Superfood Pleasures by Emmanuel Sarris - HTML preview

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Gone are the days when I felt the need to starve myself, or to spend countless hours in the gym working out far too hard and for far too long in order to be satisfied with my appearance. At the age of 21, I tried the Atkins diet for a period of three months. The results were undeniable. At 75kg (165 pounds), I was lean and muscular and had finally achieved a prominent ‘eight-pack’. This however was not sustainable and not free of repercussions. I was moody, grumpy, lethargic, and fundamentally an unhappy person with a short fuse. When it became evident that my change in behaviour was directly linked to my unhealthy diet, I stopped following the Atkins Diet philosophies and began to invest my energy in more balanced and healthy approaches. Shifting my focus to the taste and nutritional value of the food I was consuming helped me to regain control of body and mind.

In search of further education, I studied fitness and became a gym instructor. I persisted with this endeavour for two years before becoming so disheartened by the lack of drive and motivation displayed by my clients that I decided to move on. Ultimately this was an unsuccessful pursuit, but the experience I gained was invaluable and it reaffirmed my belief that I should continue to strive to attain the results I was so committed to achieving.

Whilst undertaking a degree in Medical Sciences, I was plagued by thoughts and questions around the general maintenance of my body. I wanted to know what I could do to ensure that my cholesterol levels remained at an optimum level, how I could ensure I never suffer from diabetes and other lifestyle diseases, and how I might achieve a healthy balance in life overall. The answer was startling in its simplicity.

I became a fervent reader of medical journals, devouring all the latest research and advancements in the field of health and nutrition. Studying the Mediterranean Diet served to remind me that the fundamental principle of ‘you are what you eat’ is integral to the success of a health-centric goal. This principle remained a motto of mine—a mantra of sorts—from my high school years until adulthood. It encouraged the belief that there must be an easier way to overcome the obstacles one encounters when embarking on achieving a healthy lifestyle. And, sure enough, there is. Incorporating small doses of a superfood into your diet by addingthem to every meal you eat. It’s as simple as that. Slowly, but surely, your body and mind will reap the rewards and benefits of what these foods have to offer.

After 17 years of research, experience and experimentation, I can assert that it is indeed possible to achieve your fitness goal without punishing yourself with excessive exercise or depriving yourself of the food you enjoy. Sharing this knowledge with people that have had a similar struggle to mine was the driving force behind this book.