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Naturopathy is a therapeutic system that does not use drugs or therapy, but employs natural forces such as light, air, water, etc. “Nature” means “not artificial, but lifelike.” “Pathy” means “healing crises.” So, a true Doctor of Naturopathy will not use anything artificial to cure illness. But will allow the body to heal itself by using natural methods. Thus: A Naturopathic Doctor is a Doctor of Natural Healing.


When a naturalist sees a person suffering from disease caused by improper eating, drinking and other wrong health habits, yet neglects to tell him of this, he is doing his fellow being an injury. We are complex beings, functioning on physical, mental and spiritual levels. The factors most strongly influencing our health are the eight natural remedies of Fresh Air, Pure Water, Sunshine, Natural Food, Rest, Exercise, Temperance and Trust in God.


I have been a health advocate for over 35 years. I can still remember back on New Year’s Eve, 1969, when I made a resolution to become a vegetarian and since then I have continued learning how to use effectively the natural means for healing.


The writing of this book was the best way I could acquaint you with the many natural ways to better health. I see many for whom no drug or surgery will restore health.

In spite of many scientific advances, we still remain humbly, pitifully, dependent upon the natural forces of nature to bring about the abundant health that many of my clients have experienced.


75-year old

Swimming Champ’s

Healthy Lifestyle


The following story is taken from “Healthful Living”/1986 and reprinted here by kind permission of the author:


“Catherine Cress, 75, glides through the water with scarcely a ripple. She could be demonstrating the perfect breast stroke to a swimming class…


“She can swim faster than anyone else in the country her age. She can swim faster than most people far younger.”


So wrote Pamela Livingston, staff writer for the Roswel Daily Record, Roswel , New Mexico, in the July 1, 1985, edition.


At 5’2” and 95 pounds, Catherine Cress is the fastest 75-79 year old breast stroke swimmer in the United States.


In Milwaukee in the spring of 1985, she broke all the records of any previous winners of 75 – 79 year olds for the 50 yards, the 100 yards and the 200 yard breast stroke. She has received all kinds of medals for swimming, recently and when she was a 15 to 20 year old girl.


How does Catherine Cress, now age 76, stay in shape to swim extraordinarily in these meets? For the past 18 years, she’s been swimming one mile four to five mornings a week. She says: “I never miss because I never get sick. For 25 years I haven’t been to a doctor.” Says Catherine: “I am 76 years young and so happy my body functions so perfectly. Everyone I know my age and younger, all suffer from one thing or another and take all kind of drugs.”


What’s Her Secret?


Catherine Cress has no secrets! Ask her and she’ll tell you why she’s healthier than her peers and most younger people. She’ll tell you why she’s in better shape than her mother was at the same age. Not only does Mrs. Cress stay fit with regular exercise, but “I gave up meat 15 years ago. I never eat sugar. Most of the time, I eat raw fruits and vegetables and seeds and nuts.


“I belong to a food co-op and buy my fruits ad nuts there. People gobble up all those vitamins. They ask me which ones I take. I say ‘NOTHING!’”.


To prove how healthy she is, Catherine told me: “Last night I slipped in water and fell in the garage. I got up and wasn’t even hurt. My bones must be strong.”


For further proof of her unusual health, Mrs. Cress told me: “My son is an oral surgeon in Chicago. When he checks me, my blood pressure is always normal and my temperature is only 97.2 degrees.


“I’ve worn glasses since I’ve been 53 or 55. My family said, ‘Get new glasses’. I said, ‘I can still see fine with these.’ I just want to stay healthy just as long as I’m living.”