No More Sleeplessness - Your Guide to Enjoy Quality Sleep by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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Chapter 10: Putting It All Together

So, what can we take away from all this?

  • We've seen how we can use biohacking to optimize sleep.
  • We’ve seen that hacking sleep does not require advanced scientific knowledge or complex gadgets.
  • Biohacking is a series of small lifestyle changes that optimize how your body functions.
  • Biohacking is hassle-free and costs almost nothing. It is a totally natural way to promote sleep.

So, how do you start to use the biohacks discussed here? Which ones are best to start with? Can we use them all together? How can you put together the perfect biohacking plan?

If you are new to biohacking, it's normal to feel a little overwhelmed. The key is to start small. Think of biohacking as a toolbox. All of the techniques discussed here are the different tools in that toolbox. First, you must customize these tools to meet your needs. Then you need to tweak them to get optimal results.

For example, let's say you want to start with binaural beats. Download a few tracks and use them for a few nights. Record any changes in your sleep and rate them on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 WOuld be remarkable improvement and 1O would be no improvement.

Next, try listening to music or nature sounds and see if certain tracks give you better sleep. Record and rate your findings. Play with different audio tracks until you settle on the type of auditory hacks that work best for you. Next, move onto a new tool and repeat the process.

If you choose to use an acupressure mat, try it out on different surfaces and see how it feels. If you find that it’s just too uncomfortable, discard it and move on to another hack, and so on.

Remember, there is no best or worst hack for sleep. The golden rule is what works best for you.


  • Start with one or two hacks that resonate the most with you. Give yourself a week or two to experiment and see what results you get.
  • Incorporate the hacks that give you the best sleep into your daily routine. Practice them regularly until they become habits.
  • Move on to another hack and repeat the process.
  • I recommend starting with the sleep-friendly food hack. It is the easiest and requires nothing more than consuming the foods listed here.
  • Practice makes perfect! You may notice immediate results or gradual improvement in your sleep over days or weeks, Don’t give up too quickly.
  • Typically, however, biohacking tools do not always give immediate results. Your brain needs time to adapt to the new triggers you are teaching it. Patience and practice are the key here. Allow two weeks as a timeframe for each hack to start working before moving on to a new one.

Remember: Biohacking is a process of experimentation. It is a process of discovery through trial and error of what works best for your sleep patterns.


Click here to read Six Steps To Sleep