Natural Medicine by Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover N.D. - HTML preview

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When we mention living healthfully, many people groan. They immediately think of tasteless food, rigid exercises, regimentation and unhappiness. This is not true; and this book has been written to prove to you that true happiness is feeling good about yourself because you are in control of what is happening to you.


Everybody wants to be happy, healthy and free from the threat of illness and disease. Every day countless numbers die from the dreaded cancer or from Aids, from heart disease or from some other serious illness. All of these illnesses can be traced to one source: failure to maintain a healthy immune system.


We all have within our bodies a certain number of germs, but the body has an immune system to protect us from these germs. As long as our immune system is strong, these germs cannot develop into full blown, life-threatening diseases. However, if we do not strengthen our immune system or if we weaken it by engaging in bad health habits, then the disease germs multiply and we suffer. The secret to a healthy life then is to learn how to strengthen and maintain a healthy immune system.


Many people visit our Center where we teach them how to strengthen their immune system by eating properly, exercising and abstaining from putting harmful things in the body system. Dozens of these clients have left us happier, healthier and free from disease.


Margie is a classic example of what a healthful lifestyle can do to improve your quality of life. She had suffered a toxemia pregnancy early in her marriage, leaving her with chronic hypertension, which eventually developed into a heart disease.


When she came to me, she was 30 pounds overweight and suffering from congenital heart failure. She had a rapid pulse, dangerously high cholesterol and had been taking blood pressure medication for over 30 years.


We immediately began her on a program of natural foods, exercise, daily walking program and pure water. When she read in the Physician’s Desk Reference about the side effects of the medications she was on, she decided to stop taking them.


During the 26-day program, Margie entered enthusiastically into all activities; she learned about how to take better care of her body and how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals in a more healthful way. Every day she attended health classes to learn how her body functions and what is required to maintain health. These are the same health tips your will learn in this book.


At the end of the program, she was 15 lbs. lighter, more energetic and happier about her newly found lifestyle. One year later she was still feeling good, maintaining a healthy blood pressure, had a low pulse rate and has reached her target weight of 145 lbs. She has also learned how to deal with the stresses in her life that was affecting her heart condition.


“God answered my prayers,” she said, “when He all owed me to learn about the proper diet and lifestyle that all should follow if they plan to live in the New Earth.”


In this book, I will share these same health principles with you. There is no secret magic formula, but following these health principles produces miraculous results. If you are underweight or overweight, suffering from some disease known or unknown, the health principles outlined within the pages of this book can revolutionize your life.