Rewire Your Anger (Rewire Your Mental Health) by Chris Boutte - HTML preview

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19. Hangry
A lot of you are familiar with the term hangry, but for those of you who don't know what it means, it means that you're hungry and angry because of it. Hangry. This seems like a common sense type thing, but it's really not. Also remember, common sense is much different than common action. For example, it's common sense to not scream at someone for no reason, but it's difficult for many of us to take that action.
Whenever I think of someone being hangry, I think of when one of my best friends, Niki, lived with me. Niki moved in with me during the summer, and she was a first-year school teacher at a high school, and the honeymoon phase faded quick. It wasn't long until the stresses of being a teacher hit her. While it's normal to vent about your bad day at work, Niki took it to the next level. A few times, I noticed how I'd come home, and she'd be like, "CHRIS! WE NEED TO GO OUTSIDE AND SMOKE AND TALK RIGHT NOW!", and she'd vent for the longest time, and then she'd say how she was starving. I'd ask when the last time she ate was, and she'd say, "This morning. I've just been so busy!"
So, after I saw this pattern for a while, whenever I'd come home and she'd demand we talk so she could vent, I'd ask her, "When was the last time you ate?", and she'd say, "Oh yeah!". Eventually, even though she was extremely busy, she started carrying snacks on her and making it a habit to eat throughout the day. Surprise surprise, she didn't need to vent to me nearly as much when I got home from work.
Note: I don't condone working through lunch. You're actually less productive at work if you don't take breaks. The thing is that I'm a realist, and I know a lot of you are going to work through lunch anyways, so let's call this tip harm reduction: keep snacks on you.
This seems like a silly section to have in this book, but it's important because we're not mindful about our hunger, and we lash out on people for no reason. Is it really fair to yell at your significant other or child just because you forgot to eat? Of course it's not. This is another reason why you need to meditate every day because it helps improve sensory clarity. There are many times we think we're angry, but we're really just hungry. Regularly meditating will help you catch this more often so if you're feeling irritable, you can ask yourself, "When was the last time I ate?"