substances are in the vaccine serums. Lets take a close look at just four of the many vaccines that are being used today.




“A calf is tied down to an operating table, the stomach is shaved from twelve to fifteen inches square and about one hundred incisions are made. Into these incisions one drop of glycerinated lymph, (a culture of small pox passed through a solution of glycerine) is all owed to drop in and is thoroughly rubbed in. Fever sets in, and the animal becomes exceedingly sick. In a few days the vesicles appear, the scabs form, and the elimination of impurities of various kinds from the blood of the calf begins in the form of pus, which is thrown out of the blood into the vesicles. At the end of six days the process of elimination has proceeded so far that the vesicles are full of putrid cells, etc., and a scab has formed over the reservoir of disease. The calf is once more bound and laid upon the operating table. The inoculated area is washed with water and each vesicle is clasped with clamps separately. The crust is carefully scrapped with the edge of a steel instrument and the dead skin, lymph, poisonous pus and blood are exuded and are transferred to a small crucible.


To this toxic mass of putrid matter is added an equal measure of glycerine, and the mass is then thoroughly stirred and mixed by a small electric motor. As soon as it is rendered homogeneous, it is placed in another crucible and passed through a very fine sieve, in order to remove the coarse pieces of rotten flesh, hair, etc. Then the mixture is again stirred and thoroughly mixed, transferred to tubes and distributed through out the country as pure calf lymph. Today most places in the world have banned small pox vaccinations, however the U.S. military medical authorities continue to make small pox vaccine and apparently use it on enlisted personal.




“A horse is prepared for blood sapping (as they call it) by a course of gradual poisoning with the throat excretions of patients who are suffering from diphtheria. The poison is administered only a little at the first injection, but day by day the dose is increased until the limit is reached. That is when the horse is diseased, sick and almost ready to fall from weakness. Then the tappings begin and are kept up until the horseś blood is sapped by weekly blood letting. To obtain this blood the animalś head is stoutly secured, a spot is selected on the left side of the horseś neck immediately over a large blood vessel, and a sharp pointed half inch tube about 12 inches long is driven in by force. Large quantities of blood are removed and the process is repeated until the horse is exhausted and unfit for further similar use. As if the diphtheria vaccine was not bad enough, the vaccine promoters figured they could make more money by adding two other unpopular vaccines (pertussis and tetanus). This triple poison was called DPT, and by pulling some strings at government level they got it on the compulsory list.”




The serum for tetanus is the pus from the hoof of a horse. For the treatment of polio an extract taken from putrefied monkey kidneys is used. Thousands of monkeys are slaughtered, then their kidneys are removed and all owed to putrefy. Then chemicals are mixed with the fluid extract from the rotted kidneys and then used as the serum for polio shots.




“Cook County Il . Hospital decided to immunize one-half of the nursing staff for Diphtheria and not the other half. Diphtheria broke out soon after among the immunized cases. Soon it invaded both halves, both the immunized and the not immunized, and the total of cases was much higher among the supposedly immunized than among the not immunized.”


In Germany, where compulsory mass immunization was introduced in 1940, the number of cases increased from 40,000 per year to 250,000 by 1945, virtually all among immunized children. On the other hand in Sweden, Diphtheria virtually disappeared without any immunizations.


Is it possible that vaccinations might not be such a good idea? Is it possible that the premises upon which they are based may be faulty? Did you know that in recent Congressional Hearings on vaccinations, Bil .2117, Congress refused to let scientists opposed to vaccinations testify before the committee? If those scientists could have spoken, the public would have found out that the increased chronic and degenerative diseases are related to the parallel increases in the practice of mass vaccinations.



Vaccines sold in the U.S. are not required to be effective against the disease they claim 0t prevent, according to the Department of Health, Education and welfare.”

(Consumer Newsweek, Jan. 28, 1972)