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Chapter 9:

Learn How to Shut Your Brain Off



Do you feel like getting to bed is a nightmare? For most people, as soon as it is already time for bed, their mind starts buzzing. They experience crazy racing thoughts that soon lead to worry thoughts. As a result, they are not able to function the moment they wake up the next morning because they had a poor sleep. When this continues, it would become a vicious cycle.



Making the Right Associations

According to Sleep Health Centers chief medical officer, Lawrence Epstein, M.D., it is possible to make the right associations to sleep well even though the brain does not have a button for deactivation. The following are the ways that can help you do it:

Know that Sleep is Important – Sleep is the best form of rest that you could ever give to yourself. However, if you are deprived of it, you will face various issues such as anxiety. It will also hinder you from functioning at your best whether at home, in school or at work. According to experts, lack of sleep can also pose several health problems such as diabetes, stroke and hypertension.

Regular Sleep Schedule – The key to have a good sleep quality is through going to bed and waking up early. Dr. Epstein also points out that the best promoter of being able to sleep well is being synchronized with the body’s inner clock or circadian rhythm.

Winding Down prior to Bed – Along with regular wake/sleep schedule, one of the most ideal ways to get your sleep schedule back on track is through winding down prior to bed. You need to let go of all the negative thoughts you have in mind in order for you to enter dreamland quickly.

Make a Pre-sleep Routine – By simply creating an ideal pre-sleep routine, you will be able to establish association between your sleep and certain activities. By simply doing relaxing things such as taking a hot shower or reading books before bedtime, you can set your body in the mood to sleep. Apart from that, it will also give you the energy you need the moment you get up the next morning.

Write Down All Your Worries – If you are disturbed by racing thoughts before you go to bed, you need to write down all the things that make you worry during your free time. In doing so, you can at least let them go. However, don’t do this just before you go to bed because it will heighten your worries.

Use Your Bed for Intimacy and Sleep – You also need to make a clear association between your sleep and bed according to Dr. Epstein. He also advises that when you have some troubles sleeping, you can read your favorite books or magazines but not in the bed. Similarly, he also discourages using the PC, watching TV and doing paperwork in bed.

Are you wondering why? Well, according to the doctor, these activities will just stimulate the brain, instead of making you relaxed. Create the Right Environment- To create the right environment for sleep; you need to keep the room dark, at a moderate temperature and quiet.

Perform Some Mental Exercises – Having the ability to distract yourself from the things that keep you worried is enough to help you fall asleep more quickly. By simply performing a mental exercise, your brain will be able to concentrate away from all worries. Why don’t you think of a beautiful beach resort with white sand, crystal clear blue waters and tall coconut trees, a wide green field, or a beautiful mansion with your favorite wall paint?

Concentrate on Positive Things – When you are in bed and notice  that you keep on thinking negative thoughts, turn to more positive ones immediately. Obviously, negative thoughts will not do anything good to your entire well-being. Why don’t you just focus on romantic or happy memories? Actually, this is the trick in having a good quality sleep.

Perform Relaxation Exercises – By regularly performing relaxation exercises, your racing thoughts and anxiety will be reduced. Two of the most common relaxation exercises that will give you refreshment are deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation.

Take Part in Physical Activities – Performing regular physical exercise is also a great anxiety-reducer. However, ensure that you perform exercise a few hours before you go to bed, since it can be very stimulating.

What Boosts Your Anxiety or Steals Your Sleep? – If you find it hard falling asleep, you need to ask yourself on what habits interfere with your sleep of fuels your anxiety. In accordance with Dr. Epstein, the greatest sleep disruptors are alcohol and caffeine. The former acts as a sedative but it fragments the sleep cycle, making it less restful. On the other hand, the effects of the latter can last from 4-7 hours.

Consult a Sleep Specialist – If you feel like everything you have done is to no avail, you should start looking for a sleep specialist in your local area who performs cognitive-behavioral therapy. This is by far the most cost-effective treatment for any kinds of sleep disorder, as it only requires a few sessions and does not require any medication. There are specific sleep treatments, so it is crucial to see someone who is a certified and experienced sleep specialist.

These are just some of the best ways on how to shut off your brain before bedtime. If you are suffering from any sleep disorder like sleep apnea, insomnia or narcolepsy, why don’t you try following them now?
